InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,985 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

My original ZAUTHENTICATE.mac to use Delegated sign on did not include GetCredentials(), however I am being told it probably should have it so I am eliminate an error I am seeing when trying to troubleshoot the ZAUTHENTICATION. I am trying to add the GetCredentials() from the documentation to the existing ZAUTHENTICATE.mac but I am getting an error

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I have a problem attempting to store a base 64 encode stream into the OBX:5 field of a HL7 message, by using the StoreFieldStreamBase64 method.

I'm using a transformer to input the contents of a pdf within a stream container (Ens.StreamContainer). The output is a HL7 message (EnsLib.HL7.Message 2.5:ORU_R01).

The transformer is being used in a business process.

This is the code used in the transformer to encode the stream to base 64:

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We're looking for an experienced developer to join our team and help with the project on a part-time basis (20-30 hours a week). Required experience includes InterSystems Cache, PHP, and API. We're ready to start immediately if you're available. Fluency in English and the ability to work in the US time zone is preferred.

About Us:
Redline Coders, an IT consulting firm in California.

Position Details:
- Remote
- 20-30 hours a week
- Duration: 1-2 months

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Hi Allen,

A partner have decided to change the algorithms that were used to connect on it's SFTP, but our version of libssh2 don't match with the list of it's HOSTKEYS algorithms.

If i update the library with the last version without to be sure that it includes the old algorithms, i risk to break the connection for other cases.

all suggestions are welcome. Thx



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In today's data landscape, businesses encounter a number of different challenges. One of them is to do analytics on top of unified and harmonized data layer available to all the consumers. A layer that can deliver the same answers to the same questions irrelative to the dialect or tool being used.

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As you have seen in the latest community publications, InterSystems IRIS has included since version 2024.1 the possibility of including vector data types in its database and based on this type of data vector searches have been implemented. Well, these new features reminded me of the article I published a while ago that was based on facial recognition using Embedded Python.

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InterSystems announces its first preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2024.1 release. This release will include InterSystems IRIS®, InterSystems IRIS® for HealthTM, and HealthShare® Health Connect.

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I have an existing Python script that opens a child session using the pexpect library. But currently all it does is send hard-coded commands to the Cache process and expect a hard-coded response back in order to continue in the script.

I would like to run a Cache routine from the script, pass in a parameter, and wait for a response that will be different every time (a date, in this case). So the call would be something like D $$Tag^Routine(parameter) and wait for the routine to complete and return the response.

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· Feb 24 2m read
The bewitched line terminator

I want to address the nasty problems about reading a flat text in ASCII, UTF*
explicitly excluding HTML, EBCDIC, and other encoding.
According to Wikipedia there are at least 8 variations of control characters.

  • CR+LF is typical for Windows
  • LF is typical for the Linux/UNIX world
  • CR is Mac's favorite

As you can deduct from the names the inspiration comes from mechanical typewriters.

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Hi Developers,

We invite you to join InterSystems at the European Healthcare Hackathon in Prague Nov 24-26!

You can participate online or come to Prague in-person! Registration closes soon - don't hesitate to register.

InterSystems will introduce the "Innovate with FHIR" challenge with $$$ prizes for the best use of InterSystems FHIR services.

It will be a weekend full of innovation - looking forward to meeting you there! 🤩

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When analyzing data, there is often a need to look at specific indicators more thoroughly and to highlight sections of information of particular interest to a user.

For instance, examining the data dynamics for specific regions or dates can help us uncover some hidden trends and patterns that will allow us to make an informed decision about our project in the future.

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In the modern digital age, securing applications, particularly those handling sensitive health data, is paramount. The confidentiality, integrity, and availability of such data are crucial, necessitating robust security measures. Two-factor authentication (2FA) stands out as a critical enhancement in safeguarding access, adding an extra layer of security beyond just passwords. Recognizing the significance of this feature, InterSystems provides built-in support for 2FA in its database solutions. This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of configuring two-factor authentication in your InterSystems environment, ensuring that your data remains secure and accessible only to authorized users.

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Suppose you have an application that allows users to write posts and comment on them. (Wait... that sounds familiar...)

For a given user, you want to be able to list all of the published posts with which that user has interacted - that is, either authored or commented on. How do you make this as fast as possible?

Here's what our %Persistent class definitions might look like as a starting point (storage definitions are important, but omitted for brevity):

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I have created a Business Operation (BO) named "Sender" that sends HTTP messages to an endpoint (for testing, I'm using Postman's Mock Servers).

Goal: I want to set up an automatic timeout mechanism so that if I don't receive a response from the server within 18 seconds, an alert is generated and the message is resent. This process should be repeated every 18 seconds, for a maximum of 90 seconds. If no response is received within 90 seconds, I would like to generate an error message. On the other hand, if a response is received, I want to stop the resending process and complete the operation by indicating successful reception.

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Hello everyone!
Sorry for the vague title! But I wonder what would be the best way to easily import a large XML-file into a production, modifying it by deleting elements and nodes depending on what values are in those nodes/elements and later creating whole new XML-file from that?

I have gone through this: Using Caché XML Tools | Caché & Ensemble 2018.1.4 – 2018.1.8 (

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There is test folder inside my sftp server. I executed the below lines of code

s ssh = ##class(%Net.SSH.Session).%New()

d ssh.Connect("host")

d ssh.AuthenticateWithUsername(username,password)

d ssh.OpenSFTP(.sftp)

s remote="\test\sample1.txt"

s local="c:\orders\sample1.txt"

s status=sftp.Put(local,remote)

I get the below error

"MSSH Error [8010102B]: Unable to send FXP_OPEN* [8010102b] at SFTP.cpp:539,0Put,IM%e^zPut+2^%Net.SSH.SFTP.1^1e^^^0"

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Hi Community,

Can I please check what the size limit for the parameter in $SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Decode() method ?

I have a 12 page base64 encoded PDF document, which is failing when decoded. I am getting the error below:

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <ILLEGAL VALUE>zXSDToLogical+1^%Library.Binary.1 -- logged as '-' number - @''

OBX:5 size=4233781

I tried the below from terminal, but it is not able copy the whole string for the parameter so couldn't execute it.

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In part I of this article, we have already learned more about HL7, its messages, structure, segments, and fields. In this part II, we will show you how to transform proprietary/custom data into HL7 using IRIS for Health. For our sample, we used the data generated by the SYNTHEA bulk data generation project ( So, we will show you how to convert 1000 patients from a CSV file to HL7 v2, using the Interoperability features of IRIS for Health.

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I have challenged to create a bot application using Azure Bot that can retrieve and post data to IRIS for Health.

A patient's data has already been registered in the FHIR repository of IRIS for Health.

The patient's MRN is 1001. His name is Taro Yamada. (in Japanese :山田 太郎)

This bot can post new pulse oximeter readings as an observation resource linked to the patient.

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In the wew versions of IRIS the Studio is going to be deprecated. In the Studio when editing classes there is an option to add information at package level, with the option "Package Information" that shows this dialog:

In VSCode there is the option to add/edit this package information? If no, how can one add/edit this information without the Studio?


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