I have SQLCompute with SQLComputeCode on a couple of Properties in my class.

These work fin when I insert/update via ObjectScript or SQL from the ManagementPortal.

However, if I insert (create new record) via my C# app using the Caché ODBC DLL the SQLCompute is ignored, it does not run.

Is this expected InterSystems Caché behaviour? We are on latest IRIS platform.

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Currently, many of you has some knowledge about CachéQuality (which is being renamed to objectscriptQuality) for analyzing objectscript code using the rules we have predefined. Probably you have tested it and have found too many warnings in your projects. I'm sure there are issues which are really important for you and some others which you would like to dismiss.

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Hello everyone,

I am searching, but i cannot find a way to call a Procedure in Caché with PHP. Using .NET we have the Intersystems.Data.CacheClient.CacheCommand and we make a call in a Procedure. How i can do the same in PHP?


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In time for InterSystems Global Summit 2019 we at George James Software are pleased to offer a cloud-hosted evaluation environment where you can work with Serenji in Visual Studio Code, editing and debugging ObjectScript in a sandbox running InterSystems IRIS 2019.3 Community edition.

You can do it all from your web browser. Nothing will be installed on your workstation, nor will any settings have to be changed on it.

To take Serenji for a test drive please visit https://georgejames.com/dc-gitpod

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Some time ago I developed an application that tackled a familarial problem faced by many developers when required to update multiple UAT or PRODUCTION sites with the latest Software patches that have been developed and tested on your DEV server and now need to be deployed to multiple sites running that software.

In principle the solution works as follows:

1) Prepare an XML export of affected classes/routines/csp pages/hl7 definitions et al

2) Optionally create a global export of any new globals or changes to existing globals

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Hello community,

I have a very simple REST API connection doing a POST of JSON messages via AZURE APIM.

It worked successfully for few weeks until a day ago when i started receiving a bad response as below.

<META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW"><meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"><script type="text/javascript" src="/_Incapsula_Resource?......................................

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InterSystems Data Platforms products allow you to export and import security settings in two different ways.

This article talks about those options:
- On the command line, using ^SECURITY
- Programmatically, using the Export and Import methods of classes in the Security package

Exporting settings on the command line (^SECURITY)

You can export everything or individual sections of the security settings.

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We have a SOAP web service that we call to retrieve a stream of a PDF file. The web service is written by another group in our company (not a Cache group). We are running into one issue where it seems that the PDF is too big and when it is sent to us we get this "ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error: <STORE>". The stream is about 8mb. This is the first time that we have encountered this issue.

We have a WRC ticket open about this but doing some research, we found that if we increase the $ZSTORAGE then we no longer get this error when we call the web service for this 8mb file.

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Hello InterSystems Community,

We're excited to announce that we've completed our first Open Exchange submission for InterSystems platforms.

BridgeWorks VDM is an ad hoc reporting and graphical SQL query builder application that was designed for any user who needs access to their SQL projections in InterSystems Caché, InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health databases as well as access to InterSystems DeepSee and InterSystems IRIS BI Cubes with minimal SQL scripting experience.

VDM features:

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Hi everyone. I'm new to cache, and i was looking for a command who reads a .txt file and store the informations in variables. I've found on the documentation the EnsLib.SQL.SNapshot class, and, even if i'm not sure if that's what i need, when i run the code it says that the class doesn't exist, but i couldn't find the right superclass to extend.

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· Nov 11, 2019 11m read
Transactions in Global InterSystems IRIS

InterSystems IRIS supports a unique data structure, called globals, for information storage. Essentially, globals are persistent arrays with multi-level indices, having several extra capabilities—transactions, quick traversal of tree structures, and a programming language known as ObjectScript.

I'd note that for the remainder of the article, or at least the code samples, we'll assume you have familiarised yourself with the basics of globals:

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Hello Everyone,

I'm want to know, what is more common for your company to use, the abbreviation syntax or the complety name of commands, and why?


S VAR=10 / D FUNC^ROUTINE F 1:1:1000

Set VAR=10 / Do Func^Routine / For 1:1:1000

set var=10 / do func^routine / for 1:1:1000

Here in my company, we are familiar with the abbreviation syntax, because to spell is more faster.

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Hi developers!

I just want to share with you the knowledge aka experience which could save you a few hours someday.

If you are building REST API with IRIS which contains more than 1 level of "/", e.g. '/patients/all' don't forget to add parameter 'recurse=1' into your deployment script in %Installer, otherwise all the second and higher entries won't work. And all the entries of level=1 will work.


- will work, but


- won't.

Here is an example of CSPApplicatoin section which fix the issue and which you may want to use in your %Installer class:

    <CSPApplication Url="${CSPAPP}"

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Why log in to view pivot tables when you can have them delivered directly to your inbox? Are you in need of automated reporting for InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence? Pivot Subscriptions is your solution: a tool for subscribing to scheduled email reports of pivot tables inside InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence (previously known as DeepSee).

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Database systems have very specific backup requirements that in enterprise deployments require forethought and planning. For database systems, the operational goal of a backup solution is to create a copy of the data in a state that is equivalent to when application is shut down gracefully. Application consistent backups meet these requirements and Caché provides a set of APIs that facilitate the integration with external solutions to achieve this level of backup consistency.

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I am trying to make architecture for my project. And for it, it needs to make list property in which there is list of objects of another table, the data must be unique, therefore I make sql-query to check objects of another table if it is used or not, but I can't make sql-query to check elements in list in property with elements of another table. Can you help me? In property ID of object is used.

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