· Aug 8, 2019

Error copying CSP files to prjoect

I am trying out Atelier.  I have installed it and managed to get it to connect to a cache instance to test it.  I have created a local project and I am trying to copy the server files to it using the "Copy to Project" item on the popup menus.  I can copy both classes and routines to the project without issue, but when I try to copy the CSP files, I get the following message:

com.intersystems.atelier.utils.CheckedExceptionWrapper: Input length = 1

The documentation is not helping.  Can anyone throw some light on what is causing this?  I feel certain it is a misconfiguration or a setting  I have missed.

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Dave is working with InterSystems Support on this one. An update on the investigation:

This error is thrown when trying to import a file that is not UTF-8 encoded. Starting with Atelier 1.3.144 (the current beta version), the error message in this case is clearer:

com.intersystems.atelier.utils.CheckedExceptionWrapper: Failed to decode as UTF-8

Atelier requires that all files not stored as globals on the server be in UTF-8 format. Examples include HTML, CSS, TXT, and JS. So the solutions are either to convert files to UTF-8 encoding so that they can be synchronized using Atelier, or to modify the files directly on the file system.