Hi everyone

I have a datacombo that displayes value from a db table.

I would like to set one of this value as default value. How can I do that? Is there a way to say selected value given the text or the Id from the DB table?

Thanks a lot and kind regards


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· Sep 7, 2018
Returning to Cache'

Ive been asked to investigate Intersystems Cache' for a new software initiative and was hoping to be able to download a limited-use or dev license to kick the tires but I need it for a couple of specific OS builds. AIX and Linux (CENTOS). I don't see a place to download specific versions, other than Windows, various builds of Unix and that's about it. Can someone give me some guidance on how to make sure I'm downloading the right item to build some test instances with?

thank you in advance :)


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This is a FYI for anyone who has experienced the following error after upgrading an existing instance to any product based on Caché 2017.2.2. In our case, the products are HealthShare HealthConnect for Redhat x64 and for Windows x86-64 but I believe it would be a common problem for any InterSystems product on any platform, if based on Caché 2017.2.2. After upgrading our development instance from 2016.2.2 to 2017.2.2, we experienced the following errors when attempting to start a pre-existing Java Object Gateway that was defined prior to the upgrade:

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When working with class queries you have to define the ROWSPEC at the beginning (See below).

Instead of using Year1 or Year2 as the column name, how can I use the passed in fiscal year (xFiscalYear)

so Instead of using "Year1" as the column name I can call it something like: "Jul"_xFiscalYear

0 10
0 550

I faced with the issue when WebSocket connection just fails without any errors if I send data with size 384 bytes and more (In binary mode the same). As I know by standard WebSockets frame does not have such limitation. Is there any way how to decrease it? This limitation too small, it is too difficult to fit this size and needs to send data much more often than I expected. Tested with Caché 2016.2, 2017.2 and IRIS 2018.1.

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0 755
· Sep 6, 2018 1m read
Save a file using %Net.HttpRequest

This code snippet allows for a file on the web to be saved into the file system. Specify the server and GET request, as well as the directory the file should be saved to. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class objectscript.saveFileHTTP Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test() {
        Set httprequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
        Set httprequest.Server = "docs.intersystems.com"
        Do httprequest.Get("documentation/cache/20172/pdfs/GJSON.pdf")
        Do $System.OBJ.Dump(httprequest.HttpResponse)
        Set stream=##class(%FileBinaryStream).%New()
        Set stream.Filename="c:\test.pdf"

        Write stream.CopyFrom(httprequest.HttpResponse.Data)
        Write stream.%Save()

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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1 965

I already talked about GraphQL and the ways of using it in this article. Now I am going to tell you about the tasks I was facing and the results that I managed to achieve in the process of implementing GraphQL for InterSystems platforms.

What this article is about

  • Generation of an AST for a GraphQL request and its validation
  • Generation of documentation
  • Generation of a response in the JSON format
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2 1.1K

Hello Everyone,

We are planning to build angular UI and Cache REST as backend. Can we deploy angular in Cache Private web server.

What would be the best way to do it. Did any one configure apache with csp gateway . if so can anyone guide me to a good document or some steps here which might help.

I have looked into this - https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY...

Somehow i am not able to join the dots .

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Activate Wizard by-pass


1. how to bypass the Activate wizard ?, and run directly the Activate on: .NET x64 COM Assembly (.dll,.tlb)

with object script , something like :

D Activate^%CacheActivate("MyAssembly.tlb")

the MyAssembly.tlb , is ofcourse , a visible Element in activate Wizard table list

2. activate Wizard table list, sometimes throws an error #6101 ?



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we have Angular solution and Cache server. We need to have separate users and sessions on same browser (laptop, table etc) for every user and for one user with many connections.

Thought this was resolved, but unfortunately not.


I got the code away from here, because it was some how ok.

The session on server mixed, but no any more, thanks our folk and local engineer's tools :)

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0 540
· Aug 28, 2018
Replace elements in $lb

Let's say I have a list structure:

set list = $lb("stri,ng", $c(0), 2)

I want to replace all $c(0) elements with empty elements, so my list would look like:

set list = $lb("stri,ng", , 2)

What's the fastest way to do that?

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I have a list

set list=$lb(1,$c(0),2)

How do I replace $c(0) with an empty element?

My list should look like this:

set list=$lb(1,,2)

I tried using $list but it either replaces the element with an empty string:

set $list(list,2)=""
zw list

Resulting in:


Or removes the element altogether:

set $list(list,2,2)=""
zw list

Resulting in:

2 2
0 382

Hello community!

At the global summit in Phoenix, we (Lite Solutions) will be presenting a tool performing static code analysis on ObjectScript source files. You can see it in action at this URL:


Technically, the tool is a language plugin over SonarQube (http://sonarqube.org) and consists of three main parts:

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1 1.9K

Is there a way to lock at the record level? I know that you can lock at the table level:


but am unable to find a way to lock just at the record/row level.

Would this also affect a SELECT statement done on the record?

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