· May 20, 2017 10m read
Localization in Caché DBMS

This is a translation of the following article. Thanks @Evgeny Shvarov for the help in translation.

Let's assume that you wrote a program that shows "Hello World!", for example:

  write "Hello, World!"

The program works and everyone is happy.

With time, however, your program becomes more complex, gets more features and you eventually need to show the same string in different languages. Moreover you don't know the number and names of these languages.

The spoiler below contains a description of how the task of multi-language localization is solved in Caché.

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Hi everyone,

This is:

Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2016.2 (Build 736U) Fri Sep 30 2016 12:25:56 EDT

The server is on RedHat Linux while the browser is running on Windows (Firefox).

I am helping a partner build a complex modern HTML5 web application that talks with Caché using REST calls. They have been using %CSP.REST very successfully. Security works great as well.

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· Apr 24, 2017
Connect PRTG to Cache

I am trying to set up a sensor in PRTG to connect to Cache, specifically the ens_util.log, so that I can have a live feed of my error count. I am having trouble getting the sensor to log in to Cache. Has anyone had any luck getting PRTG to connect on the database level? Thanks!

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Is there a way you can limit the amount of physical memory Cache uses?

During Cache backup it appears that all the available memory on the server is being used.

We are running Ensemble 2016.1 on Windows Server 2008 R2 with 32GB of RAM.

The database we are backing up is about 300GB.



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I am trying to support a use case where a test instance is created from a production backup. At a high level, the process works by mounting all relevant file systems and then bringing the instance up. This works well as long as the file systems are mounted using same mount points as the source instance. However, I would like to support a case where file systems are mounted using different paths.

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· May 17, 2017
Soap Messaging

HI ,

Please let us know the solution to the below error which appeared during SOAP Wizard.

ERROR #5805: ID key not unique for extent '%Dictionary.ClassDefinition' : '^oddDEF("GuruBaseAllah.BLZServiceSOAP11porthttp")' exists. Id counter location = ''



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0 316

Hey guys,

I'm working with an EnsLib.XML.X12.Document object which consists of a parent object along with multiple children.

When using the following code, my sent object is losing all references to its children. I've played with the deep parameter and nothing is working to automatically clone the objects children(group docs ref)along with itself. (Even though the documentation states that it should..)

objectClone = object.%ConstructClone()

d ..sendRequestAsync("Destination",objectClone)

Any insight would be really helpful.


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· May 12, 2017
Use a class property to pass a flag

Looking for a way in which I could possibly pass a flag through a property when performing an Insert statement, on a mapped class.

insert into my.class (serialNumber, modelNumber, myFlag) value ('testSerial', 'testModel', 0)
myFlag is not stored in the DB.

The mapped class then calls a legacy routine (MAC) via CodeMode = 'objectgenerator', (Insert method within the 'objectgenerator')

Within the legacy routine, I am setting an index... but I don't always want to set it (multiple inserts, and I will only set the index on the LAST insert)

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· May 15, 2017 2m read
Security Alerts

Wanna Cry

Most of you should be aware that the Wanna Cry virus is massively infecting un-patched windows machines all around the world. It's particularly affecting the NHS, one of my main clients.

Wanna Cry is one of a line of Viruses that exploit SMBv1 over ports 135 and 445.

A kill switch has been enabled, but this won't protect machines sitting behind http proxies, and there are already reports of new versions without a kill switch.

All windows machines should be isolated and updated a.s.a.p.

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· May 13, 2017
IKNOW concepts

Hi Team,

I am interesting to learn IKNOW concepts in Cache.Will need your guidance.

I. What is iKnow.

ii. Where we are using Iknow(Real time example)

iii. How to we work on iKnow(Did any tools Need?)

iv. Please give notes and articals

Thanks ,

Ponnumani Gurusmay

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I was looking at the OrefToArray^%occRun in the %CSP.ErrorLog page in version 2016. However, we're on version 2014, and that method does not seem to exist yet. I would love a good way to swizzle out the info in the %request, %session, %response objects for the error log for my own error page, in version 2014. I don't want to have to go through and get all the properties manually, but I will if I must. Any other good way already written?



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Hello All,

I have a question / issue regarding the calling list.FindOref(<object from indexOpen call>)
Here is a simple way to reproduce the issue:
2 classes: Utility.contacttypes and Utility.person

Class Utility.contacttypes Extends %Persistent
Property description As %Library.String(TRUNCATE = 1);
/// Index for property description
Index descriptionIndex On description [ Unique ];


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I would like to know if there is any code to compare and update two directories/namespaces for class files.
If file is present in directory1 and not present in diectory2, it should import the classfile.
If file is not present in directory1 and it is present in directory2, the corresponding file should be deleted from directory2.

Please suggest code for the task.

Arpitha R

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Something that shot up the popularity stakes last week was this article on a very interesting initiative: RealWorld:

I decided it would be a good idea to use this as a way of creating an exemplar implementation of a RESTful back-end using QEWD against their published API (

The results are here:

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