· Nov 1, 2018
Pattern Match with Cache

I'm trying to interpret a ObjectScript pattern and I am stumped on the first part. I understand everything else but not sure what 1.A means. I know A stands for Alpha characters just not sure what the 1. means

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I can directly order over a MultiDimensional property, e.g.

set key=$order(obj.prop(key))

However I have a generic method that has to use the $property method, if I know the keys then I can just fetch a value with...

set value=$property(obj,"prop","key")

But if I don't know the keys then I am not aware of a solution to do this, e.g.

set key=$order($property(obj,"prop",key))

will not work.

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· Oct 30, 2018
MSSQL Data Warehouse


I have been trying to pull data through a linked server in SSMS from an InterSystems Cache Database for a while, this is to enable us to join the data to other source systems in our Data Warehouse.

I have set up an ODBC connection and a linked server to the database and can execute queries through OPENQUERY in Management studio, but the data is huge (> 100million rows). So when I execute a SQL query with a WHERE clause the query just spins.

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I'm trying to execute a nodejs process to perform some work on a string from Cache/Mumps over to nodejs, then return the result from nodejs as a string back to the code in Cache and I was looking at the `$ZF` logic - it will let me output the results to a file (i.e. temp.txt) but I dont see a way to just get the output set back to an M variable like (and I know this is not the correct syntax, but just for example)

S myOutput=$ZF(-100, "echo something") ;; wrong syntax but just for example

W myOutput ;; want to write out "something" but of course this doenst work

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· Oct 30, 2018
ID vs %ID in tables

What is the difference between %ID and ID in a database table? Both seem to reference the same column labelled ID.

For context, I am trying to create a viewer class for an existing persistent class.

Let us call the persistent class A, with SqlTableName = OldA.

The viewer class will be B with SqlTableName = A and ViewQuery = {select %ID, <other fields> from <some other class with the same fields as A>}

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I was understanding the cluster configuration supported by the Cache. Have couple of queries around that:

1. In Cache version 2018.2, there is a shrading concept which splits the data of a Master Data server into multiple small data server which store shraded data.

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(Originally posted on Intersystems CODE by @Eduard Lebedyuk, 10/12/15) The following code snippet outputs all filenames in the file path "dir" in the Cache/IRIS terminal. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class eduardlebedyuk.filenamesInDir Extends %RegisteredObject
	classmethod test() {
		// replace dir with file path you want
		set dir = "D:\directory" 
		set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
		set file=$ZSEARCH(dir_"*")
		while file'="" {
			write !,file
			set file=$ZSEARCH("")

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2 1.8K
· Feb 19, 2016 1m read
Simple WorkMgr example

Attached code contains a very basic $system.WorkMgr example.

It uses several jobs (workers) to update different chunks of rows of a table.


  • Creates a table with 100 records.
  • Split table in chunks
  • Initialize WorkMgr and queue chunks to workers.
    • Every worker simply sets its process number in the Job field of the processed row.

In this case, I have tested the example in a 8-core laptop:

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I would like to know if anyone has had some experience in building systems for multiple end-users.

To keep things simple, in a hypothetical example, say an Event Booking System, where a Venue could sign up to use such a system and define it's Venue, costs, calendars, etc.. and then invite their customers to book the Venue on different days/times.

If I wish to offer such a system to many Venues, there are a number of options available.

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0 2K
· Oct 26, 2018 1m read
Send an HTML Email

This code snippet contains the class method "test" which sends an HTML email. Change the literal strings in the method to customize the email's from address, to address, subject, and body:

Class objectscript.sendEmail Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test() {
        set m=##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New()
        set m.From=""
        set m.IsHTML=1
        do m.To.Insert("")
        set m.Subject="Sent by IRIS mail"
        set m.Charset="iso-8859-1"
        do m.TextData.Write("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<META http-equiv=Content-Type content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-2""></HEAD>"_$char(13,10))
        do m.TextData.Write("<BODY><FONT face=Arial size=2>Test <B>Test</B></FONT></BODY></HTML>")
        set s=##class(%Net.SMTP).%New()
        set s.smtpserver=""
        set status=s.Send(m)

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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1 1.1K

From the first glance, the task of configuring LDAP authentication in Caché is not hard at all – the manual describes this process in just 6 paragraphs. On the other hand, if the LDAP server uses Microsoft Active Directory, there a few non-evident things that need to be configured on the LDAP server side. Those who don’t do anything like that on a regular basis may get lost in Caché settings. In this article, we will describe the step-by-step process of setting up LDAP authentication and cover the diagnostic methods that can be used if something doesn’t work as expected.

