Hello everyone! This is my first post into the developer community and one that I hope is fairly simple to answer. In our environment we currently have 3 different Test environments for testing before migrating code to our Prod environment. Currently we are working on establishing a source control method using Git in house which has been a bit of a struggle. We have also had developers that had used different test and migration methods in the past which has caused some issues with keeping the different test environment in sync.

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So i want to use the INSERT OR UPDATE command so i can update a COUNTER for a given name:

SET name='Omer', counter = counter + 1;

as you can see with the above code - if the row is non-existent then we get an error because COUNTER is NULL!
I tried the following to fix this but all have failed:

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I am currently trying to edit server side code for TrakCare using Visual Studio Code with intersystems-community.vscode-objectscript version 2.12.11-beta.1.

I can correctly check out the .mac file but when I try to either File > Save or use command 'ObjectScript: Import and Compile Current File' I get a very generic error .

I cannot find any details anywhere in the Output section.

I have reinstalled all extensions several times.

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Hi, I am coming unstuck with a current mapping from HL7 to XML using the DTL editor with an XML schema (imported by XSD).

My output keeps prefixing the elements with "xsd_2" despite this not being defined in the targetnamespace within my XSD file.

Would anyone have any idea as to where this is creeping in? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My XSD namespace etc are setup as follows:

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Hey, So the title pretty much describes the question:
Where and How can i see the Stream that contains the response back to the client of a CSP application.

When the request is being processed and finished we return a response to the client - We do that by writing the data to a stream and that stream is sent back to the client.
I wanted to know how i can access the point right before that Data is actually written to the client back (meaning the place where the response is actually being send back, the last point of contact).

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Hi, I'm trying to use the iris python package to create a connection to and Iris Health instance (Docker Container), but getting and error. I can login to the instance using the UI with the same uname/password but unable to create the python connection. Any suggestions?

conn = iris.connect("testserver",52222,"%SYS","username","password")

After executing this I get an exception trap
An error occurred: Invalid Message Count: expected: 1 got: 825110831

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In short, I am trying to get the Content-Length of my response,

We have a CSP application, when we get a new request we begin to process it, throughout the app we WRITE to the response in different places,
now when the response is about to be sent back to the client - we would like to know its Content-Length (in the RESPONSE HEADERS).
So it comes down to two questions:
1. How can we access the Content-Length of our response?

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Our target system requires a blank ROL segment whenever the ROL segment does not exist in an A08 from our source system. I'm not sure if this can be done with the DTL gui tools or if some sql or other code is required (coding is not in my wheelhouse). Here is what I've tried, but this does not yield the "ROL|1|" I'd like to create. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the input message that I'd like to add the ROL segment to:

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I have installed three plugins on VS Code: Intersystems Language Server: v2.3.6, Intersystems ObjectScript: v2.10.5, and Intersystems Server Manager: v3.6.2. I connected to the Caché database and connected a workspace to the InterSystems server. Then I edited the code locally on my client machine.

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· Jan 7
xDBC error


How can I prevent the error:

2024-12-27 08:05:46 [SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>] [Error: <<READ>XDCall+9^%SYS.DBSRV>] [Location: <$system.IO server loop>] [Client info: <Username: Operator, Node Name: PM_MIP_SRD01, IP Address:, Executable Name: Operative.dll, Internal Function: KÂ>] [%protocol: <65>] $Id: //iris/2023.2.0/kernel/common/src/sysio.c#2 $ 3514 121

It seems that this error occours when connection on PDA is lost and established again.



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***Restoring /opt/iris2024/mgr/user/ at 15:06:28
1 blocks restored in 0.0 seconds for this pass, 1 total restored.***Restoring /opt/iris2024/mgr/user/ at 15:06:28
1 blocks restored in 0.0 seconds for this pass, 2 total restored.***Restoring /opt/iris2024/mgr/user/ at 15:06:28
1 blocks restored in 0.0 seconds for this pass, 3 total restored.Mounting /opt/iris2024/mgr/user/
/opt/iris2024/mgr/user/ ... (Mounted)[Journal not applied to any directory]

What does it mean that the last line after recovery shows 'Journal not applied to any directory '.

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