· Nov 8, 2016

ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure


Did any one encountered such error while saving an object?

What does it mean & how to over come it.

Thanks Simcha

ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure

Discussion (6)2
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Can you also post how do you get the status and how/where do you get the 5034 error? Is it directly from saving the object? E.g.:

 Set status=object.%Save()
 Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status)

What Caché version do you use? In newer versions the error also returns status in parameter:
5034 Invalid status code structure (%1)


USER>Set sc=$lb(0,"xxx")
USER>Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(sc)
ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure ($lb(0,"xxx"))

This is the object class I try to save (ps is there any way to upload a file here?)

The area in red is where I do my save.

There are no  callbacks on save methods .

This is the version I use : Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2015.2.2 (Build 805U) Thu Dec 10 2015 16:31:16 EST

This is the error I get :

ELAD>zw ^sghp1
^sghp1="0 "_$c(134,1,4,4)_"­"_$c(22)_"+"_$c(1)_"Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.AlertSort%"_$c(1)_"^Elad.AlertManagme1E8.AlertSortD(1)$"_$c(1)_"""^Elad.AlertManagme1E8.AlertSortD"""_$c(2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1)_"**SHEBA**SHE**SHE**DatexGetFiles Gynecology : Production - sheba - Production:Elad.Productions.Sheba!!!InactivityTimeoutAlert: Inactivity timeout of '3600' seconds exceeded for host 'DatexGetFiles Gynecology'!!!!!!2016-11-08 07:21:21.794!!!"
^sghp1(1)="0 "_$c(134,1,4,4)_"­"_$c(22)_"+"_$c(1)_"Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.AlertSort%"_$c(1)_"^Elad.AlertManagme1E8.AlertSortD(1)$"_$c(1)_"""^Elad.AlertManagme1E8.AlertSortD"""_$c(2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1)_"**SAVION**VET**VET**Ens.Alert :  - savion - Production:Productions.BeitDagan!!!InactivityTimeoutAlert: Inactivity timeout of '120' seconds exceeded for host 'Ens.Alert'!!!!!!2016-09-06 13:22:56.082!!!695157"
ELAD>w $system.OBJ.DisplayError(^sghp1)
ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure ("0 "_$c(134,1,4,4)_"­"_$c(22)_"+"_$c(1)_"Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.AlertSort%"_$c(1)_"^Elad.AlertManagme1E8.AlertSortD(1)$"_$c(1)_"""^Elad.AlertManagme1E8.AlertSortD"""_$c(2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1)_"**SHEBA**SHE**SHE**DatexGetFiles Gynecology : Production - sheba - Production:Elad.Productions.Sheba!!!InactivityTimeoutAlert: Inactivity timeout of '3600' seconds exceeded for host 'DatexGetFiles Gynecology'!!!!!!2016-11-08 07:21:21.794!!!")1




/// Contains the persistent managed alerts
Class Elad.AlertManagment.Data.ManagedAlert Extends (%Persistent, %XML.Adaptor, %ZEN.DataModel.Adaptor)

/// New Id managed by the monitoring system
/// AAANNNNNN - AAA - OrganizationInitials, NNNNNN ( not definite number) is either
/// SessionId from Ensemble in a recognized hospital or SUR_$i(^Elad.AlertMan669B.ManagedAlertD)
Property ManagedAlertID As %String [ Required ];

Property IsOpen As %Integer(MAXVAL = 1, MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = 1, Required ];

/// The Managed Alert SessionId ID As send from the intiating System
Property OriginalAlertSessionId As %String;

/// when the same error is reported again
Property NumberOfReportsOfTheSameError As %String;

Property AlertType As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.AlertType;

/// Orinited by : Inactivity, System, Other
Property AlertSort As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.AlertSort;

Property ErrorType As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.ErrorType;

Property OngoingProblem As %Integer(MAXVAL = 1, MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = ];

Property RepeatingProblem As %Integer(MAXVAL = 1, MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = ];

Property RelatedAlert As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.ManagedAlert;

/// Time at which the alert was recorded at support center.
Property OpenTime As %TimeStamp [ Required ];

/// should be included in the ui , temporary not included
Property OpenTimeOfReportsOfTheSameError As list Of %TimeStamp(STORAGEDEFAULT = "array");

Property CloseTime As %TimeStamp;

