
I am using the &sql () tag to retrieve the value from the Cache DB.

below is the piece of code i am using:

script language="cache" method="retrieveDetail" arguments="pVariable" returntype="%String"
&sql( select columnA,
into :tempVariable1
from TABLE
where COLUMNC = pVariable

quit tempVariable1

i have to return the ColumnA value back to the calling procedure.

can i know how it can be done ? since i am getting an javascript error.

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0 374

Interesting anecdote I want to share. Not 100% Caché related, but I hope it would be useful.

When CSP Gateway is configured on IIS, opening CSP Gateway Configuration page is prohibited by default -- as IIS blocks URLs with '/bin' in it.

In our documentation we advise to add <remove segment="bin" /> to applicationHost.config file.
That is correct.

4 0
0 896
· Oct 7, 2016 4m read
Forwarding Requests in a REST Service

One useful feature of our REST framework is the ability for a dispatch class to identify request prefixes and forward them to another dispatch class. This approach of modularizing your URL map will improve code readability, enable you to easily maintain separate versions of an interface, and provide a means to protect API calls that only certain users will be allowed to access.

7 1
0 3.6K


I have been working on changing a web application from using %FileBinaryStream to storing and serving the file content from a %Stream.GlobalBinary property, stored in a new database. I have managed to migrate the data across, and have also been able to redirect the stream so that it is being served through the web link. However, the previous method set attributes on the File stream to have the stream be rendered as the original file type through MIME, using this code

0 2
0 957


I am not system admin. But it used to be very simple to install CSP Gateway on an apache system on Linux with Apache installed. I used to run the CSP Gateway installation program and after it was done, all I had to do was fine tune some configurations on CSP Gateway portal on http://<ip>/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw and I was up and running.

0 5
0 1.3K

Hi all,

Do anyone know how to force to close the CSP connection used before redirecting to a different page so a new connection ( and therefore a new session id) is generated?

The idea is to generate new CSP session once we log off our application so the session identifiers are different.

Best Regards

1 4
0 499

I've noticed that Management portal somehow manages to allow a single user to be in different namespaces in different tabs in the same application (i.e. Management Portal). I've looked at my Processes, however, and see that all of my processes using MgmtPortal think I'm in %SYS, even though 2 of them are looking at globals in two different namespaces; NamespaceA and NamespaceB.

I can even fool MgmtPortal because the first time I try to look at a global in NamespaceA it thinks I'm in %SYS! After a refresh, however, I can see the global in NamespaceA.

0 8
0 652
· Aug 22, 2016

Hi, all.
I have CSP application and it needs to get and process data from ajax request with json-content. JSON can be very big.
In this case:
Set RequestObj = ##class(%Object).$fromJSON(%request.Content.Read())
} CATCH(Exception) {
Set Status=Exception.AsStatus()
I get just part of getting JSON and validate error in $fromJSON.
If I try to read it all in cycle:
While (%request.Content.AtEnd = 0) {

0 6
0 1.4K

在Aix7.1上安装使用root用户安装cache2016.1.1.107,且在安装过程中创建cacheusr用户;更改操作系统上的cacheusr的umask后,通过数据库修改编译后的文件(如,js,csp等)在小机上查看权限不变(-rwxrw-r-- cacheusr cacheusr test.js)。


5 3
0 942

Hi everyone!

I am helping a partner to develop a new application and one of the things we are facing is that this WEB application will be used on different time zones.

My first recommendation is that all timestamps should be drawn from $ZTimeStamp instead of $Horolog. That would allow the system to be draw the correct sequence of events even when they are generated on different timezones.

1 1
0 707

Hi -

After having seen how Atelier is working, I've decided to start learning/using Atelier for an existing project.

I've installed, and after a bit of poking around, I've managed to get a project that includes my classes, and they compile and such (these were all from an existing export), but I see that NONE of my .csp files came along despite being in the export file.

1 6
0 740

We are currently looking into a way to provide a group of end-users (i.e. non-Interface Development engineers) access to a pre-defined group of Ensemble-based Data Lookup Tables for purposes of viewing and editing. We do not want to give them access to ALL Data Lookup Tables due to security/continuity concerns.

My thinking is that a simple persistent Cache table with three columns (Role Name, Table Name, Access-Level [like View or Edit]) with a CSP front-end could potentially provide an easy way to make this solution a reality.

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