Currently, the SQL privileges (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) are managed at the tables level, which can be very tedious when you have to administer many roles in an organization, and need to keep them sync with a constantly evolving data models.
By managing privileges at the schemas level, will allow to give SELECT and other DML privileges to *all* or *several schemas* to a role|user, fixing the need to manually synchronize the new tables|views to the roles.

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I am sure I came across this in the past with Cache and just saw this again in IRIS.

When rebuilding or swapping a DAT file for a database it retains the Resource of the DAT file, not the Resource of the Database it is being used for.

For instance, if I have a local Database called APP with a resource %DB_APP and I want to refresh the data from another Database called TEST that has a Resource %DB_TEST I can just copy the DAT file from the TEST folder to the APP folder.

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We've been tasked with developing a file upload module as part of our wider system, storing scanned documents against a patients profile. Our Intersystems manager suggested storing those files in the DB as streams would be the best approach and it sounded like a solid idea, it can be encrypted, complex indexes, optimized for large files and so on. However the stake holder questioned why would we want to do that over storing them in windows folders and that putting it in the DB was nuts.

2 25
2 1.2K

Let's consider you would like to efficiently store your historical data in a similar structure than the one used for your current data, but without sharing the same physical storage (ie : not in the same global). What is the most efficient way to do it ?

Below a simple class of your current data :

3 9
0 403

The goal is to construct a comma separated string, using a loop but the same way $listtostring(var,",") would do (i.e. "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h" without starting or ending comma).

What is the best way to do it, concerning the readability of the code and its performances?

To do so, there are more than 5 methods, but in this example we will test 4 :

1) using a "if" in the loop

4 9
1 470

When I'm asked questions about SQL, I like Intersystems staff at the WRC, generally ask about the Query Plan. My feeling is that even before you run a query you should examine the results of Show Plan to confirm that the code is going to give me the results in the manner I would expect. If I expect it to leverage an index and I see that it is not then I go back and look at what I might have done incorrectly and try to re-write the query to get the index behavior I'm looking for. To that end, there's a poll below to ask you if think moving the Show Plan button as the first button would be

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0 166

Hi all,

Over the next few months I'm going to be setting up continuous integration via Jenkins for some Angular UI's. The goal is to, on each build:

1. build the code

2. run the unit tests and get a report

3. get a code coverage report

Just wanted to poll the community in case someone else has already worked with any of this before. All ideas are appreciated.



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· Jan 25, 2021
web service api consumed license

1) Does web service access consume license?

2) In web service program, we used a connection pool to reuse the session id, but it doesn’t work, the license consume increased quickly, it seems connection pool didn’t work, do you have any sample to do it?

1 1
0 240

Hi Developers!

Want to raise security discussion today!

Let's discuss how InterSystems security for applications works. In general, the concept is clear: we have Resources (what to protect), Roles which combine a set of privileges and accesses to Resources and Users which can have this or that Role.

But there is also a concept of Application which also could have a Role.

So you either provide a Role for a User or for an Application.

What do you use in production? What is your strategy and why? Pros, cons?

0 4
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· Nov 10, 2020
Why change?

I have already asked a question about migrating an Oracle database to Caché, and I was promptly answered. Now, I have one more question, however it is more conceptual. In general, any tool defends its benefits, and looking at Caché's, among many, there is a lot of talk about speed. The question is, if I already have a database, and at the moment, its performance is not a problem, I would like to know what else could influence the change of this database? Remembering that it is functional and without any apparent problem.

8 2
1 265
· Sep 28, 2020
%Status usage in ObjectScript

Hi developers!

Want to discuss with you the case of %Status.

If you familiar with ObjectScript you know what is it. I'd love to hear the history of the case why it had appeared in ObjectScript but it turned out that almost every system/library classmethods return %Status and there is a whole set of tools to deal with it.

What is does it gives you the responsibility to check the value or %Status of every system method you call.

E.g. if you save the data of the persistent class, you should never call like this:

do obj.%Save()

you need to call:

set sc=obj.%Save()

if $$$ISERR(sc) do // something or quit.

1 19
0 1.1K
· Sep 21, 2020
Unit Testing Naming Convention

Hi Developers!

Recently we discussed the naming convention on packages we deploy and even made some choices.

Here I want to have a conversation on the naming convention for unit tests.

Of course, we wish every good library has unit tests. Here is the documentation and some good articles(one, two, three) regarding it on the Developer Community.

Let's decide on the naming of UnitTests packages?

The suggestion is that unit test classes will all start with the UnitTest package name.

E.g. if your library's class name is:


The related unit test class will be:


What about folders?

The suggestion is that unit test classes will live separately from source classes, e.g. in /tests directory.

Here is the example of a repository with unit tests that are named and placed according to the proposal.

What do you think?

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0 362

The use of Source Code Control systems in development is important. And there are a few systems known in the world, like GIT, SVN (Subversion), Perforce, Mercurial. Where the most popular nowadays is the git. Using it is very useful in many cases, but mostly it depends on the code as text, which can be compared between commits, branches, or versions of releases and so on.

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Application licensing enables InterSystems application partners to take advantage of Caché’s licensing capabilities for their own licensing purposes.

Caché manages customer application licenses just as it does Caché/Ensemble and InterSystems application licenses, maintaining usage counts and acquiring and returning user licenses as needed.

Application licenses consumed by a process or a CSP session are automatically released along with the Caché license consumed by the process or session when a process exits, halts or is deleted from the process table, or when a CSP session times out or is deleted.

More in docs.

Do you use this feature? If so, how?

I'm especially interested in license validation and general workflows?

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