
I would like to get a list of all globals that have been read or written during a given context. In Portal, there are counters in dashboard that give the number of read/write to globals in general.

What I am looking for :

- some handler (eg: like $ZTRAP) that will be called everytime something is read/written to a global.

- to activate a "global log mode" in Portal that will dump some information to a file (like ^ISCSOAP for SOAP requests).

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0 247

I need to develop a tool to help to get what data is being consumed by a certain process, in order to get all data used to build an automated test scenario.

For example, some user process will pull data from ^GLOBAL(1)="dataString", ^GLOBAL(2)="dataString2", ^GLOBAL1(1)="data1String", ^GLOBAL2(4)="data2String4". Amidst all other data on these Globals, I will ignore everything that was not used in the user process, and get the specific keys used on it.

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0 413
· Jun 4, 2020 2m read

Hi All,

I am writing this article to tell about the application "CRUD-GLOBALS-IRISNATIVEAPI-JAVA" which is developed as part of "InterSystems IRIS Native API programming contest". The intention of this application is to manage the Globals which are in IRIS instance through java program using IRIS Native API. To use this application basic knowledge of CACHE Globals structure is required.

In this application as of now we have options to Create,View Globals and Data Search in Globals. Update and Delete will be added in next releases.

1 0
0 407

Currently, we have an application running in one namespace ("Database B") that has globals and routines mapped to another database ("Database A"). After enforcing clean up on Database A, we found that 90% of the disk is free. We would like to compact Database A and release the unused space. However, we are running OpenVMS, which seems to be the issue.

For databases consisting of only globals, we are able to use ^GBLOCKCOPY; however, we need to ensure that the routines and mappings are also copied.

1 8
0 1.1K
· Feb 20, 2022
Maximum Global Size ?

Dear people,

I (really) spent hours on finding the maximum size a Global is allowed to be (for Windows, if that matters). All I seem to run into are database sizes (derived from a max number of blocks and block size), but I refuse to believe that is correct because too small to be realistic. surprise

1 11
0 599

Hello community!

I'm facing a base growth issue, which is being generated by a process and an Ensemble feature.

When executing the process of cleaning up the message queues, the Ensemble “preserves” the Streams that were part of these messages, deleting only the Header and Body. In this way the database (of one of the namespaces) has grown around 60GB per day, which has been maxing out the disk capacity.

InterSystems informed that this is a characteristic and that it is explained in the documents mentioned below.

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0 760

Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Projecting Your Globals to SQL @ Global Summit 2023

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0 340
· Sep 13, 2018
Purge Task History manually


I've read into console.log that there is some problems writing the global Task History

09/13/18-09:33:00:109 (9052) 0 Error al escribir en global de historial de tareas - Error (ERROR #5002: Error de cache: <DATABASE>%SaveData+20^%SYS.Task.History.1 ^SYS("Task","HistoryD",66179),c:\intersystems\healthshare\mgr\)

1 2
0 411

If a global node contains special characters, (eg : a line returns), it will be displayed like this in Portal ("System > Globals > View Global Data" panel) :

^A(1) = "this is"_$c(13,10)_"a test"

I would like to export global data to a txt file using a similar format.

I already wrote the main code (that loops on all nodes and dump them to file), the problem is how to handle special characters.
For the moment I replace them manually one by one. It works, but it's far from perfect :

1 5
0 1.6K

Hi Community,

We are pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems Globals Contest Kick-off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the Globals contest.

In this webinar, we’ll show you how to deal with Globals to implement different data models and sophisticated indexes. As always, our experts will answer the questions on how to develop, build, and deploy Globals solutions using InterSystems IRIS.

Date & Time: Monday, March 21 – 11:00 AM EDT

🗣 ​​​@Daniel Kutac, Senior Sales Engineer
🗣 @Joel Solon, Senior Technical Trainer
🗣 @Timothy Leavitt, Development Manager
🗣 @Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager

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0 314

Sometimes global mapping of the same globals can be defined in different ways. E.g., I need to define it for 3 globals ^qAuditC, ^qAuditLog, ^qAuditLogC from the same database named APP-NOJOURN. Which approach should be better from the performance point of view?

1) qAudit* => APP-NOJOURN (one record in global mapping table)

2) qAuditC => APP-NOJOURN
qAuditLog => APP-NOJOURN
qAuditLogC => APP-NOJOURN (three records in global mapping table)

0 3
0 579
· Nov 4, 2020
Avoid $c(0) in globals

Good Morning,

I have this question for a long time. When I make an insert by SQL from an external application in the fields of type %String, if they are empty, it writes the character $c(0) in the global.

Is there a way so that if an Insert is received in a field of type% String with null value instead of the $ c (0) it leaves it empty?:

0 7
0 969

As noted in the previous article Native API has some limits.
So I did some research on a more Terminal-like interface that
provides me with access like a console or the IRIS terminal
to allow my $QUERY over a global and other nice commands
that are not supported/mapped in NativeAPI for ObjectScript.

The basic tools are well-prepared and available.

0 1
0 196

Suppose we need to store millions of values temporarily, that means, we don't care about them if we lose them but our application use them to get realtime information. Should I use Cachetemp or whatever other DB without journaling enabled? If answer is Cachetemp, shouldn't be a problem if we decide to scale using App Server + ECP? I'm not sure what would happen with the app logic in such architecture as I guess I couldn't map and share cachetemp...

Any idea/suggestion?

0 5
0 921


I like to validate some use cases and have the following question. I am relatively new to IRIS. Perhaps someone can help:

1. I have a global m[x,y,z,f] distributed across multiple sharded instances
2. I know that i can set assign computed SQL expressions to class variables using Objectscript
3. Is there a possibility in Globals API to do the same ? Set f = x + y as a computed expression in the global m[x,y,z,f] ?

a. We would want to use the global API to change f programmatically using code

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0 344

Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems IRIS Globals Contest 2022 that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • Data-model implementation - 5
  • Functional index implementation - 5
  • Data Move usage - 3
  • Embedded Python - 4
  • Docker container usage - 2
  • ZPM Package deployment - 2
  • Online Demo - 2
  • First Article on Developer Community - 2
  • Second Article On DC - 1
  • Code Quality pass - 1
  • Video on YouTube - 3

See the details below.<--break->

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0 308

I am using $Query to loop through a global.

When I use $GET to get the data all we get back is the global name.

How do you get the value of the global after you have looped.

Below is my example in terminal.

Thank you in advance

Set node = $Query(^FromExtraMed(""))

w node

If i try w $GET(node) it returns


If i had this hardcoded it would have got the value

0 5
0 266

Hi all,

I have a situation where I am writing to global from different processes - let's call it an Event Queue.
There is then a different process that uses $order to read through the data - the PubSub processing BP.

Sometimes the writing of this global will form part of a transaction that also insert data into other tables, using tstart and tcommit.
If there is some issue, it will roll back, and the entry written to the global will also roll back.

0 6
0 122

Is the default language (i.e., $$$DefaultLanguage, which is used as the basis for localization with $$$Text/etc. at compile time) always "en" for new Caché installations, or could it be different? How is this determined? I don't see an option to select a language during Caché installation.

Also, is there a supported/preferred API for setting the default language? Looking at %occMessages.inc, one option would be:

0 3
0 513

Hi, we suddenly noticed that one of the edge storage increased by 30% and it was due to ERROR globals which was throwing repeated error for 7 days and it consumed 35GB space. Is there a way to log the storage of edge production on daily basis and compare the increase in storage with previous day and if increase is 5% more than trigger an email to system admit to look why the storage increased suddenly.

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0 261