Hello Community,

I am still pretty new to Ensemble, Cashé, or ObjectScript. My question is this how can I tell when a file was finished and read fully? Currently, I have an EnsLib.FilePassthroughService reads a file from a designated file path and moves it to an archive file path. I need to set up an alert or a notification that can tell me once the file has been read in its entirety and has been moved out of its current file path.

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Hi all!

I'm currently trying to find out how to have one Web Gateway route to multiple servers Management Portal. The only thing that I have come up with so far is to potentially make different routes per server?

I have a development, test, and production server and I want to use the same Gateway server using IIS to do SSL/TLS encryption for the CSP pages.

Any ideas or recommendations to pull this off?

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This is the seventh in a series of releases that are part of the developer preview program for 2022.2 Future preview releases are expected to be updated biweekly and we will add features as they are ready. Many updates, fixes and enhancements have been added in 2022.2, in SQL management, cloud integration, Kafka and JMS adapters, the SQL Loader, and other areas.

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Morning everyone,

I would appreciate some advice please- hopefully there is plenty of experts out there.

We are setting up an sFTP share between hospital trusts here in the UK and I have set the outbound operation up using a custom extension of EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FTPOperation.

We are configuring a VPN tunnel to run between the sites also so there is a bit of firewall / network routing to take place to enable the connection but to add in a complication we are on a mirrored cluster and usually present on a Virtual IP address.

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we get HL7 MDM messages with embedded PDF documents that are Base64 encoded. When the embedded PDF document exceeds the size of 3.6 MB the following error occurs:

FEHLER <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: BP Main HL7 MDM # wird wegen folgenden Fehlers beendet: FEHLER #5002: Caché-Fehler: <MAXSTRING>zgetAtFromArray+46^EnsLib.HL7.Segment.1
> FEHLER #5002: Caché-Fehler: <MAXSTRING>zgetAtFromArray+46^EnsLib.HL7.Segment.1

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Executive Summary

InterSystems HealthShareÆ and InterSystems EnsembleÆ both provide a rapid integration and development platform with built-in capabilities for the high-speed processing of HL7 messages. For the purposes of HL7 v2 message routing the two products are equivalent in performance. For brevity, this document will just say Ensemble in many places but it should be taken to apply equally to both products.

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Presenters: Pete Greskoff, Sebastian Musielak
Task: Ensure high availability of your HealthShare deployments
Approach: Discuss high-availability options and focus on HealthShare’s new support for database mirroring

With the new release of HealthShare, Mirroring is now support for high availability. This session will describe high availability options and focus on mirroring your HealthShare deployments.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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I am working on a Rest Service that should accept a particular content type. How and where can I set the value?

I have tried setting the value %response.ContentType by overriding Page method OnPreHttp() but from what I see this method never got executed.



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I have the following query which tells me how many documents were retrieved for each customer, but it only works for the "on-demand" customers:

SELECT PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7) as Mnth, Count(*)
FROM HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation
WHERE EventType IN ('RecordRequest','RecordRequestBreakGlass')
AND LocalDateTime >= '2016-01-01'
AND LocalDateTime < '2017-01-01'
GROUP BY PatientFacility, LEFT(LocalDateTime,7)
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Hello everebody,

I'm begenning with intersystems, and i woul like to customize the screen patient Search psorposed by HealthShare,

i have to change the form and delete some fields....

the name of the standard page is 57772/csp/healthshare/hsaccess/HS.UI.PatientSearch.cls

if someone can help me that's greet

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I have a HL7 schema listed within Healthshare that is marked as 'Standard' however this doesn't appear to not a standard schema and more of a custom one created (there are very specific Z segments within it) that has somehow been marked as a standard. Is there a way to change it from a Standard to Custom? I realise that this cannot be completed within Healthshare but is there a way to change this within Studio?


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Is Cache the preferred database source for extracting data elements for use in Health Share Patient Index or is there a significant benefit in sourcing data from a warehouse, data mart, or MV? I realize that could be a loaded question with 100 other questions that may follow, however, if there is a known advantage to extracting data from a particular data storage type, the answer may highlight that point.

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I loaded 2017.2 onto a windows desktop that I was going to use for testing. I need to now uninstall 2017.2 but when I do I get a ERROR saying it can not find the INSTANCE name, when there is HEALTHSHARE defined.

Has anyone else had this issue? I would like to uninstall this version and start over from scratch without having to re-image my machine.

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