Hey Developers,

Get updated on recent changes to Provider Directory and Patient Index. Take a peek at what is coming next:

Provider Directory & Patient Index: New & Next

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,917 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi folks!

I'm curious if it is possible to change the class method to another class?

I call a method of a system class to generate another class. But there is a bug/feature in a library class, so I need to tweak a bit the generated method, e.g. add additional parameter and change the line to "if" the parameter.

I hope to do this programmatically after class generation and change the code in a way I like.

What are the options?

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Hi there,

Does anyone have an example of the method used to run an SQL query and generate the view in a Mumps routine. I have several SQL queries created from a vendor that need to be converted and the corresponding view referenced. I cannot seem to find any examples in IDX routines or in the IRIS/Cache documentation. Any help is appreciated.


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The 2021.2 release of the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform includes many exciting new features for fast, flexible and secure development of your mission-critical applications. Embedded Python definitely takes the limelight (and for good reason!), but in SQL we've also made a massive step forward towards a more adaptive engine that gathers detailed statistical information about your table data and exploits it to deliver the best query plans. In this brief series of articles, we'll take a closer at three elements that are new in 2021.2 and work together towards this goal, starting with Run Time Plan Choice.

It's hard to figure out the right order to talk about these (you can't imagine how often I've reshuffled them in writing this article!) because they fit together in such a nice way. As such, feel free to go on a limb and read these in random order smiley.

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Hey Developers,

Learn about the InterSystems Partner Directory, its value to partners, and how to join:

Partner Directory New Services for InterSystems Partners & End Users

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I've experienced this problem several times recently. I go to a production in my development instance and click on the (+) to add a new service. A pop-up appears with the message "An error occurred with the CSP application and has been logged to system error log (^ERRORand nothing else. Examining ^ERRORS is of no help. There's a lot of gibberish there that isn't informative in the least.

I can add processes and operations just fine.

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This is the third article in our short series around innovations in IRIS SQL that deliver a more adaptive, high-performance experience for analysts and applications querying relational data on IRIS. It may be the last article in this series for 2021.2, but we have several more enhancements lined up in this area. In this article, we'll dig a little deeper into additional table statistics we're starting to gather in this release: Histograms

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I am working in Intersystems Healthshare product.

I want to clear the message logs from a particular interface (Service,process,operation).

In intersystems we have the option to purge the data for all interfaces for the corresponding time but I want to clear the data logs for particular interface only.

Please let me know how to approach this scenario.

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to the online meetup with the winners of the InterSystems Security contest!

Date & Time: Friday, December 10, 2021 – 11:00 EDT

What awaits you at this virtual meetup?

  • Our winners' bios.
  • Short demos on their applications.
  • An open discussion about technologies being used. Q&A. Plans for the next contests.

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Hey everyone,

Need to change your PRIMARY email address (login email) and not lose all your activity on the Developer Ecosystem resources: Community, Global Masters, and Open Exchange?

It's easy! We will take care!

1️⃣ We will correctly transfer all your information from the old DC account to the new one.

All your posts, comments, mentions, likes, etc. will be saved on the new account.

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Hi everyone

I see that a new Apache bug has been discovered, and since various InterSystems products use an Apache webserver, have Intersystems released any news or updates on this? I'm not seeing any updates, press releases from them. Anyone know anything?


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Hi members,

I have these data :

and need to exploit the first character of cot field (Library CDU classification) like this :

I get this result... it's approximatively what I want... but I need it in just one line !

With mySQL I get it with just GROUP BY rcddate

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Hi developers!

ZPM Package Manager is getting more and more popular and thus the library of packages is growing.

And thus some solutions or samples can be built with InterSystems IRIS and one or two packages installed.

I want to share with you iris-docker-zpm-usage-template - a template that can be used exactly for this purpose.

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Hello programmers I would like to build a simple app where I could register data from a user like a name, age, and the phone just to practice, but for that, I would like to build the frontend and backend and also I need to be able to insert, update and delete information.
Does anyone have any recommendations for me on how I could do that using Intersystems IRIS?

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Hey Developers,

Learn about the recent changes to InterSystems HealthShare Unified Care Record and what is coming next:

InterSystems HealthShare Unified Care Record

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I've been accessing Cache tables from a developer/reporting side, but am now involved in a project to create a data warehouse for our application. I'm trying to find a query I can use to return the sizes of all the tables in the database, so we can identify the largest tables and handle those individually. Can someone give me a query I can run against our Cache database to return the sizes of all the tables from largest to smallest?

Thanks for the help

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