Up until recently, I have been toying around with REST/FHIR capabilities but only internally. Now I have a request to make REST API calls outside of our Network.

I am using an RSA 4096 key, because Microsoft Active Directory Services which generates the signed certificate could not handle the Elliptical Key (ECC) when I put the request in.

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We have a stand-alone web platform (readysetrecover.com) that helps people prepare for surgery focusing on the non-clinical – holistic and logistic aspects (stress reduction via meditation, sleep etc. as well as things like setting up the house, coordinating help from others etc).

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There's a distinct difference between the control sequences issued by Windows ssh.exe (OpenSSH_for_Windows_9.5p1, LibreSSL 3.8.2) vs. the RHEL 9 ssh (OpenSSH_8.7p1, OpenSSL 3.0.7 1 Nov 2022) when establishing a session to a Linux host.

Windows ssh issues the following for the Home/End keys:

^[OH - Home
^[OF - End

Linux ssh issues these:

^[[1~ - Home
^[[4~ - End

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I'm testing a REST API that is used for our IRIS Backend with a mobile app (Angular / ionic).

The problem is that, our test environment does not yet have HTTPS capabilities, it's something we're going to set up ASAP, but right now we don't have it set up.

We want to test the API endpoints via a web browser using either a test application built in Angular, or the app itself built with NPM via the browser. This means that the set-cookie headers are being blocked by the browser.

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Trying to test a router that takes an XML input and performs a transform on it.

First attempt I tried to test the transform using the XML Document Viewer via the Ensemble -> Interoperate -> XML Document Viewer menu. The transform itself is working however I can not get the output to save to a file. I've made sure permissions are set correctly on the file. It simply doesn't output anything and I'm at a loss as to why.

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So, here is a novice question; but, I can't seem to figure out how to do it, or find any comments. I simply want to close out this DTL, under the Interoperability / Build / DTL screen:

There do not seem to be any buttons to 'close' the current DTL item. I tried logging off and back on, and, it brings it right back. Ideas?

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I'm trying to leverage the workflow from this repo so I can create an online demo for my project: https://github.com/intersystems-community/iris-google-run-deploy-template.

I saw that we need to ask for the service account token because I mistakenly tried to obtain my own and obviously was getting permission errors.

So how should I go about getting the token? Thanks!

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I was watching this video about IRIS and GitHub and all is clear to me how it works and how code from each branch is getting deployed to each IRIS environment but the process to deploy is manual. My question is how can I, if possible, to utilize gti-source-control from GitLab CICD pipeline to deploy code automaticaly after PR approval instead going to the Git UI?


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