If you know the path of a file that exists in the instance's install directory, how can that file be opened and edited in Studio? This file is not saved under the visible directories in Studio ex csp or mgr. For example if you have no access to the server operating system command line, how would you be able to modify a file using Studio?

0 7
1 514
· Jun 16, 2020
CCR deployment Util class

Hi ,

Can anyone share some good sample custom CCR Utility classes that would be called by ImplementCCR routines / CCR event hooks to help bootstrap a HealthShare (2020.1) environment or specific change?


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0 514
· Oct 16, 2020
What is CSPSystem?

Hello Community,

On the installation process of the IRIS Community Edition I came across an interface as below (image attached.)

I would like to know what it means, what is the use of it, what it is and where can i know more on this?

I tried the documentation page but was not successful in finding anything regarding it.

I would like to know more on it please.

Hoping to hear soon.


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0 514
· Aug 10, 2018
Ensemble - Username


Not sure if is possible, but I am trying to find the way to show in the log the username of whoever enable a specific service. The idea is that a service is normally disabled..if someone enable it, the username will be reported to the log...

I have tried with $username but it only return "_Ensemble" when running from ensemble although it works in Studio.


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0 514
· Jul 2, 2019
Ensemble Queue Counts Incorrect

A couple of our queues in Ensemble are reporting a queue count of one however there are no messages in the queue. Does anyone know what the best method is to reset to the queue count back to zero or remove one from the queue count?

0 8
0 514

I'm currently re-engineering an application from CSP pages directly accessing COS Methods, to an Angular/Material front end accessing a REST DAL. Both the Angular front end and REST services are hosted from the same Caché instance and the same namespace, but the REST services have their own CSP application, with all calls being routed through a Dispatch class.

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0 513

Hi, community

i've a problem with my production , it works since two months ago , today i can't start it , i don't know where is the problem !!!!

I enclose here screenshots for my production configuration .


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· Mar 10, 2022
Visual Studio Code Development

Please, I am having trouble connecting to one of several Health Share servers using ISC's Visual Studio Code add-on.

Installation seemed to go smoothly. I have InterSystems's Studio and was able to automatically pull in my existing connections. However when I try to make a connection it fails.

Here is a configuration of one connection slightly edited for security:

"xxxx-hsiecommon-base": {

"description": "This has been created by the CCR system export.",

"username": "therock",

0 3
0 512

I think I already know the answer to this but I thought I'd ask anyway. So the Node.js adapter allows you to perform operations directly on Globals. Does the InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll or InterSystems.CacheExtreme.dll provide a mechanism to access Gobals directly or are you accessing globals via Caché ObjectScript classes?

0 5
0 512
· Jul 15, 2021
Parsing error

After calling an API with

Do request.Get("/api/address/listing")

Set data = {}.%FromJSON(request.HttpResponse.Data)

I get this error:

<THROW>%FromJSON+37^%Library.DynamicAbstractObject.1 *%Exception.General Premature end of data 12 Line 1 Offset 0

any clue what might be causing this?

0 9
0 512
· Jun 5, 2018
$CASE For Long Stories

Hi, Community!

$CASE is a fine syntax sugar for "Ifs" with one-line/one-word expressions, like in docs:

SET daynum=$ZDATE($HOROLOG,10)
  WRITE $CASE(daynum,
              6:"Saturday",0:"Sunday",:"entry error")

But if my expression for a current case is a multi-line business logic? Can I use "{}" somehow or better go with "IF" instead?

0 13
1 511


We are trying to connect to a database through a JavaGateway.

We observe that the JavaGateway reports:

Failed to start the Java Gateway server: ERROR #5002: Error de cache: <UNDEFINED>zGetJavaVersion+22^%Net.Remote.Service.1 *versionWithPrefix

We have checked that we do have the Java Home set:


And we have seen the java files in the server:

0 2
0 511
· Jun 24, 2019
Try/Catch within BP

Hello everyone,

I'm facing an issue i would like to resolve :).

I have a BPL which throw a DTL. My DTL has many reasons to raise an Exception.

I would like to catch this exception within my BP with a SCOPE but it does not work.

The BP seems to catch its own Exception but does not care at all of my DTL Exception.

So, is it possible to use the SCOPE in my case ? Otherwise, how can I handle the exception in my DTL ?

Thanks a lot for your reply.


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0 510
· Apr 5, 2019
How to compare time

I am trying to get the time difference between two time stamps one is recorded earlier to the one happening current but the problem is sql expect string while I have the other stored in a variable and if I do the following I get errors any help please


please note that tx is a variable holding the time formatted the same way as the one being compared to

0 3
0 510
· Mar 14, 2021
Byte[] property type

One of the REST APIs we need to call takes one of request parameter as a byte array. I am trying to create a message class and couldnt figure out which is equivalent type that corresponds to Byte[]. I need to read from a jpg file and then convert it to byte[] before i invoke this webservice. Appreciate if anyone can point me in the right direction. I can use %Stream.FileBinary class to store the jpg file after loading from a file. trying to figure out how to convert that to byte[].

0 4
0 510

Hi Community,

I am using a method taht calls a Dashboard in Deepsee web from an application , but I want to know if it's possible to not showing the header, this part that have the search button, the name of the namespace, etc..

This is the method :

Method %OnAfterCreatePage() As %Status
//Set contratistaId = $Get(%session.Data("ContratistaId"),"")
//Set gerenciaId = $Get(%session.Data("GerenciaId"),"")

1 10
0 510


I have a stored procedure which would generate a standard Cache String and it would be called through JDBC and I would

dump the result in java console/standard output.

What kind of characters should I use in COS so when output get send back to Java side, it knows it contains new line character ?

Thank for your help.

0 2
0 510
· Mar 30, 2020
Error Switching Journal


I'm having a problem when I'm attempting to freeze the instance.

I have a pre-script and post-script to freeze and unfreeze the instance, but when the script execute:

 csession INSTANCE_NAME -U '%SYS' "##Class(Backup.General).ExternalFreeze(\"$SNAPLOG\",,,,,,1800)"

It's give me this error and fails the freeze:

Backup.General.ExternalFreeze: Failed, Unable to switch local journal file, Error: -99,ERROR #1142: Error switching journal file: 0

At cconsole.log file show this:

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0 509

I'm getting this error a lot in Atelier. These are not extremely large files, and I can't seem to find a magic line count or byte size that triggers the issue to occur.

I'm using the latest (I believe) version 1.0.262. Is there a setting that allows larger files to be parsed successfully within the editor?

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