· Oct 11, 2016
Cache deleting users

Very new to this side of cache....

So, currently in the habit of keeping all users forever, up to over 5000... ? is what if we decided to start deleting old users who have been gone from the company, how would it affect any account level information? notes, payments etc.... Is there any documentation anywhere that would answer this or describe this process or maybe best practices??

Sorry if this seems stupid but i am working on a proof theory for work.

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Keywords: Jupyter Notebook, Tensorflow GPU, Keras, Deep Learning, MLP, and HealthShare

1. Purpose and Objectives

In previous"Part I" we have set up a deep learning demo environment. In this "Part II" we will test what we could do with it.

Many people at my age had started with the classic MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) model. It is intuitive hence conceptually easier to start with.

1 2
3 894
· Oct 26, 2016 1m read
Ensemble XML VDoc Schema Editing

This article explains how Atelier helps you to improve software development productivity. One of the Ensemble features is the VDoc infrastructure. When someone develops HL7 v2.* production, She/ He is in a luxurious situation because Ensemble comes with a HL7 Schema editor. On the other hand this is not the case with XML VDocs. But with some effort you can turn Atelier to a handy XSD editor and close the gap.

Please follow the step-by-step guide to complete the job.

Before you read

Please make sure that you have

1 0
0 580
· Dec 9, 2017 1m read
Simple Game Code(21 sticks Game)
    w "Total No.Of Sticks:21"_!
    s sticks=21
    r "enter machine name: ",a
    r "enter dev name: ",b
    w "Display 1 to 21 sticks"_!
    s i=""
    f i=1:1:21{
        w " "_i_" "
    w !_"User select 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 sticks:"_!
    r "User enter sticks: ",us
    if us>4 {
        w "please select upto 4 Sticks"
        r "User enter sticks: ",us
    s cnt=sticks-us
    s sticks=cnt
    f i=1:1:sticks {
        w " "_i_" "
    s dev=1
    s machine=0
    d:sticks=0 lost(dev,machine)
    d machine(.sticks,us)
1 0
0 316

Good afternoon!
I faced a problem with HealthShare complete transfer to another PC. I have on the old computer a lot of interesting developments and test projects, including widgets, developments on DeepSee and other stuff.
Would you please describe the details how one HealthShare installation can be correctly transferred to another PC. And that this should be done.

1 1
0 334

Good day, every process in my software is about to update 3 specific globals in row when the process is called to do some job. I need to guarantee that during updating of those globals with multiple processes there is only one process that is actually working with those globals. Moreover I need my globals unreadable if other process is in critical area.


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I am a beginner with Object Script and I hope anyone can help me solving my questions.

1. Is there a way to time a loop in Object Script?

2. My code leads to the following error, even though it executes the method.

Is there a way to ignore this specific error, so that I can repeat my code in a time loop over and over again without stopping?

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1 885
· Oct 31, 2016
Zen Excel Report

Hello Everyone.

Sorry if it is a dumb question, but I'm new.

First: I have to create a Excel MultipleSheet Report. That I'm fine with doing.. but they want me to give every Workbook that is created it's unique reportName, that is generated with the user input on the page. Is it possible to do so?

0 7
0 522
· Dec 5, 2016

All replies are appreciated. We have put our first client into our production cache database and we are looking at what kind of regular maintenance is needed. We were questioning whether we should defrag the database files using windows defrag program and whether we need to run the defrag for Globals regularly? Should we be doing these routinely , occasionally or not at all?

0 1
0 576
· May 17, 2017
Soap Messaging

HI ,

Please let us know the solution to the below error which appeared during SOAP Wizard.

ERROR #5805: ID key not unique for extent '%Dictionary.ClassDefinition' : '^oddDEF("GuruBaseAllah.BLZServiceSOAP11porthttp")' exists. Id counter location = ''



0 1
0 304

Is there any methods/ways through which will get to know whether any of the Unit Test cases is/are failing in the Terminal with status as either 0 or False in case of Failure & 1 or Ture in case of Test Passes (we are getting an url of the csp page with the report which has the passed failed status) as we need to send this failure status to Jenkins for the Build to Fail (where in we have acheived this part in making the build failure/success based on harcoded boolean)

0 2
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