InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,956 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Aug 19 4m read
Accessing Azure Blob Storage

Accessing an Azure cloud storage to upload/download blobs is quite easy using the designated %Net.Cloud.Storage.Client class API methods, or using the EnsLib.CloudStorage.* inbound/outbound adaptors.

Note that you'll need to have the %JavaServer External Language Server up and running to use the cloud storage API or adaptors, since they both use the PEX framework using the Java Server.

Here is a quick summary:

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformative potential for driving value and insights from data. As we progress toward a world where nearly every application will be AI-driven, developers building those applications will need the right tools to create experiences from these applications. Tools like vector search are essential for enabling efficient and accurate retrieval of relevant information from massive datasets when working with large language models.

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I'm posting this for the benefit of WebTerminal users who have upgraded to the recently-released IRIS 2024.2 -- (Build 247U) Tue Jul 16 2024 09:52:30 EDT -- or are considering doing so.

That version of 2024.2 contains a change (DP-432503) which requires that the user under which the Web Gateway initially connects to IRIS (usually CSPSystem) must have READ permission on the database hosting the dispatch class of the REST web application.

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InterSystems Official
· Aug 16
InterSystems Platforms Update Q3-2024

Welcome to the Q3’2024 quarterly platforms update. We have some news on the AIX front to encourage better security, along with our usual round of OS version updates.

If you’re new to these updates, welcome! This update aims to share recent changes as well as our best current knowledge on upcoming changes, but predicting the future is tricky business and this shouldn’t be considered a committed roadmap.

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Hi, Community!

How can you get your data ready for generative AI applications? Get some key tips from an InterSystems expert:

Preparing Your Data for Use with Generative AI
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Hi Community,

We're super excited to share with you a very special session from the Global Summit 2024! And it is so special because it is about the Developer Community and Developer Ecosystem.

🤩 Leveraging Developer Ecosystem Tools for Success @ Global Summit 2024
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Hi Community!

We are excited to announce the first French technical article writing contest!

✍️ Technical Article Contest ✍️

This is the perfect opportunity for all InterSystems technology enthusiasts to share their knowledge and showcase their writing skills. No matter your experience level, everyone is welcome to participate. Articles can cover a wide range of technical topics related to InterSystems products or services. So, let your creativity and expertise run wild!

📅 Contest period: September 2-29, 2024

🎁 Gifts for all: a special gift is prepared for each participant!

🏅 Prizes for the authors of the best articles

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When building a bundle from legacy data, I (and others) wanted to be able to control whether or not the resources were generated with a FHIR Request Method of PUT instead of the hard coded POST. I have extended the two classes responsible for transforming SDA to FHIR in an Interoperability Production to accomodate a setting that lets the user control the Request Method.

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A nice feature that we recently added to version 2.12.6 of the VS Code ObjectScript extension is controlled by this new setting:


When set true in JSON, or checked in the Settings Editor, a server-side file will be read-only if the source control class for the namespace reports that it is not editable.

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Hey Community!

We’re thrilled to invite you to an exciting LinkedIn Live session dedicated to the most common myths and misconceptions surrounding AI!

🌐 Debunking AI Myths with Expert Insights 🌐

📅 Thursday, September 5th, 10 am EDT | 4 pm CEST

🗣 Presenters:

  • @John Paladino, Head of Client Services, InterSystems
  • Tobias Zwingmann, AI Expert

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Today we have an unusual code golf: build a program (using only printable ASCII characters, tabs and newlines) that prints out exactly the characters in the printable ASCII space (characters 32 to 126) that don't appear in your program's source code (in any order, however many times you want).

As usual, the goal is to produce the shortest code to do this.

My (admittedly not very good, but does the job!) entry:

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Hello every one, here in our company we are trying to develop a tool to help us in our "Code Review" that today is completely done for another developer.

So I need to develope a tool that reads a class/routine (Already done) and identify if in the current line there is some abbreviated command, that is against our policy of codification, for example:

s variable = "test"
d ..SomeMethod()

So in this cases I want to warn the original developer that the code has parts that need to change the "s" to "Set" and de "d" to "Do".

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There are a lot of great community articles regarding "vector search on IRIS", and samples in OpenExchange. Everytime I see these, I'm so excited to know that so many developers already try vectors on IRIS!

But if you've not tried "Vector Search on IRIS" yet, please give me one minute 😄 I create one IRIS class - and with only one IRIS class you can see how you put vector data in your IRIS database and how you compare these in your application.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

If you do not specify the option to remove the mirror attribute of the mirror database when deleting the mirror configuration, the database cannot be restored to a normal state and will be mounted read-only the next time it is mounted. To restore the database to a read-write state, you must remove the mirror attribute using the system routine ^MIRROR.

The procedure is as follows (execute in the %SYS namespace):

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

Temporary globals stored in the IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases are used when a process does not need to store data indefinitely, but requires the powerful performance of globals. The IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases are not journaled, so using temporary globals does not create journal files.

The system uses the IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases for temporary storage and are available to users for the same.

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