/// Total time in hours from open to close
/// dif = ($p($ZDATETIMEH(CloseTime,3),",",1)-$p($ZDATETIMEH(OpenTime,3),",",1))*24 + ((($p($ZDATETIMEH(CloseTime,3),",",2)-$p($ZDATETIMEH(OpenTime,3),",",2)))/3600)
Property TotalTreatmentTime As %Integer [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = {set {*}=($p($ZDATETIMEH({CloseTime},3),",",1)-$p($ZDATETIMEH({OpenTime},3),",",1))*24 + (($p($ZDATETIMEH({CloseTime},3),",",2)-$p($ZDATETIMEH({OpenTime},3),",",2))/3600)}, SqlComputed ];

/// $e($zdate($ZDATETIMEH(OpenTime,3),8),1,6)
Property YearMonth As %Integer [ Calculated, SqlComputeCode = {set {*}=$e($zdate($ZDATETIMEH({OpenTime},3),8),1,6)}, SqlComputed ];

/// should be included in the ui , temporary not included
/// List of times when this alert was treated
Property TreatmentTime As list Of %TimeStamp(STORAGEDEFAULT = "array");

/// should be included in the ui , temporary not included
/// List of treatments when this alert was treated
/// A treatment from Treatments Table
Property TreatmentsT As list Of Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.Treatment(STORAGEDEFAULT = "array");

/// List of treatments when this alert was treated
/// free text or a
Property TreatmentsF As list Of %String(STORAGEDEFAULT = "array");

/// should be included in the ui , temporary not included
Property StatusOfTreatment As list Of Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.TreatmentStatus(STORAGEDEFAULT = "array");

/// should be included in the ui , temporary not included
Property People As list Of Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.Person(STORAGEDEFAULT = "array");

/// Name of the business host that is sending the alert
Property SourceConfigName As %String(MAXLEN = 128);

/// Text of the alert message
Property AlertText As %String(MAXLEN = "");

/// Field for designating the external destination of this alert message
Property AlertDestination As %String(MAXLEN = "");

/// Time at which the alert was created.
Property AlertTime As Ens.DataType.UTC [ InitialExpression = {$$$timeUTC} ];

/// The session in which the Alert occurred.
Property SessionId As %Integer;

Property Organization As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.Organization;

Property ThirdParty As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.ThirdParty;

Property System As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.System;

/// An numerator for job cards of this alert
Property JobcardNumerator As %Integer [ InitialExpression = 1, Required ];

Property JobCardsLines As list Of Elad.AlertManagment.Data.JobCard.JobCardLine(STORAGEDEFAULT = "array");

Property EscalationType As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.EscalationType;

Property EscalationTypeLevel As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.EscalationTypeLevel;

Property RoutCard As list Of Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.RoutCard;

Property ProductionStation As list Of Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.ProductionStation;

/// The Host's Production name in Production
Property HostProduction As %String(MAXLEN = 1000);

/// The Host's name in Production
Property HostName As %String(MAXLEN = 1000);

/// The Host's class name
Property HostClassName As %String(MAXLEN = 1000);

/// Orinited by : Inactivity, System, Other
Property HostType As %String(DISPLAYLIST = ",BS,BP,BO,Production,Rule,DTL,Other", VALUELIST = ",1,2,3,4,5,6,7") [ InitialExpression = ];

Index YearMonthIndex On YearMonth;

Index CloseTimeIndex On CloseTime;

Index OpenTimeIndex On OpenTime;

Index AlertSortIndex On AlertSort;

Index IsOpenIndex On IsOpen [ Type = bitmap ];

Index ManagedAlertIDIndex On ManagedAlertID [ Unique ];

Index OrgBitmap On Organization [ Type = bitmap ];

Index SortBitmap On AlertSort [ Type = bitmap ];

Index AlertTypeBitmap On AlertType [ Type = bitmap ];

Index ErrorTypeBitmap On ErrorType [ Type = bitmap ];

Index OrgAndSort On (Organization, AlertSort);

Index OrgAndYearMonth On (Organization, YearMonth);

ClassMethod IndexOpen(val, concurrency, sc As %Status)
Returns existing object with index value equal to val.
Index ManagedAlertIDIndex On ManagedAlertID [ Unique ];
SET alert = ##class(Elad.AlertManagment.Data.ManagedAlert).ManagedAlertIDIndexOpen("SHE1694",2,.sc)
SET success = ##class(Sample.Person).ManagedAlertIDIndexExists("SHE1694",.id)
Method TotalTreatmentTimeGet() As %Integer
set TotalTreatmentTime = ($p($ZDATETIMEH(..CloseTime,3),",",1)-$p($ZDATETIMEH(..OpenTime,3),",",1))*24
set TotalTreatmentTime= TotalTreatmentTime+ ($p($ZDATETIMEH(..CloseTime,3),",",2)-$p($ZDATETIMEH(..OpenTime,3),",",2))/3600
quit TotalTreatmentTime

