Hi, I just installed the TRYCACHE 2016.2.1 preview release into a 16.04 Ubuntu VM. The install is dirt simple. Very nice. I've installed Eclipse Neon and used your update site link to get Atelier. Also very simple and nice. Thank you!

I see there is a January update coming. Will it be possible to include a license that lets developers launch one terminal session while connected to the TRYCACHE instance via Eclipse?

When I try to do this, I'm exceeding the TRYCACHE license limit.


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0 373

We have multiple implementations spanning many namespaces and edges. I would like to see if I could identify a single place, perhaps on HSREGISTRY or HSBUS, that I could capture certain events like searches (from all customers) and record transfers (with requester and provider).

The goal is to have a dashboard that would show simple stats such as searches by participant, records shared by participant and records consumed by participant. These are the 3 most important.

I appreciated the feedback on the other question of "how" but now I'm hoping to find the "Where".

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0 384

Good morning, I have a ZEN application being served up through a CSPGateWay. That ZEN application is made up of two ZEN pages. One ZEN page uses a zenLink to call the other ZEN page(see below #1). The ZEN page that is called contains a tab group with one tab. That tab contains a tif image. I have components on the called ZEN page that execute JavaScript to perform simple image manipulations - zoom and rotate(see below #2). Those simple image manipulations have stopped working.

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0 271

I'm trying to setup a webserver in health share.

I'm stuck in premission set up.

When I select Unauthenticaded login method in EDIT WEB APLICATION the page freeze and after some time, about a minute, the login page is shown.

Someone knows what is happening?

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0 280

Environment: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2015.2.2 (Build 811U) Thu Mar 3 2016 12:55:48 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:14.01.351

When try the following to send back SOAP Fault, is the following correct way?

Set fault=##class(%SOAP.Fault).%New()
Set fault.faultcode=$$$FAULTServer
Set fault.faultstring="Processing Error"
Set fault.detail= "Error on server"
Do ..ReturnFault(fault)

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0 681


In my project, I am calling a store proc on third party database. I am using SQL Gateway and ODBC. Everything is working fine until the store proc changed. In store proc they have changed the return alias name for a column. In Ensemble Snapshot I am not seeing the modified alias name until I restarted the whole Healthshare instance.

Here is my question, is there any other way? We do not want to take the instance down if it happens after we go live.



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0 548

In the HL7 Annotations available in the Management Portal, at the message type and message structure levels, there are columns for 'Explicit Usage' and 'Implicit Usage'. In nearly all cases, the values in these two columns match, but at least for message types RAS and RGR, they don't.

What's the meaning of explicit and implicit in the annotations?


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0 508

Thanks for all replies in advance. In monitoring our audit log we are getting the error below. We have 4 different servers running CACHE 2014.1.1 and this is happening on all 4 of them. I have not been able to find what process is trying to logon but it is happening every 30 minutes. We have no user processes that are running so this has to be a CACHE process. Does anyone have an Ideal what could be running to cause this? What kind of trace can I run to determine what process is running it?

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0 785

What would be the preferred method to create an HL7 message from an input that is not HL7?

Would it be better to take the non-HL7 input and construct an HL7 message in the business service that then gets passed off to a routing process, or would it be best to just pass the non HL7 message to a routing process that called a data transformation to create the HL7 message?

My thought is the later, due to the fact that updates to the creation of the HL7 message are done using the graphical DTL editor rather than editing COS in the service.

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1 691

I was writing a routine that called some class methods and when I typed in ##class( and the package, there was a drop down list of all the classes that match that package but when I selected one of the dropdown entries it added the package name again.

For example if I enter ##class(dim.

I am presented with a list of classes in the dim package but when I selected one of them,(dim.OccupationList), what ended up in the editor was


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0 383

Hi All,

I am providing support to an AP about using document criteria on Multiple Templates (Explicit Dispatch).

I am trying to set the criteria value from:


However it is not possible to get the criteria value on %GetJSONContent through pCriteria parameter object.

How can I do this with Multiple Templates on bootstrap plugin?


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0 302

Hi everyone!

I am helping a partner to develop a new application and one of the things we are facing is that this WEB application will be used on different time zones.

My first recommendation is that all timestamps should be drawn from $ZTimeStamp instead of $Horolog. That would allow the system to be draw the correct sequence of events even when they are generated on different timezones.

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0 710


Can someone please explain the affect of the Failure Timeout on an ensemble business operation with a EnsLib.HL7.Adapter.TCPOutboundAdapter

Is this setting indicating the number of seconds that the operation will attempt to resend a message to a target before it fails?

How does this setting affect message processing of messages that fail because of a missing or failure response code that comes back in an HL7 message response?

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0 1.1K
· Sep 28, 2016
wsHttpBinding with Cache

Hi all,

This is a real long shot, but does anyone have experience integrating MS wsHttpBinding with a Cache application?


I ask because my project had some initial design discussions for new web service communication and this specification was mentioned.


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· Nov 1, 2016
Cache Studio - Find in Files


In Cache Studio under the View/Find in Files. Anyone knows how to search multiple words in the string? For example,

In my routines 1, it has "Patient Name Test Name Provider Address Status " and

In my routine 2 , it has "Patient Name Test Name Provider Address "

In my routines 3, it has "Patient Name Address "

When I search, I want to search all the routines, it has the words Provider and Status which I want it returns only routine 1 because it has both words "Provider and Status". Thank you very much for your help.

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0 730

In preparation for a presentation I need a real-world LDAP schema that has been customized a bit beyond the basics. Perferably this would be based on an OpenLDAP system which would make it easier to merge into this presentation.

If you have such a schema you would be willing to share please respond or contact my directly at Rich.Taylor@InterSystems.com

Thanks in advance.

Rich Taylor

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