
The title says it all. I’m building an IRIS image with docker-compose using a separate Dockerfile. Pretty straightforward procedure: I import a Installer script inside the container containing a Installer Manifest I defined. Within the manifest, I create a namespace with code and data databases in separate locations. My intention is to keep the code database inside the container, so whenever I build the container, the imported code is replaced. The data, however, should be persistent.

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I am trying to work with Epic on FHIR. Epic's documentation stated, your application makes a HTTP POST request to the authorization server's OAuth 2.0 token endpoint to obtain access token.

Set tSC = ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAccessTokenClient(pClient,pScopes,.prop,.err) returns

ERROR #9761: No key in provided JWKS for alg ES512 and kid

I check this /csp/sys/oauth2/OAuth2.JWTServer.cls?client_name=medbank and I see this:

0 1
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My IRIS instance is connected to a Postgres database using SQL Gateway and linked tables.
One of these tables is projected to the Patient class. I want to select a record from this table by ID and convert it to a FHIR resource using the %ExistsId and %OpenId methods.
I noticed that if I call these two methods from the console, the record is always found.

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0 63

in the InterSystems management portal, I am in the lookup table viewer (interoperability>lookup Tables, I would like to use import function to convert our existing table from other system to intersystems lookup table.

so I converted our existing one like below and saved it as xxx.xml file locally. when I try to import, it says it is not a valid export file.

my question is " what's the valid format for a file to be valid to use to import for lookup table?"

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Hey everyone, I am implementing version control with git-source-control on our codebase and I ran into a pretty strange issue. I believe I have the set up (mostly) correct as the behavior with .cls files is exactly as expected. However, I noticed that git is not keeping track of any changes to CSP files.

Specifically, if a new CSP file is created and saved, I will get the following output:

exporting new version of /csp/testdb/wrc.csp to C:\InterSystems\IRIS\mgr\repo\TESTDB\csp\testdb\wrc.csp

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I have a primary dispatch class that implements %CSP.REST.AccessCheck() for some high level access checks before the route table forwards the request to the implementation classes which also implement %CSP.REST.AccessCheck() for some lower level access checks. The idea is that we know where we are in the implementation class and what the user is trying to do, so it makes more sense to check some lower level items there rather than trying to parse out the request at the dispatch class.

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· Nov 20, 2024
Documentation Issues

Who do we report Documentation issues to?

Since moving to the new format, when searching for things within the documentation I get a blank screen with no results.

When I type in my search criteria, I can see it trying to find results but does not return results.

This does not seem like it is limited to a certain Web Browser, as I have seen this happen in Chrome and Edge



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Hi everybody,

I need to connect a Caché database to Metabase, but Metabase does not support this database.
Metabase only supports these databases:

- Amazon Athena
- BigQuery (Google Cloud Platform)
- Druid
- MongoDB (recommend version 4.2 or higher)
- MySQL (recommend version 8.0.33 or higher, as well as MariaDB version 10.4 or higher)
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- Presto
- Redshift (Amazon Web Services)
- Snowflake
- SparkSQL
- SQL Server
- SQLite
- Vertica

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I am developing locally on my IRIS instance using VSCode and client-side editing approach. How can I automatically export a single .cls file/a whole package to a remote TEST/PREPROD server using a script or command line and recompile the unit remotely? Are there any more simple and straightforward ways than CI/CD explained in the series of articles by Eduard?

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· Dec 6, 2024
Foreign Servers - Visibility?

First time trying to use Foreign Tables/Servers instead of Linked Tables...

Within the SQL Editor inside of the Managment Portal, or connecting through DBeaver JDBC how we can see what Foreign Servers have been defined? Is there a way to query and verify structure of the Foreign Server connection to know that we are building the correct Foreign Tables?

I attempted to create my first Foreign table but it failed when I tried to query the tables because it said the table could not be found. But when I sign into the Database via SQL Management Studio, I can see the table.

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· Dec 2, 2024
Python installation

Hi Community,

I have installed python from https://www.python.org/downloads/

and the installed path of this application is my local C:\Users\data\AppData\Local\Programs\Python

and i am trying to run C:\InterSystems\IRIS_SANDBOX\bin>irispip install in command prompt and getting the below error

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file

is there anything else i am missing here please add

0 4
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· Nov 26, 2024
HL7 Encoding issue

Dear All,

I have been sent an HL7 message as a file with the MSH segment as follows....


I try picking up the file with a "EnsLib.HL7.Service.FileService" business service using a EnsLib.File.InboundAdapter adaptor. The Character set is set to "Native" and the Default Char Encoding to latin 1.

I am seeing the following error:

0 4
1 119

Hi all,

I'm performing a migration of some services from one instance to another, and I noticed that the technique defined within the InterSystems Server Migration Guide does not include OAuth client configurations. The recommended technique is to use the ##class(Security.System).ExportAll() and ##class(Security.System).ImportAll() methods.

Is there a way to migrate OAuth client configurations, or do those have to be re-created manually?

2 5
0 425

Hi everyone

when I use JDBC(Version:intersystems-jdbc-3.8.0.jar) to connect to the Iris(Version: 2021.1.2.338 xDBC Protocol Version 63)

I’m trying to execute SQL statements that include double quotes, but unfortunately, they’re failing.

For example:

[this query]

SELECT count(*) AS "_pfgnrtd_0" FROM "BILL_COM_PO"."PrintLog"

[Error ]

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