On one of our servers, when I am in Mgmt Portal and click the link for Configure / CSP Gateway Management, I get this url:


but the page displays a 0, and nothing else. Literally, just a 0. This link works on our other servers, with the same URL. Any idea why?



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I am working on an angular applications and build a web application (Rest API) on IRIS for health, the web application uses a password authentication and setup with the default csp session time out (15 minutes). If the user make an REST API call from the angular application after the session expired, it displays a login prompt...is that anyway that we can disable the login prompt and just simply return http status 401? When the angular application received the status 401, it can redirect to angular error page.



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I'm using $ZF(-1) in a class method which will be invoked from a csp page.

What determines the environment of the spawned process? If I use $ZF(-1,"echo hello world > output.txt"), the resulting file is owned by cacheusr:cacheusr. However, when I use $ZF(-1,"printenv > output.txt"), the environment is from my personal unix account, no matter which Cache username I'm logged in under when running the web application.


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I'm currently re-engineering an application from CSP pages directly accessing COS Methods, to an Angular/Material front end accessing a REST DAL. Both the Angular front end and REST services are hosted from the same Caché instance and the same namespace, but the REST services have their own CSP application, with all calls being routed through a Dispatch class.

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· Nov 6, 2017

Hello, evrybody, I'm writing one project using CSP("OnPreHTTP"), and also REST angular. At the beginning I wrote purely on csp, then I decided to use angular for the flexibility of the client part. Now I can not design logging, I created a table App.Log with properties

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· Apr 5, 2019
How to compare time

I am trying to get the time difference between two time stamps one is recorded earlier to the one happening current but the problem is sql expect string while I have the other stored in a variable and if I do the following I get errors any help please


please note that tx is a variable holding the time formatted the same way as the one being compared to

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0 504

When I tried to migrate one of ZEN applications to IRIS from 2018.1 I'm faced with the issue with Login Page, in this case used some ZEN page, completely customized. But when a user tries to get access, he gets the error like below.

The requested URL /csp/user/User.Login.cls was not found on this server.

I tried to test it with a fresh just created login page class

Class User.Login Extends %CSP.Page

ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status
  Quit $$$OK


Set it to /csp/user application as Login page, and

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1 770
· Sep 22, 2020
VSCode and CSP - what did I miss?

Hi -

I'm trying to get my VS Code instance that is connected to an AWS IRIS instance to edit/save/compile .csp files, but it's failing to work and I'm not sure why. The ".csp" is associated with the objectscript-csp code, and the server is connected, but things just don't act like they are enabled.

Should this work? and if so, what might I have missed in configuring things?

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We are currently looking into a way to provide a group of end-users (i.e. non-Interface Development engineers) access to a pre-defined group of Ensemble-based Data Lookup Tables for purposes of viewing and editing. We do not want to give them access to ALL Data Lookup Tables due to security/continuity concerns.

My thinking is that a simple persistent Cache table with three columns (Role Name, Table Name, Access-Level [like View or Edit]) with a CSP front-end could potentially provide an easy way to make this solution a reality.

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So I installed Atelier, created my project, imported and compiled all my classes but now I need to import all my CSP files too but I can't find any instructions on how to do so. Just copying the files into [project]\CSp\csp is not working as they don't show up in the project tree.

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I only use Caché and CSP, I am making a simple request in CSP page with #call method, and I have to define a callback of this #call method, can I do this?

This is my simple request in CSP page (javascript):

PainelBordoResource.prototype.obterIndicador = function(requisicaoParametros) {
let retorno = #call(painelbordo.PainelBordoResource.obterIndicador(angular.toJson(requisicaoParametros)))#;
return retorno;

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0 433

Hello Community,

I recently encountered a issue with Caché and I can't figure out where the problem is coming from.

I noticed that the license limit (200) was reached whenever I was opening my Studio (so it seems). When this occurs, I restart Caché (with the Cube in the Taskbar), and the number of license used is back to 1%, but grows back after. The time taken before the number of license grows back again looks pretty random.

Here is a couple of screenshots :

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Hello experts,

I'm new to InterSystems software and still not so familiar with it. Therefore I do apologize in front if this question is irrelevant, not making sense or answer is commonly known.

I've did my best in search for answer, but unfortunately i haven't found anything helpfull. So I decided to ask for help here.

My problem is repetitive error which occure in CSP Gateway event log :

Error Condition: Failed to read posted content from the client (Content-Length: 1404; Data Actually Read: 0; Read Error: 70007)

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0 404

Hi all!

I'm currently trying to find out how to have one Web Gateway route to multiple servers Management Portal. The only thing that I have come up with so far is to potentially make different routes per server?

I have a development, test, and production server and I want to use the same Gateway server using IIS to do SSL/TLS encryption for the CSP pages.

Any ideas or recommendations to pull this off?

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