InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,899 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

A client stated to me that they are trying to eliminate SMTP servers from their network and want all email to be sent through their Microsoft Exchange Server. Admittedly I am not very knowledgable of the workings of Exchange Server.

Are there customers sending email notifications through Exchange Server? How is this accomplished? Does Exchange Server act as a SMTP server allowing use of the Email adapter or is there some other mechanism that must be used to communicate with a Microsoft Exchange Server?

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Someone sent me a friend request, I clicked on the link in the email and was presented with a screen that said 'access denied' which was very unfriendly and unhelpful. Of course it was because I was not logged in but rather than 'access denied' why not redirect to the login page so I can login and so accept the friend request?

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If people are going to use the web interface, they need to be able to quickly find new content or material they are looking for.

Right now it appears as though the only sort is based on the last comment. But if there are threads that a user is not interested in, you have to sift through those again and again lookinf for new threads.

Please make it easier to filter and sort a forum so that information is easier for people to browse.

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· Dec 10, 2015
Welcome to the DeepSee Group

Welcome to the DeepSee Group.

The Developer Communty has a lot of DeepSee content including all the DeepSee documentation and over 50 videos.

Please use the Developer Community to asks questions, share your experience, and learn more about DeepSee.

I look forward to your participaton in the DeepSee Group of the InterSystems Developer Community.

Joe Gallant

Senior Product Manager

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· Dec 2, 2015
Formatting the post

There is any mean to use different fonts? For example "Courier New" for code text, or different colors? To work only with HTML is too hard

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I tried to rate a post (clicking on the 5th star) and it didn't seem to have any impact (there is no visual feedback and when I move the mouse away the stars are all still unlit). I am trying in Chrome - is this a general issue or just something that is not working for me?

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It will be good if outside links in posts can open in new browser window, so you don't leave community page when you click on link. My second comment is if user doesn't upload his profile picture maybe you should use some default picture. Currently it looks like broken picture link.

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· Dec 7, 2015 1m read
Welcome everyone!.

I'm very proud of the Worldwide Response Center - an excellent group of men and women - and I am interested to hear from you about your experience using the WRC. There are always better ways for us to serve you.

I'm also very excited about the Developer Community which we're bringing to you to give you an opportunity to connect with groups and individuals in the InterSystems community. Let us know what you think and how we can improve it in order to serve you better.

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I am working on an Ensemble demonstration that involves workflow. Over the course of testing I have cleared out the Ensemble message store several times. This has left several workflow tasks that no longer can be assigned, accepted or rejected.

How do I clear the Workflow Tasklist which is found by going to Ensemble -> Manage -> Workflow -> Workflow Tasks in the Ensemble Management Portal?

Thanks in advance


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· Nov 9, 2015
Subscribing to posts?

How do I subscribe to a post? I would like to get email notifications when a comment is made on a post.

Not only posts that I created, but also posts from others that I am lurking on (have not commented on )

is this possible?

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· Nov 11, 2015
Linux provider change question

Hi -

If you have Cache installed on a Cent OS machine, and you want to switch the OS to Red Hat 7, and your Caché is installed on a non-OS drive, do you need to reinstall Caché?

I don't think so, but I wanted to check

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· Nov 10, 2015
Dashboard Branding...

Hello DeepSee'ers -

How hard is it to brand a dashboard to a login?

The situation is, I have a Partner that is looking to create common Dashboards in a SaaS model where the Partner's Clients would want to have their individual views of this common dashbaord be branded (logos, color, styles, etc.) to match the Client's branding. This my Partner's Client's End Users will see this common dashboard as the dashboard from the "Client" and not the "Partner" (and certainly not ISC branding)

ie. ISC -> Partner -> Client -> End User

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· Nov 9, 2015
Adding content-

It seems pretty easy to add a post to a group or something like that. But lets take Code Packages for example. How do I go about submitting a code example to be posted under that area?

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· Nov 9, 2015 1m read
Cache SQL Storage Mapping

The attached zip file contains a bunch of examples of Cache SQL Storage mappings that I have done over the years.

If you have existing globals and want to expose them via Objects or SQL you need to setup Cache SQL Storage mapping. If you do not see an example that helps with your case send me an example and I can help you out.

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· Nov 9, 2015 3m read
Tipy a Triky s Caché

Tip dvacátý šestý: objekty a concurrency 2 - swizzling

Když tento seriál před několika lety začínal, byl jeho první díl věnován zajištění izolace instance objektů pro exkluzivní přístup a popisu příslušných API funkcí. Nedávno se mi ale stalo, že mě tento díl dostihl. Jeden ze zákazníků začal mít problémy v aplikaci, přestože důsledně používal exkluzivní zámky pro editování instancí svých objektů.

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· Sep 28, 2015 1m read

The Business Processing Language - for orchestration and long-running business processes.

Ensemble can orchestrate calls to external systems. Very often this is done to implement or automate a long-running business process - that is, real business processes where people interact with a series of different systems to complete complex tasks. BPL (the Business Processing Language) provides a graphical way to create these orchestrations.

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Executive Summary

An accountable care organization (ACO) is a group of providers that are collectively responsible for the total cost and quality of care provided to a specific population of patients. Together, the group assumes risk and shares rewards. As with high-performing organizations in other industries, the hallmarks of ACOs are quality measurement and continuous improvement.

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How do you balance the need to achieve an early success with SOA against the requirement for an architecture that will deliver long term success? You don't want to get bogged down in architectural committees for three years, but you don't want to make short term decisions that will be roadblocks to long term success.

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Executive Overview

One way financial services firms can improve their operational efficiency is to revamp their data management infrastructure. Creating a central repository for data that is used by multiple applications can ensure data consistency and quality across the enterprise, ease integration bottlenecks, and lower the number of failed trades.However, different applications have different database usage patterns. To satisfy them all, any central data repository must:

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