After performing Concurrent External Backup and restarting the instance, if I want to perform an incremental backup of Concurrent External Backup again.

Should I redo the following steps?

  2.  Set x=$$BACKUP^DBACK("","E","Dirty external backup - incrementals must be applied.","","","")
  3. Set x=$$BACKUP^DBACK("","I","Nightly","test.bck","N","bck.log","QUIET","N","Y")
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0 52

I am a first time Python Contest participant and am interested in potentially implementing the community idea found in if it is something relevant to Python.

Would anyone be able to shed a bit of light on what the desired outcome of that idea being implemented is? There were a lot of upvotes on that idea but there wasn't very much information in it. Thanks!

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Our client getting sometimes this error and we need to change port number on JavaGateway process to continue,

Failed to start the Gateway server: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: Communication failure on port: 5000
> ERROR #5001: External Language Server: invalid ping response

Can you tell as why it is happenning? intersystems runtime is under linux.

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0 75


when using $zt($P($H,",",2)) from terminal it gives the correct local server time but when using it in my cache code it gives an incorrect time (5 hrs difference)

but from the code it gives 13:14:54 !?


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0 147
· Jul 16
Add Zen component

Hi Guy,

I'm currently using a classmethod to load my page's display content in a form of html want look good, I'm wondering if I can add a Zen component in my classmethod eg. <dataCombo> or Label...etc?

I've tried the bit of code (circled in red) but didn't work


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I have a few routines in ^rINDEX that are missing in ^ROUTINE. At least some of those routines lack a timestamp, probably Date and Time Modified in ^rINDEX. It causes D %RO crash when such a routine is referenced by a routine range, since "" is an illegal $ZDTH value.

Healthy entry (note the timestamp): ^rINDEX("ABC,"INT") = $lb("2021-06-15 15:08:38.846885",) ;The second argument is sometimes present and sometimes not, likely the routine size.

Unhealthy entry (note an empty timestamp): ^rINDEX("DEF,"INT") = $lb("",21)

0 3
0 80


Is there a way to generate an MD5 checksum of a file by performing a checksum against the file's parts? We potentially have to process large files and therefore cannot keep the entire file in memory. From what I understand checksum related logic is typically stateful, allowing file data to be passed through sequentially, however it appears cache script offers only stateless functions offering a simple method of generating a single checksum hash from a single string (or stream), correct me if I'm wrong?

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· Jul 3
Polybase and IRIS

Hi all, I am trying to use Polybase in SQL Server 2019 to access an external Cache/IRIS Database. I have followed the initial steps of enabling Polybase, creating a Database, DB scoped credential and then an External Data Source. These steps have not caused any issues and appear to be successful, I am using the same DSN we use for a Linked Server connection that works normally. I am running into an Error when trying to Create an External Table. The error is a generic Native Code 469 "Driver Not Capable".

0 2
0 81

I'm running into an intermittent issue with some of our Custom Operations/Processes as a result of some large FHIR R4 Binaries. Essentially we get a response from an AthenaHealth FHIR endpoint that appears to be too large to be processed using the IRIS Built In Functions for FHIR:

I've replicated it on the command line here using a file (binary.json) that has the response from the FHIR Endpoint. Not sharing full contents due to PHI concerns.

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0 62

When registering the components: I used this command:
"Utils.migrate("/external/src/CoreModel/Python/" ;
The error appears: "An error has occurred: iris.cls: error finding class",
I changed with these two lines:
result =["iop", "-m", "/external/src/CoreModel/Python/"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)["iop", "-m", "/external/src/CoreModel/Python/"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True)

0 2
0 52

Hi Team,

This is very urgent can you please guide me to convert the date string to ISO format.

set date = "20240501144800-0500"

set result = $SYSTEM.SQL.Functions.TOTIMESTAMP(date, "YYYYMMDDHHMISS")

write result -> 2024-05-01T16:49:00:00+00:00

so here timezone is dropped off but i need that.

expected result -> 2024-05-01T16:49:00-05:00

Please help me here how i can convert in this format.

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0 54


I'm testing a REST API that is used for our IRIS Backend with a mobile app (Angular / ionic).

The problem is that, our test environment does not yet have HTTPS capabilities, it's something we're going to set up ASAP, but right now we don't have it set up.

We want to test the API endpoints via a web browser using either a test application built in Angular, or the app itself built with NPM via the browser. This means that the set-cookie headers are being blocked by the browser.

0 0
0 33

We have a stand-alone web platform ( that helps people prepare for surgery focusing on the non-clinical – holistic and logistic aspects (stress reduction via meditation, sleep etc. as well as things like setting up the house, coordinating help from others etc).

1 0
0 61

Could any one tell me, how the index works in cache db, Consider for example, I have a table called "Employee" and the fields as "EMPID, EMPNAME, EMPAGE" and I am having index for EMPID as IDX_EMPID and trying to get the record using the following query as


and the table data be like


001 ABC 20

002 AAA 21

003 ABB 23

004 BBB 20

005 BDF 24

006 EEE 22

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