The Documentation team in InterSystems Learning Services is happy to announce the new InterSystems IRIS Server Migration Guide!

Have you ever wanted to copy, move, or clone an instance of InterSystems IRIS to a new server? Maybe the operating system on the old server is no longer supported, or maybe you want to add a new member to an existing mirror. Migrating your application databases is easy, but what about your tasks, users, roles, resources, and other security settings? What do you need to migrate, and how best to do it?

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InterSystems Official
· Nov 29, 2023
Introducing the Upgrade Impact Checklist

We are excited to announce a new part of InterSystems documentation that makes it easier to upgrade InterSystems IRIS® data platform, InterSystems IRIS® for Health™, or HealthShare® Health Connect. The Upgrade Impact Checklist at shows you all the things you need to consider – and only the things you need to consider – in an upgrade between any two versions.

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Hi, Community!

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the InterSystems Documentation Satisfaction survey. As part of ongoing efforts to make our content more usable and helpful, Learning Services wants your feedback about InterSystems documentation. The survey covers many different areas of documentation, and you can complete it in about five minutes. The deadline for responses is October 30. Also, responses are anonymous.

The survey is over, thanks!

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For IRIS 2019.1 and later, the documentation has a new look and feel. Check it out:

The underlying changes include a new style sheet and a complete rewrite of the code we use to generate HTML. (There is now an underlying API for retrieving content as JSON, as well as a large set of unit tests -- for those of you who like that kind of thing!)

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Hello Developer Community!

We are looking to better understand how our users use the Documentation. If you have a few minutes, please fill out this quick survey -!

Feedback from real users like you in invaluable to us and helps us create better product. Your feedback can go further than the survey - we would love to interview you about your experience, just indicate in the survey that you’re open to talking to us!

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