Let me introduce my new project, which is irissqlcli, REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) for InterSystems IRIS SQL

  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Suggestions (tables, functions)
  • 20+ output formats
  • stdin support
  • Output to files

Install it with pip

pip install irissqlcli

Or run with docker

docker run -it caretdev/irissqlcli irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM:SYS@host.docker.internal:1972/USER

Connect to IRIS

$ irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM@localhost:1972/USER -W
Password for _SYSTEM:
Server:  InterSystems IRIS Version 2022.3.0.606 xDBC Protocol Version 65
Version: 0.1.0
[SQL]_SYSTEM@localhost:USER> select $ZVERSION
| Expression_1                                                                                            |
| IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for ARM64 Containers) 2022.3 (Build 606U) Mon Jan 30 2023 09:05:12 EST |
1 row in set
Time: 0.063s
[SQL]_SYSTEM@localhost:USER> help
| Command  | Shortcut          | Description                                                |
| .exit    | \q                | Exit.                                                      |
| .mode    | \T                | Change the table format used to output results.            |
| .once    | \o [-o] filename  | Append next result to an output file (overwrite using -o). |
| .schemas | \ds               | List schemas.                                              |
| .tables  | \dt [schema]      | List tables.                                               |
| \e       | \e                | Edit command with editor (uses $EDITOR).                   |
| help     | \?                | Show this help.                                            |
| nopager  | \n                | Disable pager, print to stdout.                            |
| notee    | notee             | Stop writing results to an output file.                    |
| pager    | \P [command]      | Set PAGER. Print the query results via PAGER.              |
| prompt   | \R                | Change prompt format.                                      |
| quit     | \q                | Quit.                                                      |
| tee      | tee [-o] filename | Append all results to an output file (overwrite using -o). |
Time: 0.012s

10 20
3 676

What is Web Scraping:

In simple terms, Web scraping, web harvesting, or web data extraction is an automated process of collecting large data(unstructured) from websites. The user can extract all the data on particular sites or the specific data as per the requirement. The data collected can be stored in a structured format for further analysis.

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9 1.3K


Hi Community

In this article, I will introduce my application irisChatGPT which is built on LangChain Framework.

First of all, let us have a brief overview of the framework.

The entire world is talking about ChatGPT and how Large Language Models(LLMs) have become so powerful and has been performing beyond expectations, giving human-like conversations. This is just the beginning of how this can be applied to every enterprise and every domain!

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6 1.3K


Data analytics is a crucial aspect of business decision-making in today's fast-paced world. Organizations rely heavily on data analysis to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition. In this article, we will explore how data analytics can be performed using Pandas and Intersystems Embedded Python. We will discuss the basics of Pandas, the benefits of using Intersystems Embedded Python, and how they can be used together to perform efficient data analytics.

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In this article, I will show you how one can easily create and read Microsoft Word documents using InterSystems IRIS with the leverage power of embedded Python.


First things first, let’s install the Python module called python-docx. There are a lot of modules to write MS Word files in Python. However, this one is the easiest one to use.

Just execute the following command on the terminal:

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6 783
· Sep 18, 2023 7m read
Vectors support, well almost

Nowadays so much noise around LLM, AI, and so on. Vector databases are kind of a part of it, and already many different realizations for the support in the world outside of IRIS.

Why Vector?

  • Similarity Search: Vectors allow for efficient similarity search, such as finding the most similar items or documents in a dataset. Traditional relational databases are designed for exact match searches, which are not suitable for tasks like image or text similarity search.
  • Flexibility: Vector representations are versatile and can be derived from various data types, such as text (via embeddings like Word2Vec, BERT), images (via deep learning models), and more.
  • Cross-Modal Searches: Vectors enable searching across different data modalities. For instance, given a vector representation of an image, one can search for similar images or related texts in a multimodal database.

And many other reasons.

So, for this pyhon contest, I decided to try to implement this support. And unfortunately I did not manage to finish it in time, below I'll explain why.

