· Apr 15, 2022
Export to Excel problem

Hi Guys,

I'm using the below code to export to excel and it's working fine for one client but not for another and both clients are running the same version of IE 11.

for the second client the code generates an empty xlsx file and when I try to open it it says file corupted although data exits in the resultset, so is there a flag or setting needs be done in the client server or IE?

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0 315
InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,177 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

We have a requirement to write to an AWS S3 bucket from Cache.

We haven't upgrade to IRIS yet, but are looking at doing so in the future. This requirement cannot wait for the upgrade to happen, unfortunately.

Will appreciate if any one can share any example code, that enables cache to write to an AWS S3 bucket?

0 8
1 771

I am writing a Python tools I want to access the %Monitor.System.License properties:

  1. AvailableDist
  2. AvailableLocal
  3. MaxUsedDist
  4. MaxUsedLocal
  5. CurrentUsedDist
  6. CurrentUsedLocal

Initially I want to develop Objectscript to verify access to the properties. But I can not figure the proper syntax.

I first attempted:

set ans = ##class(%Monitor.System.License).AvailableDist

which failed.

I tried another approach:

set ans = ##CLASS(%Monitor.System.License).%GetParameter("AvailableLocal")

0 2
0 267
· Mar 22, 2022
load and compile from java

Hi i am trying to load and compile one class from java . I am following this code. I am using iris 2021.2

irisConnection = (IRISConnection) DriverManager
.getConnection("jdbc:IRIS://", "username", "password");
iris = IRIS.createIRIS(irisConnection);
iris.classMethodStatusCode("%SYSTEM.OBJ", "Load", "/filePath/SumanPramodTest.test3.CLS.xml","/displaylog=0 /displayerror=0");

0 5
0 357

Hi Team,

I am working on data transformation ADT^A01 from ADT^A01 ,In both source and target MRG segment is not available. How can i create a new MRG segment in Target. Kindly share your ideas how to create a new segment in Data transformation.

Thanks in advance

0 2
0 350

I have been struggling trying to understand "Response From" and "Response Target Config Names" as I am trying to track down Orphaned messages. I have noticed that when a Business Rule, or Business Process sends to a File Based Operation, there is always a NULL value response being returned. I am thinking these NULL values are causing some of the orphaned message problems we are seeing.

0 2
0 426

I was using PowerBI to create regular display data obtained from one popular web sourse with hundreds of thousands of visitors per month and a big number of users.

At the beginning of that visualisation development, I was using direct connection from Power BI to Adaptive Analytics powered by AtScale. Adaptive Analytics is useful for cached data, aggregates and fast data sources switching between development and stage phases. The “AtScale cubes'' connection method was used:

3 0
0 938

It's time to announce the Winners for March! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in March:

🥇 @YURI MARX GOMES, Software Architect, YM Services, Braz

🥈 @Prashanth Ponugoti, Technical Architect, Optimus IT Infra Ltd, London, United Kingdom

🥉 @Djeniffer Greffin, Soluctions Architect, Sabin Medicina Diagnóstica, Brazil

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

10 3
1 283
· Apr 11, 2022
MAXSTRING limit issue

MAXSTRING (longstring) is enabled.

We have a Class containing a property definition

Property SettingsJSON As %Text(MAXLEN = 3600000)

The property is used for storing a string of JSON data however in some cases we get a Cache error: %SaveData error when trying to save a string of JSON a lot less than maximum "allowed" length, any ideas anyone?

0 14
0 1.4K

I have a Business Service that reads a file from a folder and sends it as a string to a Business Process. In the business process, I need to add a string to the end of the file string that is coming into the Business Process. I am trying to do this in object script in studio and I am struggling to figure out how to add the string to the end of the other string. I am still new to studio and object script I have been reading up on the documentation and I am not sure what is the best way to accomplish this.

0 6
0 303


How do I run a CSP page from within VS Code.

Secondly I have installed an extension called "Live Server" which will run .html pages within VS Code. Have any of you made use of this extension and if so can you specify that .csp pages are html pages?

If I press F5 in VS Code (just as you would in Cache Studio) in order to view a csp page when I press F5 in vs code it tries to open


without the csp page name

0 6
2 1.1K

Hi all,

I am looking for a best practise approach for providing an ITI-41 based webservice to allow a subsystem to send a provide and register document set transaction via webservice route the request to a registry and loop back the response from the repository to the originating service. Since we need to use Ensemb le 2017.2 I am looking for a best practise to takle that reuirement. As for health connect I could prove a webservice wich supports the named IHE transaction and route it to the registry quite simple. Anyway how would you cope with this requirement under Ensemble?

0 1
0 206
· Apr 10, 2022
SQL query confusion

Hi Guys,

I'm a bit confused where if I run a query trough SMP I don't get any result which should be true but if I run the same query from a classmethod I get a query result which shouldn’t be even if I pass any gibberish parameter into my class method because I'm sure there should be any data? see attached

0 7
0 284
· Oct 14, 2021
Lock the Modal View

Hi Guys,

I'm using a Modal Group but whenever I click outside it the Modal gets minimised, so How can I change the view so that whenever pops up the view get locked until I'm finished with my modal then click exit to endModal ?


0 3
0 303
· Apr 4, 2022 12m read
Store Mindmaps using Globals

Globals are the core of the InterSystems IRIS for data persistence. It is flexible, allowing store JSON documents, relational data, object oriented data, OLAP cubes and custom data models, like Mindmaps. To see how to store, delete and get mindmap data using globals, follow these steps:

1. Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

5 2
1 410

I'm currently working on a custom version control implementation.
I'd like to show differences between a copy of a previously saved routine as a merge of the ^ROUTINE Global and the current version of that same routine.

I've found legacy Documentation for %RCMP which does the trick in the terminal but I'd like a similar result stored inside a variable.
I also want to show differences, not only see if they are the same or not.

The management portal has that exact feature, so maybe someone can direct me to the function that is being used there.

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