· Aug 31, 2023

SELECT command within CSP

The program below works perfectly when I call it directly from the Terminal, however when I call it from within a CSP it does not work (It does not do the SELECT).

In the USER namespace, the program works both in the Terminal and on the CSP , but in another namespace it only works when called directly in the Terminal.

PropList(class) ;
 k pl S c=0 s class="'"_class_"'"
 K ^PropList s ^PropList=class
 S lista=$SYSTEM.SQL.Execute("SELECT * FROM Projet.GerePageCSP")
 while lista.%Next() {
 S c=c+1,pl(c)=lista.%Get("NomdePage")
 S ^PropList(c)=pl(c)

________________________ CSP _______________________

<script language=cache method="montaDDList" arguments="">
S STR="<OPTION> ",c=0
D ^PropList("Projet.GerePageCSP") ; <<<-----------
S listaPropriedades=$SYSTEM.SQL.Execute("SELECT SequenceNumber,Name FROM ......
 &html<document.write('#(STR)#');>    }


Can anyone explain to me?

Product version: IRIS 2023.2
Discussion (4)1
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