Hi folks!

I'm playing with IRIS interoperability at the moment and it turned out that Data Transformation cannot be the element of production by itself.

It can be called either from data rule or from business process.

But why?

What if I just want to change the message with the transformation and transfer the message somewhere else? Why the overhead with Rule or Business process?

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Only a few days to go until the Global Summit! George James Software will be on hand to talk about any projects you may have on the horizon, such as application development, data and platform migration, system integration, training, and support – we can work with you to find practical and maintainable solutions that support the growing needs of your organization.

We're also running a User Group Session on Wednesday, July 22nd at 12pm. It's a great opportunity to find out more about our tools and ask us (and current users!) any questions.

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If you have system tables implementing the "VERSIONPROPERTY" functionality, you may encounter error 5800. This article explains how this error occurs and provides solutions to resolve the issue.

When version checking is implemented, the property specified by VERSIONPROPERTY is automatically incremented each time an instance of the class is updated (either by objects or SQL).

For example:

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· Aug 9, 2023
Reports roadmap

We are about to embark on a development where we'll be taking HL7 messages and generating PDF reports from them. We are wanting to future proof our development efforts within the constraints of our currently deployed platform and future upgrade options. We are currently running on Ensemble 2018, though an upgrade to Iris is anticipated - at some indeterminate point in the future. We are aware of Zen Reports and InterSystems Reports (Logi) as technology options, but are also unclear on some details. A roadmap and guidance from those who've done this kind of thing before would be great!

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If anyone has a custom checklist of tasks that must absolutely be done when doing this upgrade to make sure everything is included and nothing is lost or destroyed, we would greatly appreciate it? We have the generic checklist provided on the support websites but we run custom build classes, ftp, tcp-ip, batch, etc.


Jonathan Harris

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Hi Community, we continue to gather feedback about Data Loading & Packaging. In particular, we're interested in hearing your impressions on some of the new capabilities added with InterSystems IRIS 2021.2 We'll be using this feedback to improve InterSystems IRIS, so please feel free to share any details and feedback:

>> Link to the survey (14 questions, 5 min) <<

Note: this is the same survey we already published during the contest, on Global Masters and Discord. If you already participated, you don't have to do it again. Thank you for the feedback!

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· Apr 11
Delete the reference MEMORY

So as asked, I am not talking about KILL - KILL as stated in the docs:

This command removes the variable. If there are no further references to the object, this command also removes the object from memory,

I want to remove the object from memory even if it is still referenced in memory - I understand that cache is not a low-level programming language, But i was hoping there is a way.

Notice that have a RegisteredObject and it is a single reference, It is different than the UnSwizzles suggested in other posts.

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Hello everyone,

I am working with InterSystems IRIS and seeking guidance on how to perform specific tasks related to the FHIR SQL Builder using commands or code, rather than the graphical user interface (GUI). The specific tasks I am trying to accomplish are:

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I have tried many methods from super classes of %CSP.REST but I can't find a method I can override that will run after the %response object is created so I can set a header that is common to each implementation method. It's one line of code in each method to set the header but it would like to make it super easy, simple and just have a method that runs on, before, after the implementation method to set this common header (we want to return the API version in each responses HTTP headers.

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So I am running IRIS 2023.3 via a Docker container on Windows 11 and when I go to System Administration > Connectivity > SQL Gateway Connections, I am able to connect to the iris container via jdbc. However, when I go to JBeaver and try connecting to IRIS via JDBC I am unable to do so. I know that this is a local laptop issue because when someone else runs it on t heir mac it works fine.

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First of all thanks for your help, time, and answers.

We would like to know what are we doing wrong and how could we improve it and fix it.

We need to convert the Api Monitor Metrics which are a String with this format:

iris_cache_efficiency 13449.122
iris_cpu_pct{id="CSPDMN"} 0
iris_cpu_pct{id="ECPWorker"} 0


iris_wdwij_time 11
iris_wd_write_time 8
iris_wij_writes_per_sec 0


We would expect them to look like a normal JSON as follows:

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Enhanced Password Management: Edit Passwords Seamlessly

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital security, robust password management tools have become indispensable. Our password management application, designed to simplify and secure your online life, now comes with an enhanced feature – the ability to edit passwords with ease.

Why is this feature a game-changer?

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· May 31, 2022 1m read
Project info chest

I think each of us has on the computer directories with photo files of relatives and friends, music albums of favorite bands and singers, as well as e-book libraries. I also have them, and I came up with the idea to implement a convenient interface for these files. You can read more about the project in the article.
And I proposed this project for the contest, maybe it will be useful to you.

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching this new video presented by @Evgeny Shvarov:

Package First Development Approach with InterSystems IRIS and ZPM

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Hey Community,

Watch the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Using Vector Search for Generative AI

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Hi all,
Does anyone have experience with obtaining logs from Caché databases and parsing them now? Please leave me a message.

I ask because my project involves some hospitals that used Caché when creating databases over 10 years ago. Currently, we cannot replace the database, but we need to check and parse the database logs from the Caché.


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How source control integrates with your system is imperative in ensuring it works seamlessly behind the scenes without interruption.

Deltanji source control understands the internal workings of InterSystems IRIS and provides a solution that can seamlessly handle its unique needs, with client integrations for VS Code, Studio, Management Portal, and Management Portal Productions.

You can find out more about the benefits of using a source control tailored for InterSystems IRIS at this webinar. 

This demo will show how Deltanji goes beyond the traditional CI/CD pipeline, automating the project lifecycle from development through to deployment, making it the perfect source control companion for organizations with continually evolving systems.

🗓 Thursday, February 23rd
⏰ 4 pm GMT | 5 pm CET | 11 am ET

Sign up here > http://bit.ly/40JOaxo


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