· Apr 6, 2018
EnableConfigItem() scripting

We have scripted a process where we can run EnableConfigItem from the cron in AIX so we can run multiple scripts at a time vs the scheduler in Ensemble that is single threaded. For the most part this works fine, until that service/operation has an error on it then it seems that everything else that is called after that instance halts.

Is there something that is stopping EnsConfigItem() from running once something has error'd?

Can something be forced like it does if we try to enable/disable in the gui and it times out?

this is the single command line we are calling

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In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Why containers?
  • Containers infrastructure
  • GitLab CI/CD using containers

In the first article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software.

In the second article, we covered GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process and Continuous Delivery.

In the third article, we covered GitLab installation and configuration and connecting your environments to GitLab

In the fourth article, we wrote a CD configuration.

In the fifth article, we talked about containers and how (and why) they can be used.

In this article let's discuss main components you'll need to run a continuous delivery pipeline with containers and how they all work together.

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Caché prints to printers in a manner somewhat different from other Windows applications. Caché sends the data directly to the GDI Printer, without the usual interface. This is because the GUI interface can only be shown on a system desktop session and not in web browser and terminal sessions. Some printer drivers have problems with this method of printing.

Is this the problem you are having?

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I'm converting a DTM system to Caché and trying to use the Caché Terminal as the UI. I've come across and removed some DTM formatting for printed text that does not do anything in Caché (actually, it caused errors). The printed output to the default Windows printer ("|PRN|") has been working and the printed documents in text-only format look fine. I am testing on a low-end HP laser printer and a Brother laser. The client has done a print test to his own older HP laser from his Caché instance and the text renders fine.

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· Apr 3, 2018
Comparing Cache-Objects

Hi guys,

is there an easy way to compare two objects in os?


I have a registered order-object at runtime. Now I want to call a specific export-service just in the case that sth in this order has changed since the last export. So I have to compare the persisted order-object (last export) with the current order-object.

Ist there an easy way to compare these two objects or do I have to check each object-value separately?

Thanks for your help!

Regards, Thomas

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· Mar 21, 2018
Problems encountered with Java Gateway

Problems encountered with Java Gateway

I am writing a framework for use on the Java Gateway. The role of the framework is:

1. Import the framework jar file into ensemble studio (test completed);
2. In the framework jar, handle the related functions of the remaining jar files (the rest of the jar files are written by colleagues).

The general idea is as follows:

Send: Ensemble Java Gateway -> Framework Jar -> Plugin Jar (colleagues write, processing data).
Returns: Plugin Jar (processed return data) ->Framework Jar->Ensemble Java Gateway.

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Sounds odd - but I encountered it - twice now. Cache was restarted. in that period the primary journal directory was full and it was writing to the secondary journal directory. So upon start-up, it was quite obvious that it was not going to write to the primary. Cache reported this but was able to continue with the start-up but writing to the secondary. All of a sudden it doesn't recognize the 'primary' config any more and started saying 'Alternate and primary journal directories are the same'.

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There are numerous ways to interact with InterSystems Caché: We can start with ODBC/JDBC that are available via SQL gateway. There are API for .NET and Java too. But if we need to work with native binary libraries, such interaction is  possible through Caché Callout Gateway, which can be tricky. You can read more about the ways of facilitating the work with native libraries directly from Caché in the article below.

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· Feb 26, 2018
Monitoring with Zabbix

Hi community,

I need to monitor Caché Intersystems with some custom indicators.

I started customizing the SNMP Mib. But I've been in a Zabbix event, all speakers use ODBC to monitor their database, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL ...

What is the best way? Use ODBC or SNMP Custom Mib?
What are you guys using?

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· Jun 12, 2017 1m read
Setting the Windows service account

I recently helped a site investigate a problem that appeared after they upgraded their Windows instance of Caché from 2015.1 to 2017.1. A terminal session launched from the server's desktop cube was unable to run OS-level commands using the $ZF(-1) function. For instance, using the no-op command "REM" as follows:

write $zf(-1,"rem")

was returning -1, indicating that the Windows command could not be issued.

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There have been similar questions asked before, but a few years ago now. My problem is that when I create an application in plain CSP, a typical link to a page will look like this in the browser..

One user sent back a comment.. 'I'm not using your application as it is un-secure' .. based on the fact that the elements are spelled out in the URL.

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· Mar 26, 2018
error compilation studio

Good morning, employees

I'm having trouble compiling in studio, I already reported it to intersystems support, but it did not solve the problem.

when calling a method of a class by putting $, follows an example:

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In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Why containers?
  • GitLab CI/CD using containers

In the first article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software.

In the second article, we covered GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process and Continuous Delivery.

In the third article, we covered GitLab installation and configuration and connecting your environments to GitLab

In the fourth article, we wrote a CD configuration.

In this article, let's talk about containers and how (and why) they can be used.

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I have a simple app which tries to establish a connection with a Cache database instance via Global API for Java:

import com.intersys.globals.Connection;
import com.intersys.globals.ConnectionContext;

public class Assignment {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Connection connection = ConnectionContext.getConnection();
        connection.connect("SAMPLES", "_SYSTEM", "SYS");


The expection I am getting:

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In the last post we scheduled 24-hour collections of performance metrics using pButtons. In this post we are going to be looking at a few of the key metrics that are being collected and how they relate to the underlying system hardware. We will also start to explore the relationship between Caché (or any of the InterSystems Data Platforms) metrics and system metrics. And how you can use these metrics to understand the daily beat rate of your systems and diagnose performance problems.

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I need to offer new users on our system a temporary password that is valid for only 48 hours. This is different than a 60-day password expiration window for existing users' passwords (where a password needs to be changed every 60 days), and is different than a "user expiration date", where you can set a date where the user's account expires and is disabled on that date, and different than the inactivity expiration date where a user becomes active if his account is not used within, say, 30 days.

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