· Oct 13, 2022
Lisence usage suddenly spikes

Sometimes, our available license will drop and upon close inspection, it is caused by one or two users occupying 50 or so licenses, and we believe that if there were more, they were all gonna be used up. This occurs randomly. As is illustrated in the following figure.

Out cache version is 2016.1. It is serving a health care web application. Our web browsers are exclusively IE-11.

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Hi Developers!!,

I know what you are thinking... a new feature for ZEN.proxyObject...? NOW..???

In Spain we say that better late than never ;-)

Have you ever need to send a numeric attribue of a Json in String format?

Did you go crazy casting class objects with fixed typed properties?

Lucky you!!

With this new feature I propose a way to continue working with our loved dynamic object %ZEN.proxyObject, being able to choose whether or not we want to send numeric attributes in String format.

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Hi developers,

We're excited to let you know about the latest release of Serenji, your on-the-spot debugger from George James Software. Version 3.2.0 focuses on the debug experience and introduces zero configuration for users. No matter where you are or what you're doing, Serenji is always ready to go in just one click, so you won't lose focus by spending time setting up a launch configuration.

This enhanced debugger also takes advantage of the latest features of VS Code itself. With this powerful combination you'll be able to smoothly identify and quickly fix errors in your code, contributing to the production of quality, maintainable code... and isn't that what everyone wants?!

In this latest release you will experience:

  • Debugging in just one click with zero configuration.
  • Navigation directly to the source of an error using our gj :: locate technology.
  • Intuitive prompting for entrypoint and arguments.
  • Configurable break on error.
  • Program output in debug console.
  • Run and Debug CodeLenses.
  • Run multiple concurrent debug sessions and consoles.
  • Shaded background for read-only documents.

If you're a new user, it's now easier for you to get started. The introduction of a welcome page Walkthrough and guidance on the Explorer and Run and Debug views means you can effortlessly create your initial workspace and start debugging.

Download Serenji directly from the VS Code marketplace and take a look at our release notes to find out more about these new features and how to use them.

We offer a free 30 day trial so if you're not yet a user of Serenji but you're interested in how it can help you, drop me a message through the Developer Community or email us at

Happy debugging!

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Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble parsing XML containing unicode characters which I receive from an external webservice. I believe my file is saved properly with UTF-8 encoding but the SAX Parser still throws me an error.

I have 2 classmethods: 1 general one (get) to make a request to a webservice and return the date, and 1 (getSportsPerDate) to make a specific call and then parse the data.

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· Oct 10, 2022
Limitations of $ListNext


I've encountered a peculiar behavior of $ListNext in Intersystems Cache, where I'm not sure whether I'm doing something wrong, or is it an intended behaviour.

First I am creating a ListOfDT from a string delimited with underscores:

Set tempList = $ListFromString(String, "_")

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Introducing a new component driver for Deltanji source control, which enables highly granular management of InterSystems Interoperability Productions with tight integration into the management portal

InterSystems Interoperability Productions are defined in a single monolithic class definition. A production can contain many hundreds or thousands of configuration items. This presents a problem if multiple developers are working on different Business Processes within the same production simultaneously. Simultaneous development is almost inevitable for large productions containing many configuration items. 

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· Sep 28, 2022
Up/Down Arrow selection
In cache I am looking for a user to, from read prompt, hit control F and be able, from a list, use the up and down arrow and select an item from a list.

User would hit Control-F and then a list would pop up they can up and down arrow through and select it and it return to the read variable

It would be similar to this.

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· Sep 20, 2022
Linux and links

If I create a link does root use it? (it’s in profile.d dir)

I'm trying to use a shortcut for a filepath as such: anyone have any thoughts?

PROCAUTO = /JRNDSK/ProcAuto_share

yet in the application it isn't recognizing it.

Here’s the scenario. (link is in place) that my manager thinks maybe an issue.

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0 239

I was attempting to test a Linked JDBC View to MS SQL database and noticed I could not connect. When I look at the JDBC Gateway I noticed that at the Server Level it was down. However the page keeps timing out when ever I attempt to make any changes or start it, it will not respond.

I thought I had found the Cache command to start it but it will not start. Is the following steps correct?

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· Nov 14, 2016 14m read
Mastering the JDBC SQL Gateway

As we all know, Caché is a great database that accomplishes lots of tasks within itself. However, what do you do when you need to access an external database? One way is to use the Caché SQL Gateway via JDBC. In this article, my goal is to answer the following questions to help you familiarize yourself with the technology and debug some common problems.

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7 4.3K

First of all thanks for your time and help reading this question:

We would need some help:

The use case is: to add a rule inside a EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine, where we iterate in a EnsLib.HL7.Message to find a specified value inside all OBXs segments. It should return a Boolean

Is there any recommended way, or standard function inside Ensemble, that we could use, without having to develop a new function?

We have read:

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· Sep 28, 2022

Hi ,

I am Converting HL7 message into SDA3 format by using Ens.DataTransform Class but transformation is not happening while using this class and throwing the below error

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>zTransform+1^Hosiptal.SDA3.DataTrans.1 *target -- logged as '-' number - @' Set target.Patient.Name=source.GetValueAt("PID:5")'

Let me know if any mistake please refer the below code

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First the question then the background:

Can you increase the amount of read operations that are being performed simulatiously to the hard drive where the cache.dat file is located.

Alternatively: Can you increase the amount that is being read with every operation?

The database is setup with 8k blocks of data that are being read. I'm currently struggeling with a bottleneck concerning the read operations from a disk.

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· May 23, 2017
Toolbar with several lines of menu

In toolbar, by default, all items show on one line and when menu items do not fit on visible part of screen, invisible items hide and appear two buttons - last item and previous item.

I want, in that case, items, which do not fit on visible part of screen, go on second line. In other words, I want all items to be visible.

Is it possible to configure toolbar for behavior I want?

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