Method YearMonthGet() As %Integer
quit $e($zdate($ZDATETIMEH(..OpenTime,3),8),1,6)

/// contains Ens.Alerting.NotificationRequest contains Ens.Alerting.ManagedAlert
ClassMethod GetNewID(AlertRequest As Ens.AlertRequest) As %Status
//<SourceConfigName>SYSTEM :Prod - sheba - Production:System Message:Prod-sheba-[CACHE SEVERE </SourceConfigName>
//<SourceConfigName>DatexGetFiles DaySurgery : Production - sheba:Elad.Productions.Sheba</SourceConfigName
If $find(AlertRequest.SourceConfigName,"SYSTEM") {
set Hospital=$p(AlertRequest.SourceConfigName,"-",2)
set Hospital=$p(Hospital,"-",1)
else {
set Hospital=$p(AlertRequest.SourceConfigName,"-",2)
set Hospital=$p(Hospital,"-",1)
set Hospital=$zstrip($zconvert(Hospital,"U"),"<>"," ")
set OrganizationInitials="SUR" // System Un Recognized
set Organization="SUR"
Set tRS = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.Organization:OrganizationByName")
Do tRS.Execute(Hospital)
If tRS.Next() {
Set OrganizationInitials = tRS.Data("OrganizationInitials")
Set Organization=tRS.Data("OrganizationID")
set Update=0
Set tFoundID = 0
FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert
WHERE (SourceConfigName  = :AlertRequest.SourceConfigName
AND AlertText = :AlertRequest.AlertText
AND AlertDestination = :AlertRequest.AlertDestination)
Set ID = tFoundID
If $get(ID) set Update=1
/// Building Data Managed Alert
/// New alert
if 'Update {
//set ID=OrganizationInitials_$i(^Elad.AlertMan669B.ManagedAlertD)
set obj=##class(Elad.AlertManagment.Data.ManagedAlert).%New()
set ID=obj.%Id()
/// Repeating alert
if Update {
set obj=##class(Elad.AlertManagment.Data.ManagedAlert).%OpenId(ID)

if '##class(%Library.TimeStamp).IsValid(AlertRequest.AlertTime) set AlertRequest.AlertTime=$zdt($h,3)
/// Update alert
set obj.AlertDestination=AlertRequest.AlertDestination
set obj.AlertText=AlertRequest.AlertText
set obj.AlertTime=AlertRequest.AlertTime
set obj.SessionId=AlertRequest.SessionId
set obj.SourceConfigName=AlertRequest.SourceConfigName
if 'Update {
set obj.ManagedAlertID=OrganizationInitials_($o(^Elad.AlertMan669B.ManagedAlertD(""),-1)+1)
set obj.NumberOfReportsOfTheSameError=1
set obj.OpenTime=AlertRequest.AlertTime
do obj.OpenTimeOfReportsOfTheSameError.SetAt(AlertRequest.AlertTime,1)
set obj.OriginalAlertSessionId=AlertRequest.SessionId
if OrganizationObj'="" set obj.Organization=OrganizationObj
if Update {
set obj.NumberOfReportsOfTheSameError=$i(obj.NumberOfReportsOfTheSameError)
do obj.OpenTimeOfReportsOfTheSameError.SetAt(AlertRequest.AlertTime,(obj.OpenTimeOfReportsOfTheSameError.Count()+1))
set obj.RepeatingProblem=1
SET obj.AlertSort=##class(Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.AlertSort).%New()
set obj.AlertSort.AlertSortID=$S($find(obj.AlertText,"Inactivity timeout"):1,$find(obj.SourceConfigName,"SYSTEM :"):2,1:3)
//s ^simcha($zd($h,8),$i(i))="obj.%Id():"_obj.%Id()_"_Update:"_Update_"_tFoundID:"_tFoundID

