· Nov 18

Configuration Merge: CreateUser action with password fails

The following CPF entry:

CreateUser:Name=foobar,Roles=%All,Password=loremipsumdolorsitamet1234,FullName=Foo Bar,ChangePassword=1,Enabled=1,Comment=Testing testing,AccountNeverExpires=1,PasswordNeverExpires=1

Fails with an error:

ERROR #506: Invalid property error at line 19, 'Password=loremipsumdolorsitamet1234', Class Security.Users, Error=<CANNOT SET THIS PROPERTY>zPasswordSet+3^Security.Users.1

A bug or a feature or a stupid user error? The documentation says nothing about the limitations:

Password - InterSystems IRIS Authentication password for the user in clear text.  

And doing the same with ##class(Security.Users).Create() just works.

(I'm currently running CE container but that should make no difference here, right?)

Product version: IRIS 2022.1
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for x86-64 Containers) 2022.1.5 (Build 940U) Thu Apr 18 2024 14:31:01 EDT
Discussion (3)3
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I believe you need to use PasswordHash, see for example from Docs:



Re PasswordHash see more details in the related Docs. For example:

$ docker run --rm -it -algorithm SHA512 -workfactor 10000
Enter password:
Enter password again: