· Oct 14, 2021
Lock the Modal View

Hi Guys,

I'm using a Modal Group but whenever I click outside it the Modal gets minimised, so How can I change the view so that whenever pops up the view get locked until I'm finished with my modal then click exit to endModal ?


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· Apr 6, 2022
tablePane row selection

Hi Guys,

I've the below tablePane and for some reason when it's populated always the last row is selected by default, I've many tablePanes defined the same way but none of them has the last row selected when populate, so not sure why this grid is doing this?

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0 235

Hello Community,

I am still pretty new to Ensemble, Cashé, or ObjectScript. My question is this how can I tell when a file was finished and read fully? Currently, I have an EnsLib.FilePassthroughService reads a file from a designated file path and moves it to an archive file path. I need to set up an alert or a notification that can tell me once the file has been read in its entirety and has been moved out of its current file path.

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0 225

Good morning,

We would appreciate your support:

Developing an integration to perform a "Query / Retrieve" circuit with DICOM medical imaging studies, we would need the following:

Options of invocation of the DICOM TCP service that has been published for this integration, alternatives to the command line option.

Specifically we have read: Receive DICOM document with an embedded PDF and metadata.

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0 279
· Mar 30, 2022
Data transformation

Hi Team,

I am trying to call Datetime in CUSTOM.Training.Functions class please refer the below line.

<assign value='##class(CUSTOM.Training.Functions).DateTime(source.{PIDgrpgrp().PIDgrp.PID:7.1})' property='target.{PID:7.1}' action='set' />

My Datetime method

ClassMethod DateTime(DateTime As %Integer)
Set Year = msg.SetValueAt(,"PIDgrpgrp().PIDgrp.PID:7.1","set")
Q Year

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0 264

I am using SQL Outbound adapter and inserting a HL 7 Message by executing a stored procedure and getting an error

ERROR #6022: Gateway failed: Execute.
ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: SQLState: (22001) NativeError: [0] Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]String data, right truncation

The reason i found is that segment delimiter is causing an issue and following is sample code

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0 823
· Mar 24, 2022
Insert Row by enforcing ID

Hi Guys,

Can I insert a new row and enforcing my own ID not the default id increment?

&sql(INSERT INTO Sample.Person
VALUES ('205','Swift,Jonathan','111-22-3333'))

IF (SQLCODE = 0) {
Write "New Person inserted with ID: ", %ROWID,!
{WRITE !,"SQLCODE=",SQLCODE," ",%msg }

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0 303
· Mar 18, 2022
HL7 in general business rules

I'm trying to create a general business rule, not an HL7 message router. (This is because i want to return values from the rules and message routing rules don't appear to be able to return values.) But, I want the business rules to be able to look at HL7 messages; I've copied a simple when condition from an HL7 message router but the error log throws up <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST> ...... *HL7

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0 514
· Aug 20, 2021
SQL proxy to HL7 query/response

Use case: small in-house hospital systems that query patient demographics via SQL. The new PAS being implemented in the near future will only support query/response via HL7. SQL access is available but intended for reporting so up to 24 hours behind.

Probably the easiest option is to set up a database in Ensemble and keep it up to date via standard ADT feed. This is going to have quite a large footprint and has a risk of getting out of sync.

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0 347

Found one interesting behaviour in one system with Ensemble. Some Request class has a property with type %XML.CharacterStream by design, this class is the heaviest request in the system, and with profiling journal files, it got about 40% of the file. When I counted all the sizes of such streams per one day and found that the real stored data is three times less.

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0 348
· Jun 10, 2021
HealthShare UCR User Roles

Hi anyone has created the user roles for UCR pls share details like if we want to create following roles what access rights should be give to each role.

UCR Admin - This user can stop/start productions, can enable/disable services, can run sql queries, can make changes in facility registries, assigning authority and other configuration.

UCR Developer - This user can add new services in the production but can not make any change in the registires and other configuraiton

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2 319

I have a SQL query that I want to run against MS SQL from cache ensemble using the SQL outbound adapter. If I run this query direct from MS SQL Studio it take about 7 seconds MAX and returns about half a million rows. The row only contains one column it is a number all same size and if I run this query in the production in ensemble it takes for ever the production finishes without getting the response back. The same query run in cache outside the ensemble environment writing results to a file it returns results taking about 3minutes to complete.

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0 258


I am trying to import a WSDL using the wizard and it outputs:

ERROR #6413: Element 'wsdl:binding:operation:msg': corresponding to message null : http://services.sanidad....

I have tried to find more information:

It is close to this case, however it is not the same error number:

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0 394

I am experiencing a problem with an EDI process that uses a SQL Batch Service to connect to our DEV environment. However, when we point the EDI service to our TEST server, it errors out.

I have checked every single property on our TEST and DEV servers as well as the properties on the associated tables. They are identical. Nothing has changed in the SQL either.

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0 294


I am currently working with a "Stem Cell" supplier who do not have any/much Interface capability to push "Bone Marrow" harvest information. But willing to develop an HL7 feed/ WSDL capability.

It will be ideal, if I can get this via HL7 as much as possible and wondering if anyone has used HL7 to transmit bone marrow CD34, CD3 makers, product location and Harvest information? if so can you please advise which HL7 messages are ideal and some sample messages if possible please?

How about

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0 249

Hi, i am trying to transform a mensage HL7 ORUR01. The segmnet OBX.5 is dynamic and i'm calling to subtranform item but fail.

this is the error:
ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>zTransform+16 ^es.gra.informes.transformaciones.OBXToInforme.1 *GetSegmentAt,EnsLib.HL7.Segment -- - registrado como '-'
número - @'
Set zSrcOBJz=source.GetSegmentAt("5",.tSC1)'

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0 397
· Mar 30, 2019
X12 Routing - Whole Batch

When a X12 message comes into Ensemble as a Whole Batch how do you search on a segment within the body of the message? For example, a REF segment. It appears the only way is to set the Service to a single session batch, but this doesn't allow you to send the message as a Whole Batch to the Operation.

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