if '##class(%Library.TimeStamp).IsValid(obj.OpenTime) set obj.OpenTime=$zdt($h,3)
set st=obj.%Save()
set ind=$o(^sghp1(""),-1)
set ^sghp1($i(ind))=st_"**"_Hospital_"**"_OrganizationInitials_"**"_Organization_"**"_obj.SourceConfigName_"!!!"_obj.AlertText_"!!!"_obj.AlertDestination_"!!!"_obj.AlertTime_"!!!"_obj.SessionId

quit st

/// <p>This is a system provided query that returns a row for each instance within this extent. The first column of the row is the
/// object ID. Additional columns can be included in the select list by adding the desired columns to the <parameter>EXTENTQUERYSPEC</parameter> parameter.</p>
/// <p>
/// The Extent query default implementation is generated by <class>%Library.ExtentSQLQuery</class>. That class
/// supports the <var>COMPILEMODE</var> parameter with possible values of IMMEDIATE and DYNAMIC. If DYNAMIC is specified
/// then the SQL statement used to implement the query will be generated as a dynamic SQL statement. If IMMEDIATE is specified
/// then the statement is generated as an embedded SQL statement.</p>
/// <br><p>This query can be overridden by a subclass so long as two requirements are met. The list of columns must include %ID as the first column and
/// it must return a row corresponding to each instance/row in the extent.</p>
Query Extent() As %ExtentSQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1) [ SqlProc ]

/// general Alert Display
Query Alert() As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 8)
SELECT AlertDestination,AlertText,AlertTime,AlertType->AlertTypeDescription,CloseTime,ErrorType->ErrorTypeDescription,ManagedAlertID,%ID,OpenTime,Organization->OrganizationDescriptionEnglish,SessionId,SourceConfigName FROM ManagedAlert
 ORDER BY OpenTime

/// find alert by ManagedAlertID
Query AlertByManagedAlertID(ManagedAlertID As %String) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT %ID,ManagedAlertID FROM ManagedAlert
 WHERE (JobcardNumerator = :ManagedAlertID)

/// List of all alerts -0:Open,1:Closed,2:All
Query AlertByOpen(Open As %Integer = 1) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT %ID,ManagedAlertID,AlertText FROM ManagedAlert
 WHERE (IsOpen NOT= :Open)

/// Open Alerts between dates
Query OpenAlertsBetweendates(FromDate As %TimeStamp, ToDate As %TimeStamp) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT %ID,ManagedAlertID,AlertText,AlertTime,IsOpen FROM ManagedAlert
 WHERE (AlertTime BETWEEN :FromDate AND :ToDate AND IsOpen = 1)
 ORDER BY ManagedAlertID

/// By Sort
Query AlertBySort(Sort As %Integer = 2, Open As %Integer = 1) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT %ID,ManagedAlertID,AlertText,AlertSort FROM ManagedAlert
 WHERE (AlertSort = :Sort AND IsOpen = :Open)
 ORDER BY ManagedAlertID

/// By Organization
Query AlertListByOrganization(Org As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.Organization, Open As %Integer = 1) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT %ID,ManagedAlertID,AlertText,AlertTime,OpenTime FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert WHERE (Organization->OrganizationID = :Org AND IsOpen = :Open)

/// By Organization/Sort
Query AlertByOrganizationSort(Org As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.Organization, Sort As %Integer = 2, Open As %Integer = 1) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT %ID,ManagedAlertID,AlertText,AlertTime,OpenTime,AlertSort FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert WHERE (Organization->OrganizationID = :Org AND AlertSort = :Sort AND IsOpen = :Open)

/// By Organization/Date
Query AlertByOrganizationDate(Org As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.Organization, FromDate As %TimeStamp, ToDate As %TimeStamp, Open As %Integer = 1) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT %ID,ManagedAlertID,AlertText,AlertTime,OpenTime,AlertSort FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert WHERE (Organization->OrganizationID = :Org  AND AlertTime BETWEEN :FromDate AND :ToDate  AND IsOpen = :Open)

/// By Organization/Sort/Date
Query AlertByOrganizationSortDate(Org As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.Organization, Sort As %Integer = 2, FromDate As %TimeStamp, ToDate As %TimeStamp, Open As %Integer = 1) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT %ID,ManagedAlertID,AlertText,AlertTime,OpenTime,AlertSort FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert WHERE (Organization->OrganizationID = :Org AND AlertSort = :Sort AND AlertTime BETWEEN :FromDate AND :ToDate  AND IsOpen = :Open)

