· Sep 16, 2022
Several models, such as DALL-E, Midjourney, and StableDiffusion, became available recently. All these models generate digital images from natural language descriptions. The most interesting one, in my opinion, is StableDiffusion which is open source - released barely a few weeks ago. There's now an entire community trying to leverage it for various use cases.
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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,147 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Guys,

I do have a class where one it's fields is defined as %TimeStamp and I did query to select all records and if current datetime is bigger then what's in my nextScheduled filed and basically with this condition below I should have all records stored in ^badis but for some reason I'm only getting the first record

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Hey Community,

We're thrilled to invite you to the next "InterSystems Iberia Summit 2022", which will be held in-person once again. Registration is already open!

Join us in this important event where we'll bring together InterSystems customers and partners and also employees and members of the Developer Community - to learn, inspire and share innovation challenges with each other:

➡️ InterSystems Iberia Summit 2022

🗓 November 16 – 17, 2022

📍Valencia. The Westin Valencia hotel

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· Apr 23, 2021
External Language Server in 2021.1

Now that IRIS 2021.1 is available as a preview version, I would like to demonstrate a "new" feature. The Java Gateway has been around for a while now but in 2021.1 it has new skills. External Language Servers are available for Java, DotNet, and Python. Here is a quick - very quick - demo of using the External Java Server. Please don't focus solely on what this demo is doing but rather on what is happening in this demo. First, I acquire a gateway connection oref. This gateway connection is connected to the External Java Server - one of the External Language Servers.

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This is the seventh in a series of releases that are part of the developer preview program for 2022.2 Future preview releases are expected to be updated biweekly and we will add features as they are ready. Many updates, fixes and enhancements have been added in 2022.2, in SQL management, cloud integration, Kafka and JMS adapters, the SQL Loader, and other areas.

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· Sep 12, 2022
Routing ACKS.

I'm trying to get an ACK routed to a different process in our Test environment and here is the router setup:

I have a rule in the target router to send to an operation.

The problem I'm running into is that the HL7 ACK coming back is marked as "Discarded", so it's not even getting to the second router.

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Hello everyone, I’m a French student that just arrived in Prague for an academical exchange for my fifth year of engineering school and here is my participation in the interop contest.

I hadn’t much time to code since I was moving from France to Prague and I’m participating alone, so I decided to make a project that’s more like a template rather than an application.

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I am happy to share with you my first experience of using a docker container version of IRIS for Health to explore your interest in using or having a trial by taking the advantage of a docker container that is lightweight, and easy to deploy. This cookbook will go through the implementation steps using the GitHub repository called ENSDEMO written by Renan Lourenco.

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Fall Hackathon Season is ready now!

InterSystems will take part in HackMIT hackaton, a long-weekend hackaton organized by the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), where thousands of students come together to work on cool software and/or hardware projects. This year the HackMIT is in-person again, at the MIT campus, and will take place during the first weekend of October.

This year the main tracks are Education, Sustainability, New Frontiers, and Entertainment.
InterSystems challenge will be related to 1 or 2 of the main tracks and will be revealed on September 28.
Stay tuned!

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Hello Developers!

Want to show off your interoperability skills? Take part in our next exciting contest:

🏆 InterSystems Interoperability Contest: Building Sustainable Solutions 🏆

Duration: August 29 - September 18

More prizes: $13,500 – prize distribution has changed!

>> Submit your application here <<

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I try SFTP connect by ObjectScript.
But occurred this error. Can't connect by SFTP key-pair authentication.

:ERROR #7510: SSH Error '-18': SSH Error [80101012]: Username/PublicKey combination invalid [80101012] at Session.cpp:458,0

Key pair was generate this way.
ssh-keygen -m pem -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
"id_rsa" and "id_rsa.pub" is generated.
Passphrase is empty.

sftp command is connect successful.
sftp -i .ssh/id_rsa sftpuser@localhost

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Over time I have created an house-automation solution based on IRIS:
90% of my code is pure ObjectScript, with the most recent 10% being the use of Python libraries for specific tasks.
All of the above being terminal based up to now.

I would like to expose some configuration options / parameters via a very simple web page, to be serviced with the IRIS private web service (so I don't want to use an external Webserver just for this..)

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Hey Community,

In this demonstration you will see the building blocks of an integration in InterSystems IRIS for Health and HealthShare and see how messages are received, processed, and sent—including messages in the HL7 format:

Overview of Basic Components for InterSystems Integration Solutions

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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We currently use codesets to normalize NDC code descriptions in our clinical viewer. Lately, we have started receiving RXNORM codes and they were only displaying the codes in the viewer and not the descriptions. After a short investigation, I found that the RXNORM codeset in the registry was empty. After filling this up, it still didn't resolve the description of the drug.

The SDACodingStandard in the SDA is an OID and I see it in the OID registry and does point to RXNORM.

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· Sep 9, 2022 1m read
DC Analytics Open Application

InterSystems Developer Community analytics. Project made with InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee), Power BI and Logi Report Designer to visualize and analyze members, articles, questions, answers, views and other pieces of content and activity on InterSystems Developer Community.

You can see your own activity, articles and questions. Track how your contribution changes developer community.

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Power BI dashboards provide us with a good way to analyze aggregated information. We can even choose time periods for aggregation (you can find more details regarding it in our article about drill down). However, we might still be interested in a detailed look at specific data points. With the right data filling, we can display detailed data for any column of the chart with all filters applied to that chart.

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This is the sixth in a series of releases that are part of the developer preview program for 2022.2 Future preview releases are expected to be updated biweekly and we will add features as they are ready. Many updates, fixes and enhancements have been added in 2022.2, in SQL management, cloud integration, Kafka and JMS adapters, the SQL Loader, and other areas.

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I'm after some more in-depth information about how the embedded python is implemented with regards to how it works when a python method is called from a CSP page. Will it run in the same Windows process? Will there be any issues with multitasking (considering python doesn't seem very good at this)?

Also, is there a performance penalty to pay for running embedded python vs "using IRIS APIs from Python".

Another question is what python interpreter the embedded python is using? Is it an Intersystems one or the regular c.python? Version?

Excited to go Python!

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