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· Oct 20, 2018
Looking for work

Hi every body

I hope it's the right place & I'm not offending any body.

I'm a veteran Mumps/Cache/Ensemble programmer . I think my only draw back is my age, although my brain is still young & bubbly.

I'm looking a long time for work without success.

I gathered a lot of knowledge & experience during those long years , developed many projects & i'm ready to do any work only to feel useful.

I'll add my resume, I hope & wish that this post will bring some change as I'm desperate to get some work.

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0 435

I want to do some logic based on what environment code is running in. I can't find a built-in function to retrieve this so I'd like to write a custom function. Does anyone know of a command that would get the current environment?

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· Oct 18, 2018
$match or "?"

Hello all...

Is there two matching patterns in Caché, is there a difference in use one or the other?

USER>set a = "(1234)"

Using $match.

USER>w $match(a,"\([0-9]{4}\)")


Using literal match (sorry if not correctly term expression)

USER>W a?1"("4n1")"


What is different from using one or the other?

The 'a?1"("4n1")"' does this pattern exist only Caché.
Exists performance improvement with use pattern Caché?

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0 572

Recently, a partner company started to develop an Angular client for their Cache application. Together, we decided to leverage the power of Caché dynamic objects to exchange JSON encoded data between client and server parts. However, we realized that currently there is a gap in Cache JSON implementation that prevents simple use of traditional registered and persistent classes to exposed their data with the same ease as with XML. I wrote a small JSON adapter, that does the job and bridgers the gap. It's purpose is simple expose data described by a regular Cache class in a one-to-one fashion to a %DynamicObject. On the other hand, when a serialized JSON data comes in, it can be easily deserialized into dynamic object and subsequently bound to regular class by the newly created adapter.

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1 2.1K

I think I already know the answer to this but I thought I'd ask anyway. So the Node.js adapter allows you to perform operations directly on Globals. Does the InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll or InterSystems.CacheExtreme.dll provide a mechanism to access Gobals directly or are you accessing globals via Caché ObjectScript classes?

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This code snippet uses %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider. The namespace and string of SQL can be edited for different situations. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class eduardlebedyuk.passQuestionParams
    classmethod test(pValue = 50) {
        s ns = $Namespace
        zn "samples"
        s tSQL = "SELECT ID, Name FROM Sample.Person WHERE Id > ?"
        s tPR = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider).%New()
        s tPR.sql = tSQL
        s tPR.%Format = "tw"
        s tPR.maxRows = 100
        s tParam = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.parameter).%New()
        s tParam.value = pValue
        d tPR.parameters.SetAt(tParam,1)
        d tPR.%DrawJSON() 
        //d ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider).%WriteJSONFromSQL(,,,,,tPR)  //same thing
        zn ns

(Originally posted to Intersystems CODE by @Eduard Lebedyuk, 5/13/15)

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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· Oct 17, 2018
SQLGateWay performance.

I have a ZEN page with nine tablepanes. Each tablepane queries a table in the same SQLServer db. I have a single SQLGateWay(odbc) to this SQLServer db. I need to get better performance when I query all nine table at the same time. Would my performance improve if I had nine SQLGateWays(nine odbc configurations/connections), one for each query? I would appreciate any and all suggestions for getting the very best performance when using SQLGateWays. Thank you.

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0 291

I have created a view to stage some data in a different format and then want to reference that view in a SQL query from a table that filters the data from the view using a property of the table.


MsgId = ReportId
) as ReportName

Is this even possible? When I try this, I get an error table not found for the view?


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