Query AlertByType(TypeID As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.AlertType, Open As %Integer = 1) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT %ID,AlertText,AlertTime FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert
 WHERE ( AlertType->AlertTypeID= :TypeID AND IsOpen = :Open)

Query AlertByErrorType(TypeID As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.ErrorType, Open As %Integer = 1) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT %ID,AlertText,AlertTime FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert
 WHERE ( ErrorType->ErrorTypeID= :TypeID AND IsOpen = :Open)

Query AlertByPerson(TypeID As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.Person) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT a.%ID FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert_People INNER JOIN Elad_AlertManagment_Data_Tables.Person b
 ON (a.People=b.PersonId)
 WHERE ( b.PersonId = :TypeID )

// TreatmentsT As list Of Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.Treatment

Query AlertByTreatment(TypeID As Elad.AlertManagment.Data.Tables.Treatment) As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT a.%ID FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert_TreatmentsT INNER JOIN Elad_AlertManagment_Data_Tables.Treatment b
 ON (a.TreatmentsT=b.TreatmentID)
 WHERE ( b.TreatmentID = :TypeID)

/// finding organizations where their average treatment time of an alert is more than the average
Query TreatmentTimeByOrganizationOverAverage() As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT Organization->OrganizationDescriptionEnglish,TotalTreatmentTime || AVG(TotalTreatmentTime) AS AverageTotalTreatmentTime
     FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert
GROUP BY Organization->OrganizationDescriptionEnglish
     HAVING TotalTreatmentTime>AVG(TotalTreatmentTime)

/// Average & var monthly treatment time
Query TreatmentTimeByYearMonthAverage() As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT YearMonth,TotalTreatmentTime || AVG(TotalTreatmentTime) AS AverageTotalTreatmentTime, VARIANCE(TotalTreatmentTime) AS TotalTreatmentTimeVar
     FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert
GROUP BY YearMonth

/// Average treatment time By Error Type
Query AverageTreatmentTimeByErrorType() As %SQLQuery(CONTAINID = 1)
SELECT ErrorType->ErrorTypeDescription,TotalTreatmentTime || AVG(TotalTreatmentTime) AS AverageTotalTreatmentTime
     FROM Elad_AlertManagment_Data.ManagedAlert
GROUP BY ErrorType->ErrorTypeDescription

Query AlertCountByOrganizationSort() As %SQLQuery
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS mynum,AlertSort,Organization->OrganizationID AS Organization FROM ManagedAlert
GROUP BY Organization,AlertSort
ORDER BY Organization

Query AlertCountByOrganizationSortYearMonth(Organization, Open As %Integer = 1) As %SQLQuery
SELECT  DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS mynum,YearMonth,AlertSort,Organization->OrganizationID AS Organization FROM ManagedAlert
WHERE (Organization->OrganizationID  = :Organization AND IsOpen = :Open)
GROUP BY YearMonth,AlertSort
ORDER BY AlertSort

// WHERE SourceConfigName = :AlertRequest.SourceConfigName

Query AlertCountByOrganization() As %SQLQuery
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS mynum,Organization->OrganizationID AS Organization FROM ManagedAlert
GROUP BY Organization
ORDER BY Organization

Query AlertCountByOrganizationYearMonth() As %SQLQuery
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(*) AS mynum,YearMonth,Organization->OrganizationID AS Organization FROM ManagedAlert
GROUP BY Organization,YearMonth
ORDER BY Organization

/// Calculates the average budget deviation avg(ErrorType->BudgeTime-TotalTreatmentTime)
Query BudgetDeviationByErrorType() As %SQLQuery
SELECT TotalTreatmentTime,ErrorType->ErrorTypeID AS ErrorTypeID ,ErrorType->BudgeTime || AVG(ErrorType->BudgeTime-TotalTreatmentTime) AS AverageTreatmentDeviation FROM ManagedAlert
GROUP BY ErrorType->ErrorTypeID
ORDER BY ErrorType->ErrorTypeID

/// Calculates the average budget deviation avg(ErrorType->BudgeTime-TotalTreatmentTime)
Query BudgetDeviationByOrganization() As %SQLQuery
SELECT Organization->OrganizationID AS Organization,TotalTreatmentTime,ErrorType->ErrorTypeID AS ErrorTypeID  ,ErrorType->BudgeTime || AVG(ErrorType->BudgeTime-TotalTreatmentTime) AS AverageTreatmentDeviation FROM ManagedAlert
GROUP BY Organization,ErrorType->ErrorTypeID
ORDER BY Organization,ErrorType->ErrorTypeID

