
I have an Ensemble Application with many classes and relationships between those classes.

I need a tool that can connect to Cache/Ensemble and create a visual ERD from the class definitions within a particular Cache Namespace

MS-Access is one option but it does not automatically create the relationship connectors between classes

Any suggestions

Nigel Salm

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Unless I'm mistaken, 2017.1 doesn't appear to support RFC 7523 (JSON Web Token Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants). Is that coming in 2017.2?

In order to support it in 2017.1, I'd have to override the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint to cater for the additional grant types - what's the best way to do this?


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0 665


I need to convert a array (JSON) in a List Of String. I think, there is some method that does it directly.

Something like that:

SAMPLES>set list = ##class(%ListOfDataTypes).$fromJSON("[""a"",""b"",""c""]")

%FromObject+21^%Library.RegisteredObject.1 *%Exception.General Compose Compose %FromObject Unable to map frm %Library.Array instance to %Library.ListOfDataTypes

I have reading about this but I don't found some trick to help me.

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0 543
· Jul 10, 2017
How to encrypt column value in sql?


I want to update some columns in one table like this:

    update table1 set col1=%SYSTEM.Encryption_AESCBCEncrypt(col1, 'key')

but the error is

ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -359 Message: User defined SQL Function '%SYSTEM.ENCRYPTION_AESCBCENCRYPT' does not exist

what's the corect syntax? Thanks!

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0 410
· Jul 20, 2017
Cursor placement


What methods are available to position a cursor on a screen to begin writing as not to disrupt other areas of the screen? I have used ?# , ie: ?5 but this is destructive from the let to character 5. I would like to enter a command that will position at row,col and then start writing? Can I create a window in a window type display to write text and then when done viewing, remove it?

Please advise,

Thanks in advance for everyone's time.

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0 297

Good day,

I would like to know how to detect in Caché ObjectScript if data saved in string is number and furthermore, if it's type is integer.

I maybe found a solution:

set value = "44.2d3"

set status = $INUMBER(value,"")
if ('$FIND(+value,".")){
w "your variable: '"_value_"' is number and integer"
w "variable is number but no integer"
w "variable is not number"

0 10
0 1.9K


I am new to Cache' MV but have extensive experience with other Pick flavors especially Unidata.

I need to determine the impact of adding several indexes to a large file with over 51,000,000 records.

On other systems, I could use FILE.STAT, ANALYZE.FILE and shell to the OS to determine how large the index file was.

None of those seem to be available in Cache' MV. Shelling to the OS just tells me the size of CACHE.DAT.

What is the best way to determine what the disk impact would be if I added an index (CREATE-INDEX) to a file?



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0 449

Hi, folks!

I'm sending emails with %Net.MailMessage.

How can I add a new line for the email body?

The code is:

dim msg as %Net.MailMessage = ##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New()
set msg.Charset="UTF-8"
do msg.TextData.Write("Dear  "_Username)
do msg.TextData.Write("Line1")
do msg.TextData.Write("Line2")
And I'm getting in email:
Dear UserLine1Line2

How can I get:

Dear User


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0 1.7K
· Sep 22, 2017
browse sql record

Hi , World

this is i field in my global:


for information: it's respective key is "peyload"

my question is :

I want to extract the timestamps value , and the profile_id value , how can i do?


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0 341
· Oct 7, 2017
.xls format problem

When i tried to print .txt format,data will be coming without space between each row but when
I tried to print .xls format mean ,it gives gap of each row.what is the reason behind this?

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0 257
· Nov 6, 2017

Hello, evrybody, I'm writing one project using CSP("OnPreHTTP"), and also REST angular. At the beginning I wrote purely on csp, then I decided to use angular for the flexibility of the client part. Now I can not design logging, I created a table App.Log with properties

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0 581

We have an web application accessed using https, that uses CSP technology with frames.

The initial 'login' is via a single CSP page, which then redirects to another CSP page which creates the frames (4 in all) and loads a CSP page in each of those. For the most part the frames load without error, but sometimes when logging in and sometimes while using the system ' 5916 Illegal CSP Request ' errors occur.

I say 'login' in inverted commas as a Cache login is not performed just an application login, I don't know if that's relevant so thought I'd mention it.

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0 657

I am trying to read an xml document using %XML.TextReader and that's is all well and l can get my elements values but would like to determine where the next record start on the xml without referring to the document path in essence would like to use the same method to read different xml docs. I would like to know if is there a way or a function that I can use to get the start and end of a record in xml as I would to get the start and end element.

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When working with a large query executed though an ODBC connection what is the best way to allow the paging of the results at the client side. I have tried some methods using %VID and similar methods, but these really don't seem to work as the value returned is related to the ID of the data and not the position in the results set. What would be ideal is if the value seen in the management portal when you check of "Row Number" was available to external queries through ODBC. I have not seen a way to return this however.

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