InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,075 amazing developers
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We use ExecureProcedure() to execute a stored procedure which returns a result set. But we see lot of "Invalid cursor state" errors when the result set is empty. The connection to SQL server database is made through ODBC.

ERROR #6022: Gateway failed: Fetch. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: SQLState: (24000) NativeError: [0] Message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state

Here is the code snippet from the business operation class which uses EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter

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We're looking to grow our team by adding an experienced healthcare interoperability resource to focus on Participant onboarding and troubleshooting, and testing and evaluation of in-house and third-party software solutions to ensure compliance with organizational standards and requirements.

Details of position are available on our Careers page.

#healthcare #remotework

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How can you allow computers to trust one another in your absence while maintaining security and privacy?

“A Dry Martini”, he said. “One. In a deep champagne goblet.”
“Oui, monsieur.”
“Just a moment. Three measures of Gordons, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?”
"Certainly, monsieur." The barman seemed pleased with the idea.
Casino Royale, Ian Fleming, 1953

OAuth helps to separate services with user credentials from “working” databases, both physically and geographically. It thereby strengthens the protection of identification data and, if necessary, helps you comply with the requirements of countries' data protection laws.

With OAuth, you can provide the user with the ability to work safely from multiple devices at once, while "exposing" personal data to various services and applications as little as possible. You can also avoid taking on "excess" data about users of your services (i.e. you can process data in a depersonalized form).

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Hi is there healthshare insallable for one user where one can create edge production, follow exercises to customize clinical viewer, create data loading routines takeing data from flat file and push data to ECR. Community version for IRIS for health does not have options to create edges and there is no clinical viewe

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· Nov 17, 2020
Terminal replacement


Has anyone found a good terminal emulator replacement for Cache Terminal?

We want one where the up arrow works to bring back the last command typed (without extraneous characters appearing at the beginning of the line) and be able to run D ^JOURNAL and have it display correctly.

I tried WebTerminal a couple of years back and but it didn't work properly with the journal. I've tried RoyalTS and that doesn't do up arrow or the journal correctly even though it's supposed to be emulating a VT400.

Any suggestions?


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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video, specially recorded by @Yuri Marx for the InterSystems Interoperability contest:

OCR Service for InterSystems IRIS
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I've just installed Visual Studio Code, installed the InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack as documented here, connected it to a local InterSystems IRIS instance, and created a workspace associated with one of that instance's namespaces. However, after doing this, I don't see the ObjectScript button on the left toolbar when opening the workspace.

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Hello developers!

I submitted for the contest a solution that would allow organizing message notifications and providing information to users of the messenger Telegam. This is achieved by creating two bots: an administrator and an informant. The administrator manages the list of users connected to the bot informator and their access rights.

The Solution based on project

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· Oct 5, 2020 2m read
File Passthrough Feeder

IRIS Interoperability Productions formerly known as Ensemble are fun to work with. Yes, I really think my work is fun. I have seen File Passthrough Services and File Passthrough Operations come in handy. At one point we placed test messages in files, then we utilized a File Passthrough Service with Inbound File Adapter to send the contents of the file as a Stream to a File Passthrough Operation with Outbound TCP Adapter.

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My team is working on redesigning an Interoperability solution that currently runs on a HealthShare server that is part of a mirror. Most of the messages are delimited records processed using Complex Record Mapping. We were told to utilize cloud services available in AWS, use containers, autoscaling…

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I am looking to create a routing rule that will do the following:

When transaction is not an A03, and discharge date is valued, do not transform.

What I am having trouble with is with the conditional for the discharge date {PV1:45}. Not sure if I can use length here or if I can use HL7.{PV1:45}>0. I did try that, but its not working. Not sure what I am doing wrong.



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version cache for windows, 2017.2.1 build 801_3 - windows 10

I had this system set up for 3+ years now, and background tasks such as converting emails, have always worked, suddenly it's stopped working and I've tracked it down to any network references.

reading the emails, I look for any attachment files, and save them to a network drive before processing them within a class method,

I've been testing it by sending exactly the same email repeatedly and checking the saving of the attached file in both the background and in the terminal.

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Please, advise how to programmatically set "System Mode" value.

Manually this value can be set via Management Portal > System > Configuration > Memory and Startup > System Mode dropdown.

Value can be programmatically obtained via $SYSTEM.Version.SystemMode() , but I couldn't find a programmatical way to set it.

Thank you.

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In Cache WIndows environment:

Trying to use the $SYSTEM.SQL.DDLImport to import XML File that has ClassMethods, no SQL Table, but it doesn't appear to be working. I can use this ClassMethod to create SQL Tables. The manual method I have been using is to go into Cache Management Portal, Classes, Import.

I create an XML file first, then run the following to import but get no errors. Any ideas?

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· Nov 11, 2020
Create Database using Python
I am trying to create a database using python. The example shows setting a Name string and a Properties object containing Directory=.

; Use class methods to create an instance
 %SYS>s Name="ABC"
 %SYS>s Properties("Directory")="c:\abc\"
 %SYS>s Status=##Class(Config.Databases).Create(Name,.Properties)
 %SYS>i '$$$ISOK(Status) w !,"Error="_$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(Status)

How do I update and pass the Directory property using Python?

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Hello there,

Someone know which impact would have my database changing the locale and its collationTable? I understand it should works fine, without any drawback.

Could someone else confirm my assumption or tell me what could happen? Has anyone changed something like that? (Not to russian, japanese, chinese, etc..)

About queries.. is there any side effect?


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