/// contains Ens.Alerting.NotificationRequest contains Ens.Alerting.ManagedAlert
Storage Default
<Data name="JobCardsLines">
<Data name="ManagedAlertDefaultData">
<Value name="1">
<Value name="2">
<Value name="3">
<Value name="4">
<Value name="5">
<Value name="6">
<Value name="7">
<Value name="8">
<Value name="9">
<Value name="10">
<Value name="11">
<Value name="12">
<Value name="13">
<Value name="14">
<Value name="15">
<Value name="16">
<Value name="17">
<Value name="18">
<Value name="19">
<Value name="20">
<Value name="21">
<Value name="22">
<Value name="23">
<Value name="24">
<Value name="25">
<Value name="26">
<Value name="27">
<Value name="28">
<Value name="29">
<Value name="30">
<Value name="31">
<Value name="32">
<Value name="33">
<Value name="34">
<Value name="35">
<Value name="36">
<Value name="37">
<Value name="38">
<Value name="39">
<Value name="40">
<Data name="OpenTimeOfRepeatingError">
<Data name="OpenTimeOfReportsOfTheSameError">
<Data name="People">
<Data name="StatusOfTreatment">
<Data name="Treatment">
<Data name="TreatmentTime">
<Data name="Treatments">
<Data name="TreatmentsF">
<Data name="TreatmentsT">
<![CDATA[contains Ens.Alerting.NotificationRequest contains Ens.Alerting.ManagedAlert]]></Description>
<SQLMap name="AlertSortIndex">
<SQLMap name="CloseTimeIndex">
<SQLMap name="IDKEY">
<SQLMap name="IsOpenIndex">
<SQLMap name="ManagedAlertIDIndex">
<SQLMap name="OpenTimeIndex">
<SQLMap name="YearMonthIndex">


You can't just concatenate to a %Status:

set ^sghp1($i(ind))=st_"**"_Hospital_"**"_OrganizationInitials_"**"_Organization_"**"_obj.SourceConfigName_"!!!"_obj.AlertText_"!!!"_obj.AlertDestination_"!!!"_obj.AlertTime_"!!!"_obj.SessionId

You need to append a %Status to another %Status:

if $$$ISERR(st) {
   set msg = "**"_Hospital_"**"_OrganizationInitials_"**"_Organization_"**"_obj.SourceConfigName_"!!!"_obj.AlertText_"!!!"_obj.AlertDestination_"!!!"_obj.AlertTime_"!!!"_obj.SessionId
   set infost = $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, msg)
   set st = $$$ADDSC(st, infost)
set ^sghp1($i(ind)) = st

In this snippet first I check if the save was successful, if it was not I build additional error message, then convert it from %String to %Status and concatenate old and new statuses into one.

I am also seeing this error when Decoding Base 64 and writing the contents out to a file on the file system. Can I not return a String to the DTL?

ClassMethod DecodeBase64HL7ToFile(base64 As %Stream.GlobalBinary, Ancillary As %String, FileName As %String) As %String


  set ArchDir = "/ensemble/data/transfer/AncillaryPDF/"

  set ArchAncDir = ArchDir_Ancillary_"/"

  set FaxDateDir = ArchAncDir_$PIECE($ZDATE($HOROLOG,7)," ",1)_"-"_$PIECE($ZDATE($HOROLOG,7)," ",2)_"-1/"

  if '##class(%Library.File).DirectoryExists(ArchDir)


    do ##class(%Library.File).CreateDirectory(ArchDir)


  if '##class(%Library.File).DirectoryExists(ArchAncDir)


    do ##class(%Library.File).CreateDirectory(ArchAncDir)


  if '##class(%Library.File).DirectoryExists(FaxDateDir)


    do ##class(%Library.File).CreateDirectory(FaxDateDir)


  set Oref = ##class(%FileBinaryStream).%New()


  set Oref.Filename = FaxDateDir_FileName

  Do base64.Rewind()

  While 'base64.AtEnd {

      set ln = base64.ReadLine()

      set lnDecoded = $system.Encryption.Base64Decode(ln)

    do Oref.Write(lnDecoded)


  Do Oref.%Save()

  set PDFFilePath = FaxDateDir_FileName

  return PDFFilePath