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4 881
   _________ ___ ____  
  |__  /  _ \_ _|  _ \ 
    / /| |_) | || |_) |
   / /_|  __/| ||  __/ 
  /____|_|  |___|_|    

Starting in version 2021.1, InterSystems IRIS began shipping with a python runtime in the engine's kernel. However, there was no way to install packages from within the instance. The main draw of python is its enormous package ecosystem. With that in mind, I introduce my side project zpip, a pip wrapper that is callable from the iris terminal.

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1 555

In this article you will have access to the curated base of articles from the InterSystems Developer Community of the most relevant topics to learning InterSystems IRIS. Find top published articles ranked by Machine Learning, Embedded Python, JSON, API and REST Applications, Manage and Configure InterSystems Environments, Docker and Cloud, VSCode, SQL, Analytics/BI, Globals, Security, DevOps, Interoperability, Native API. Learn and Enjoy!

10 6
7 887
· May 20, 2022 8m read
Geocoding with IRIS and Google Maps API

One of the crucial business dimensions is the dimension “Where”. It is necessary to know where a customer was born or where he lives. Where will the order be delivered? Where have there been more sales, and where can we sell more? Where are our stores located? From Where is the customer accessing our e-commerce? These and other principal questions use the “Where” dimension. Today the best service to provide geographic accuracy and quality for these data is Google Maps.

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5 779

Hi developers!

Recently we announced the preview of Embedded Python technology in InterSystems IRIS.

Check the Sneak Peak video by @Bob Kuszewski.

Embedded python gives the option to load and run python code in the InterSystems IRIS server. You can either use library modules from Python pip, like numpy, pandas, etc, or you can write your own python modules in the form of standalone py files.

So once you are happy with the development phase of the IRIS Embedded Python solution there is another very important question of how the solution could be deployed.

One of the options you can consider is using the ZPM Package manager which is described in this article.

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0 833

Hi Developers,

Python has a large and powerful ecosystem that contains thousands of libraries and packages available, especially in data science.

Therefore, I wanted to have a first try in using a recent feature of IRIS called Embedded Python, to simply import a python library called datetime, generate data with a timestamp component and persist it in InterSystems IRIS for Health Data Platform. The same will work on IRIS Data Platform as well.

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1 326

Following this GitHub we will see how the FIX protocol can be implemented easily using IRIS and Python.

If you don't have much time focus on the Send a Quote before the Order part near the end, as it will, in a matter of minute, tell you how to send a Quote Request followed by an Order Request and show you the result from the server, and that in no more than five clicks.

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0 774

If you are using Python, you can use the built-in venv module to create a virtual environment. This module is the recommended way to create and manage virtual environments.

A virtual environment is a tool that helps to keep dependencies required by different projects separate by creating isolated python virtual environments for them. It solves the “Project X depends on version 1.x but, Project Y needs 4.x” dilemma, and keeps your global site-packages directory clean and manageable.

So if like me you work a lot with Python, you can use the venv module to create a virtual environment for your project. This will allow you to install packages without affecting the global Python installation.

You will find here two neat alias to create and activate a virtual environment.

Python aliases

alias venv="python3 -m venv .venv; source .venv/bin/activate"
alias irisvenv="python3 -m venv .venv; source .venv/bin/activate; pip install https://github.com/grongierisc/iris-embedded-python-wrapper/releases/download/v0.0.3/iris-0.0.3-py3-none-any.whl"

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2 1.2K


We started to use Azure Service Bus (ASB) as an enterprise messaging solution 3 years ago. It is being used to publish and consume data between many applications in the organization. Since the data flow is complex, and one application’s data is usually needed in multi applications the “publisher” ---> ”multiple subscribers” model was a great fit. The ASB usage in the organization is dozens of millions of messages per day, while IRIS platform is having around 2-3 million messages/day.

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3 648

Python has become the most used programming language in the world (source: https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/) and SQL continues to lead the way as a database language. Wouldn't it be great for Python and SQL to work together to deliver new functionality that SQL alone cannot? After all, Python has more than 380,000 published libraries (source: https://pypi.org/) with very interesting capabilities to extend your SQL queries within Python.

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