· Sep 12, 2019
Clean up code after compile

After upgrading I ran a $SYSTEM.OBJ.CompileAllNamespaces("u"). What I got in return was kind of a shock.

In reviewing errors I am seeing code being referenced but no longer applies. It is referring to stuff that might of been defined in the Context , Formal Spec ,Thread , etc.

ERROR #5373: Class 'osuwmc.CPD.DataStructures.TblPharmacyDEA', used by 'osuwmc.CPD.BusinessOperation:SelectProviderTempDEA:FormalSpec', does not exist

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I've got a table with many attributes and data. There is 10 000 000 registrations approximatly.

I need to make a research on this table with filters, paging, and order.

You can see an example of my SQL request :

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP ALL * FROM ANCV_Data.Titre WHERE etatTitre = 'Emis' ORDER BY numRemise desc) v WHERE %vid BETWEEN 1 AND 25

Cause there are many data on my table, my SQL req is too long if I don't have index on my attributes BUT there are many associations possible...

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0 224

I am working on a BPL to take data from a MS SQL database and create an HL7 Materials Message for our EMR. I have done this plenty of times in the past however I am running into an error.

"Remote Gateway Error: JDBC Gateway SP execute(0) error 0: Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists."

What is confusing is that this BPL doesn't differ from any of my other BPLs in connecting to MS SQL Server. I know I am missing something..

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0 666

Hey everyone.

I have a use case where I need to write files to a handful of locations, and 2-3 subfolders in each location.

My plan was to extend EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation and then pass that operation the file and the subfolder details, and then have an operation per destination.

Has anyone done anything similar and can highlight any pitfalls I may be about to make?

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I am having difficulties with using the ..Strip() function in my DTL to strip the slash ( / ) from the phone number portion of an x12 834. There are very few records that have the slash in the phone number, so I am trying to filter out any characters other than numbers so that all phone numbers are formatted 1112223333.

Here is the code portion of the strip:

Set HomePhone ..Strip(source.{loop2000(k1).loop2100A.PER:CommunicationNumber},"*AW","-()/").

I am then checking the length of HomePhone.

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0 339


We have several rules in router to validate HL7 messages, each rule check a particular field in HL7 message and send back response. We want to run all rules and combine the rules responses into some variable/object and at the end if variable/object is empty it means message is valid, else send the value from this variable/object. This way one message we dont run it again and again, and we can send one message and response will give us combine results from all rules.

For example,

Rule 1 - Check MSH.12 field, Send response "MSH.12 value not valid", and RETURN

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A BusinessService XYZ is created by extending Ens.BusinessService and the ADAPTER is set to EnsLib.File.InputAdaptor. Files are copied to the FilePath specified by the adapter. But if XYZ is invoked directly via CreateBusinessService, the files MUST be deposited to the default temporary director rather than the file path specified in FilePath of the adapter. Is it possible to the use the file path in FilePath when using CreateBusinessService?

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0 175

We have msgs coming like below where line ending with \n then it throw error in router production but if msgs come with \r\n then router dont throw error.

any help?

EMR sending following msg.


Business Service read it like this as on line, and error msg shows in trace.


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0 784
Hello! I have a question how to parse Library.ListOfObjects to JSON

I send post data like this from client using rest and want parse "templates", after save "codeForm","codeName" in database

    "whoIs": "",
    "templates": [{
            "codeForm": "FORM_FIOGROUP",
            "codeName": "operationDate",
            "orderNumber": "1",
            "codeFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "header": "DATE",
            "dbfFormatType": "Date",
            "dbfFormatLength": "8",
            "valueFrom": "Payment"
        }, {
            "codeForm": "FORM_FIOGROUP",
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0 515


is it possible to avoid the display of certain properties in a custom message class in the message viewer content section. The message class is a common Ens.Request with a bunch of properties alongside one property of Type enslib.dicom.document wich in Turn is Not extended By %XML.Adaptor so the content display of course displays an error.

My idea is to avoid the display of That certain property When output is rendered (Text/XML). Using Ens.Util.MessageBodyMethods and method %OnShowContents could be a way to do this But i don‘t find a way to do so.

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· Jul 15, 2021
Parsing error

After calling an API with

Do request.Get("/api/address/listing")

Set data = {}.%FromJSON(request.HttpResponse.Data)

I get this error:

<THROW>%FromJSON+37^%Library.DynamicAbstractObject.1 *%Exception.General Premature end of data 12 Line 1 Offset 0

any clue what might be causing this?

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0 580

We receive a JSON message containing an element which is larger than the system long string size. We are using Ensemble HealthShare v2017 which prevents us from using the %GET method as it doesn’t allow us to define the output as a Stream. We are instead trying to the read the contents of the JSON message using Readline function, and store the value into an instance of the %Stream.GlobalCharachter class, and then read from the instance of that class and write the contents of that element into a HL7 Message.

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0 179

Hi all,

I'm trying to output a XML file, mapped from a ORU_R01 2.3 HL7 message, with a file name based of fields in the source HL7 message in the following format,


To give something like RXR0000000-000000123-20211125105415.xml as the output filename,

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· Apr 18, 2022
View Globals from Terminal

Hi Guys,

I know that there a way to view global content from the Terminal rather the SMP but I can't remember the command, I think it's something like D ^Global or something !?


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Good morning,

We would appreciate if you could read us and if you have the opportunity, please respond to us.

The current situation is as follows:

We have 2 environments PREproduction and INTegration :

Ensemble version in PREproduction:

Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2018.1.6 (Build 717U) Thu Feb 24 2022 13:27:54 EST

Version of the tool to convert XML to ER7 and vice versa, the ITB, in PRE (we get it in the file):

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· Jul 14, 2022
Clone Class

Hi Guys,

How can I create a clone class so I can keep a copy of all records in that clone class?

Basically, I have a class where sometime records might be delete from it, so I would like to create clone class or merge the global content in another backup global so that records can be deleted from the original class but still have a copy of those delete records in my clone or backup global ?


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· Aug 19, 2022
SAM - Custom Application Metrics

Now that I have SAM up and running, out of the box I would like to add some Application Metrics. Does anyone have templates, or have suggested classes that someone could use to add custom metrics to SAM? Maybe we should start a repository somewhere? Or would someone be willing to share custom metrics on the Open Exchange?

What I am looking to do is capture the overall HL7 message and header count per day.

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