InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,428 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I inherited some legacy MUMPS / ObjectScript code. A code review identified an exclusive NEW and that is not allowed per our coding standards.

The original code contains:

S $EC=""
D ; scope variables
.N (DUZ,CALL) ; Protect %response
.S IOF="""""",IOM=80,U="^"

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Hey Community,

Enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Integration Production Tools: HealthShare Health Connect & InterSystems IRIS Health @ Global Summit 2024
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In your Interoperability Production you could always have a Business Operation that is an HTTP client, that uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication, but you had to customize the Operation for this authentication methodology. Since v2024.3, which was lately released, there is a new capability, providing new settings, to handle this more easily.

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As part of a migration project from a bunch of java classes to IRIS, we need to maintain a few jar files due to some external dependencies.

The problem I am seeing is that I cannot pass a byte array ( byte[] ) from ObjectScript to the Java Class. I have tried a number of different ways

I have reproduced in a java class and Objectscript class:
Java Class:

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The question I have is if I run an External backup this library rotuine is called:

Is there a command I can run that shows me the Iris system is frozen due to the call to ##Class(Backup.General).ExternalFreeze()?

If the system is frozen I cannot sign into Iris terminal session.

I backup the IRIS server using Veeam. Veeam calls the "freeze" script, snapshots the server in VMWare, then calls the "thaw" script.
Veeam then backs up the VMWare snapshot.

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I am currently trying to edit server side code for TrakCare using Visual Studio Code with intersystems-community.vscode-objectscript version 2.12.11-beta.1.

I can correctly check out the .mac file but when I try to either File > Save or use command 'ObjectScript: Import and Compile Current File' I get a very generic error .

I cannot find any details anywhere in the Output section.

I have reinstalled all extensions several times.

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I'm glad to announce the new version of IoP, which by the way is not just a command line. I'm saying because the new AI search engine still thinks that IoP is just a command line. But it's not. It's a whole framework for building applications on top of the interoperability framework of IRIS with a python first approach.

The new version of IoP: 3.2.0 has a lot of new features, but the most important one is the support of DTL . 🥳

For both IoP messages and jsonschema. 🎉


DTL Support

Starting with version 3.2.0, IoP supports DTL transformations.

DTL the Data Transformation Layer in IRIS Interoperability.

DTL transformations are used to transform data from one format to another with a graphical editor.
It supports also jsonschema structures.

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In short, I am trying to get the Content-Length of my response,

We have a CSP application, when we get a new request we begin to process it, throughout the app we WRITE to the response in different places,
now when the response is about to be sent back to the client - we would like to know its Content-Length (in the RESPONSE HEADERS).
So it comes down to two questions:
1. How can we access the Content-Length of our response?

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Is it possible to generate INFO level logging events from within a routing rule?

TRACE level events and debugging are easy enough, but we have a case where we have a rule where we want to log messages that are not routed for further processing in the event log as INFO events - in production tracing will be turned off, so TRACE level events won't be visible.

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We are currently switching from Studio to VSCode and central GIT with Serverside Development and have a few start problems.
I have set up a system with Git.

The baseline commit including remote push works.

But now I have a problem with the VSCode. When I create and compile a new class, it saves it correctly. But if I want to make further changes to the class, it saves the class and loads it again with the previous status. So the changes I made are gone again.

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  • IRIS for Health Platform experience a MUST (version 2021 and above)
  • Coding and developing components in Objectscript (5+ Years)
  • Experience in H7L (ADT’s) and FHIR (3+)
  • Experience in IRIS IKO’s, GKE, K8’s and Cloud Technology (2+)
  • Experience in IRIS Ensemble Cache, SDA’s

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We are using a DTL transformation to take HL7 and transform into custom XML (XML is a virtual document, held in an EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document object). The schema specifying the format of the XML says one element should occur no more than 24 times (maxOccurs="24" in the XSD schema). However, the transformation to produce one such element always produces 24 elements, all but the last one blank, when tested stand-alone.

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· Jan 7
xDBC error


How can I prevent the error:

2024-12-27 08:05:46 [SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>] [Error: <<READ>XDCall+9^%SYS.DBSRV>] [Location: <$system.IO server loop>] [Client info: <Username: Operator, Node Name: PM_MIP_SRD01, IP Address:, Executable Name: Operative.dll, Internal Function: KÂ>] [%protocol: <65>] $Id: //iris/2023.2.0/kernel/common/src/sysio.c#2 $ 3514 121

It seems that this error occours when connection on PDA is lost and established again.



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Hello all!
We fully tested our system on InterSystems Cache database and on old IRIS.
We cannot find a free download of IRIS for developer as it was before.
We are looking for help from the community to test our system from the by register a user with connection to your testing IRIS database and play with our reports, analytics, AI.

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