I put a html file into ensemble dir ,it's encoding is utf-8.

But when I access this file througn browser, It show incorrectly

I checked http response header, It content-type charset is GB18030 So that's reason

How to change the charset to UTF-8?


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or "So you just got yelled at by your boss, for sending him an unformatted Hello World webpage"

Our previous lesson ended with us serving a Message value obtained from a Caché REST service to the client, using Angular as a runtime. While there is a lot of moving parts involved in this process, the page is not especially exciting at the moment. Before we can start adding new features, we should take a step back and review our tools.

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Ok so I am way outside of my comfort zone, and had to build an application using CSP to give users the ability to access SQL configuration tables. These SQL Configuration tables will affect the data that is sent to the downstream system.

I saw in the examples where we were able to import GIF's/IMAGES into the CSP folders to use as a reference in our CSP pages. My question is how do you do that? If I try to import through studio, it tells me the file is invalid.

Just trying to make it a little more user friendly then blocks on a page.

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In our last lesson, we added some formatting and validation to our Edit Widget form. So, now we are ready to add the ability to add new Widgets to our application. However, the great Widget Wars have come to an abrupt end, as Widget Direct has purchased its biggest competitor, WorldWideWidgets. In order to maintain some continuity, we need to display their catalog on our new application.

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Hi Community,

This article is a continuation of my article about Getting to know Python Flask Web Framework

In this article, we will cover the basics of topics listed below:

1. Routing in Flask Framework
2. Folder structure for a Flask app (Static and Template)
3. Getting and displaying data in the Flask application from IRIS.

So, let's begin.

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At the end of our last lesson, we ended with our page displaying a nice (but garish) Angular Material Toolbar, and our Widget data displaying in a list of Material cards. Our page feels a bit static, and we already know that the large number of Widgets that we will be dealing with will not be especially usable on a static list. What can we do to help?

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Hi, Community!

Since this article is an overview of Flask Login, let's begin with Flask Introduction!

What is Flask?

In the realm of web development, Python has emerged as a formidable force, offering its versatility and robustness to create dynamic and scalable applications. For that reason, tools and services compatible with this language are in demand these days. Flask is a lightweight and easy-to-use web framework for Python. It stands out as a lightweight and user-friendly option. Its simplicity and flexibility have made it a popular choice for developers, particularly for creating smaller-scale applications. It is based on the Werkzeug toolkit and provides a simple but powerful API for building web applications.
Unlike its full-stack counterparts, Flask provides a core set of features, focusing on URL routing, template rendering, and request handling. This minimalist approach makes Flask lightweight and easy to learn, allowing developers to build web applications quickly and without the burden of unnecessary complexity.

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