I am currently experiencing frustration with trying to Authenticate an Active Directory account through JDBC as the Hospital System moves from OnPrem SQL Server to using Azure SQL Server with Microsoft Entra Authentication.

Microsoft cannot give me a straight answer of what is required from a JDBC standpoint to authenticate from a Linux environment.

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Hi, I am coming unstuck with a current mapping from HL7 to XML using the DTL editor with an XML schema (imported by XSD).

My output keeps prefixing the elements with "xsd_2" despite this not being defined in the targetnamespace within my XSD file.

Would anyone have any idea as to where this is creeping in? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My XSD namespace etc are setup as follows:

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I'm trying to get the python external language server started up in a container I am starting. The container is up and running but I cannot get the python language server to start.

This is the error that is coming back when trying to start the language server. I have tried creating a custom image with that package installed but it still does not work. Is there something specific that needs to be done to to get this working? (FYI, I have the dotnet version working but creating a custom image and installing the dotnet runtimes via a docker file)

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Hi everyone,
I am trying to create a listen server in Cache 2016 that can capture data from a specific port. Can someone guide me on how to set this up, including handling incoming connections and reading data from the port? Any advice or example code would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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Hi, I'm trying to use the iris python package to create a connection to and Iris Health instance (Docker Container), but getting and error. I can login to the instance using the UI with the same uname/password but unable to create the python connection. Any suggestions?

conn = iris.connect("testserver",52222,"%SYS","username","password")

After executing this I get an exception trap
An error occurred: Invalid Message Count: expected: 1 got: 825110831

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I set up all the credentials and IP, Port, Namespace, SSL/TLS Server Name and .ini file but I still cannot connect to db. and It says

Iris ODBC][State : 08S01][Native Code 459]
Connection via irisconnect failed:
Matching SSL server config not found in ssldefs.ini or registry

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While working with GET request I encountered this situation where FHIR Server return a responseStatusHTTP "HTTP/1.1 200 200" instead of "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" (as highlighted in the attached screenshot).

Although the response code seems valid, these bundles have a total value of 0.

Could anyone clarify what "200 200" signifies in this context? Is there an issue with my setup, or does this indicate a specific condition related to the empty bundle search?

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Has anyone tried the Ansible module for qlist in the article "Ansible modules and IRIS demo"?

There appears to be a bug in the qlist code as it assumes that the qlist output has an undocumented field.

I do not have the undocumented field in the output.when I run qlist so I keep getting the error "Unexpected IRIS qlist output format".

I assume that in most cases there is no undocumented field in the output.

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I have VS Code with extensions connected to IRIS for Health. One top-level ObjectScript package is not displayed in the workspace for this namespace. This package exists in the namespace and is visible in SMP. If I create a new class with a different top-level package name (package that didn't previously exist) it will immediately appear in the workspace.

Is there any debug logging I can enable to look for errors or do any other troubleshooting?

Forgot to mention: the missing package is custom, not a system package.

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Hi Guys,

how do I know that my service is running in a production, I've this receiving service and the as blow that says lost TCP then closing TCP connection, then last one says ConfigItem starting job, and in the Jobs tab it says Listing.

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We have error - ERROR #5821: Cannot instantiate query: 'SQLCODE = -146, %msg = Error: '' is an invalid DISPLAY Date value' not able to see what is causing:

CASE When P.PatReltoGuar->Name = 'SELF' then P.Lnm Else Substring(P.GuarNmIfNotPat, 1,Charindex(',',P.GuarNmIfNotPat)-1) End as DemoGuarLastName,

CASE When P.PatReltoGuar->Name = 'SELF' then P.Fnm Else Substring(P.GuarNmIfNotPat,Charindex(',',P.GuarNmIfNotPat)+1,LEN(P.GuarNmIfNotPat)) End AS DemoGUARFIRSTNAME,

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· Dec 4, 2024
Error importing XSD

I'm attempting to import all the FHIR XSD files provided by http://hl7.org/fhir but get the immediate and unhelpful error message:

I've tried different versions of EOLs to no avail. Any idea what this error could mean?

Here's the XSD I'm trying to import:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2011+, HL7, Inc
All rights reserved.

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Good morning, everyone

I purchased an HP LaserJet M101-M106 printer, and I'm trying to print via the Windows cache device, but I can't get it to work.
I can send it, but it doesn't print.
Physical device name: |PRN|HP LaserJet M101-M106
Type: Other
Subtype: P-DEC
Open Parameters: “W”

Could someone help me with what might be happening?

Otherwise, thanks


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I am trying to work with Epic on FHIR. Epic's documentation stated, your application makes a HTTP POST request to the authorization server's OAuth 2.0 token endpoint to obtain access token.

Set tSC = ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAccessTokenClient(pClient,pScopes,.prop,.err) returns

ERROR #9761: No key in provided JWKS for alg ES512 and kid

I check this /csp/sys/oauth2/OAuth2.JWTServer.cls?client_name=medbank and I see this:

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Hi everyone

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working with a database system that allows the configuration of certain options using the SET OPTION statement.


I understand that this setting takes effect at the system level, impacting all sessions and processes. However, I am looking for a way to enable support for delimited identifiers that only affects the current session, without altering the global configuration.

My question is:

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Is it possible to get the length of queue for a production using Python code?

I'm using embedded Python at the moment.

I'd like to use the Python external language server later - the Python external server will not start in my environment.

If it is possible to query the production queue length programmically, please advise how?

It would also be nice to show the number of messages processed per second, if IRIS keeps track of this.

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