Upgraded IRIS/Connect to 2022.1 and /api/atelier no longer works through a Web/CSPGateway. Also upgraded the Web/CSPGateway to version WebGateway-2022. on Ubuntu and HTTPD Server version: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) with no luck as well.

It doesnt seem to matter if I add /api/atelier or /api/monitor to the enabled applications list, these routes do not make it back to the instance, however /csp, /csp/sys still does.

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· Feb 3, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.585.0

I am pleased to announce the next in the series of 2016.2 field test kits, 2016.2.0.585.0.

In the two weeks since the last field test posting Development has made over a hundred fixes and improvements in Atelier, Enterprise Manager, Ensemble and Caché.

In Atelier alone there were over a dozen changes including a fix for the incompatibility issue that Jamie Newton described in his posting of February 1.

In Caché major areas of focus include:

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In Studio you can open class with typing / pasting full classname Ctrl+O dialogs filenamebox.

in Open Atelier Class/Routine Dialog (Ctrl+Shift+T) you can't give full class name (package.class) and

when typing only classname part it does not give you any hint about package of those classes it shows.

Its' a bit frustrating when we can have ( and we have) lot of classess named similarily in different packages

and we have lot of packages so the tree crawling is a bit slow.

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When I tried to make change in DTL view then only i see following error whereas in XML mode no issue in compilation.

Any resolution and solution ? it looks like some missing xml parser configuration or Pulg ins ?

ensEPC.DataTransforms.dtEcgCEpc081518.dtl was saved locally but could not be saved remotely.

ERROR <Ens>ErrInvalidDTL: Invalid DTL

ERROR #5001: attribute 'sourceclass' is not declared for element 'transform'

ERROR #5001: attribute 'sourcedoctype' is not declared for element 'transform'

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Context: Ensemble development with ObjectScript in a healthcare context - lots of HL7, and some web service stuff. We've used Studio up till now, alongside a lot of leaning on an external developer, but are expanding our team and doing more in-house. We are wondering about Visual Studio Code - not least because it looks easier to hook up to source management solutions. And we've noticed that the test environments that you get connected to when doing many of the online training courses on learning.intersystems.com give you a Visual Studio Code environment.

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I am trying out Atelier. I have installed it and managed to get it to connect to a cache instance to test it. I have created a local project and I am trying to copy the server files to it using the "Copy to Project" item on the popup menus. I can copy both classes and routines to the project without issue, but when I try to copy the CSP files, I get the following message:

com.intersystems.atelier.utils.CheckedExceptionWrapper: Input length = 1

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0 243

I started with the Atelier Stand Alone.

Now I have moved on to Atelier as a plug-in to Eclipse.

With the Stand Alone I had access to two help topics, the Workbench and the InterSystems Atelier.

Now, as a plug-in I have access to a number of other help topics.

When I do a Help Contents, how do I eliminate those help topics I have no interest in?

Or only do a Help Contents on the topics that apply to me as a Atelier user?

I apologize if you have already covered this, but there is so much to read on Atelier already.

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Sometimes I have Atelier gettinng stuck on background task "Updating server container".

This maxes out one of the cpu cores and I end up having to kill the process. This is on version 1.3.139.

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trying to open this view from Atelier Explorere somethimes give me "java.lang.NullPointerException", sometimes "the resource is not on teh build path of a Script project"...

it's not reasonable why you have this menu-item within atelier explorer but not within project explorer...

atelier version 1.2

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[Update] The problem has been fixed.

The update sites listed on the Atelier download page will be temporarily down for some time. We will notify the community here once the servers are brought back up.

As a result, you will not be able to install Atelier 1.1.391 from the beta update site until this work is completed.

Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.

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· Aug 1, 2019
Atelier csp sync error


Im getting this error when trying to sync csp files on Atelier

Synchronization failed: [dev10 is broken] ERROR #5002: Cache error: <STORE>zTS+6^%Library.RoutineMgr.1

This on Cache 2017.1 and Atelier 1.3.144

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Good morning,

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer this question.

We need to find out how to display an EnsLib.DICOM.Document using LOGINFO, in the traces.

We have tried to use:

set writer=##class(%XML.Writer).%New()

set status=writer.OutputToString()

set status=writer.RootObject(..DocumentFromService)

set xml= writer.GetXMLString()

$$$LOGINFO("..DocumentFromService en xml: "_xml)
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