I have a ZEN PDF report that prints headers and footers with images correctly but when I try to embed an image into a table it does not print.

Are there examples snippets where a fully url qualified image can be embedded within the <table><item><img> tags?

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HI Community,

Now Intersystems has developers definitely cut-off from Zen/CSP I am looking for sample code how to invoke server-side methods from Angular and PHP, Java client.

I only see some rest/json crud examples, but that is not the whole picture I assume.

Let's say I have a persistent Class with a class method to import or modify data...

I want to invoke this from my Angular App or PHP app.

any examples, suggestions?

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· Jul 11, 2021
Applying Stylesheet

Hi Guys,

I'm using the below style and everything looks good, with my Dynamic Grid width 1300px, but when I refresh my grid the width goes out of whack and the grid is too wide, so how can I re-call my enforce my style to be applied again after refreshing my grid, so basically I'm looking for a line of code that I add it to my refreshing () clientMethod ?

XData Style
<style type="text/css">
body {
padding: 5px;
margin: 0px;
height: 100%;
background-image : url(images/bkground.gif);

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0 144

Is there a method I can utilise to check if a particular method has been called and perhaps log the args it was called with?

We are currently trying to expand out Cache Unit Testing processes and were wondering if there is an existing method that would capture this or how such a method could be structured.


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· Jul 1, 2021
ifexpression syntax

What is the correct syntax when passing values on a zen method after ifexpression?

<pagebreak ifexpression="%report.PageBefore('Graph',1)=1"></pagebreak> ????


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0 184

I have a client that no longer wants to use sftp to transmit their data file to me. Instead they want me to pick it up via a web service.

Email from client:

Here is the postman collection and mocking service to start your development. The API has only one URI parameter {id} for which you need to pass UniqueIdentifier(will let you know exact value later).

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0 538

I want to add time slot and category metadata to complete my cinema application.

I am following the documentation of the cinema application "https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=TWEB2_..." and in that,

I was trying to add theater and time slot. But I was not able to do that.

I was also trying to filter the records as per the ratings and category selection on the search bar. but this is showing some error.

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0 193
· Jul 2, 2021
Use of $ZUTIL(12)

As you know the $ZUTIL method is deprecated and I'd like to replace this calls for the corresponding ones.

In my case I'm looking to replase $ZUTIL(12) by ##class(%Library.File).NormalizeDirectory("")

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0 337

Currently have an SFTP server setup to deliver a CSV file to a company "Company XYZ"

Failed to move '\\dir-01\files\Company XYZ\Outbound\To Be Processed\Company XYZ data v1.csv' to Archive file '\\dir-01\files\Company XYZ\Outbound\Archive\Company_XYZ_v1.csv'

The Business Service File Spec : Company XYZ v1.csv

archive path same as listed above

Is it the File Spec that needs to be changed for this to prevent erroring out?

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0 176

Why do I upload files faster with webservice than with csp?

The soap protocol used by webservice has to go through http protocol. csp directly handles http, no xml encapsulation, so it should be faster.

After testing, for a 1M file, csp is about 0.1s slower. After the gateway connection to 1972, there is a stall of about 0.1s, not sure why.

Is there any way to make the file upload speed of csp faster than webservice?



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0 396

Hello everyone,

I created a Class with this 3 properties

Class TestDynamic Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)

Property number As %xsd.string;

Property exam As %xsd.string;

Property result As list Of %DynamicObject;


I'm adding objects to list normally

set objTest=##class(TestDynamic).%New()
set objDynamic={"field":"value"}
do objTest.result.Insert(objDynamic)

But when i use this method to convert to JSON

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0 443
· Jun 22, 2021
content assist

Currently we're using InterSystems Cache Studio Client 2017.2.2 Build 865

I'm currently going through training and one of the videos mentioned using Control+Space to bring up the content assist window.

It's in reference to Atelier IDE, but I'm curious if Studio also might have a tool similar to that?

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0 163

Hello community...
As there is a certain restriction of commands in Caché, and assuming that the base of most colleges ends up being MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server and others... And the last two with very simple IDEs to use and with the possibility to handle the operation in the database very well, which IDE (if there is an "official" or something like that) would be the best for me to start working more effectively with Caché?

0 3
0 393
· Jun 22, 2021

I am using .net to connect to the cache database via ODBC, OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection(dbConnection); connection.Open(); This error is reported when the link is opened, how should this be solved? Thank you very much!

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0 236

Hello, everyone,

I'm trying to find solutions to a problem that's becoming quite boring.
On only one namespace, the sudio is very slow.
The studio freezes completely for 5-10 seconds when I save or compile a class. Sometimes it also freezes for no apparent reason at a random time...
It stops when I change namespace...

Do you have any idea what that could be?

Thank you in advance

0 15
0 471

I am getting the following error when trying to fect data from DeepSee:

"Error":"ERROR #5002: Cache error: <PROTECT>%Construct+3^%DeepSee.ResultSet.1 ^DeepSee.Cache.LocalResults(\"session\"),e:\\hs-db\\tfoms\\"

However, I cannot find the place this error points me to.

Specifically, it says 'Label %Construct + 3 lines, in the %DeepSee.ResultSet.1', but there does not seem to be such a place. I could only find the %DeepSee.ResultSet class and it does not have a lable named %Construct.

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0 379

Reference: sample LDAP code routine LDAP.mac

Some IF statements reference macro $$$WindowsCacheClient as a boolean flag to mark if the client calling the LDAP server is running Windows. Other IF statements reference $$$ISWINDOWS. Are they not the same thing? That is, does the routine need $$$WindowsCacheClient at all?


#define WindowsCacheClient 1

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