InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,012 amazing developers
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· Apr 18, 2023
[Video] Health Connect Cloud

Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Health Connect Cloud @ Global Summit 2022
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I'm trying to create a SOAP service between two systems (one client and one server) to transfer files from the client to the server.

I'm reading through the documentation available at but wanted to look at an actual example of code (preferably a small example for both systems).

If anyone has such an example or could create one, it would greatly help me understand how SOAP services work.

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· Apr 17, 2023
Refreshing Combo

Hi Guys

How can I refresh a dataCombo after saving a new element in it?

I've the following dataCombo and after saving a new element I would like to fresh and reload that data in it?

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I have a project where I will need to take an HL7 messages and transforms it into a multi-line flat file. I tried creating a complex record map but those require leading data to identify the record type I'm dealing with but based on the destination vendors spec they do not want any leading data prior to the actual data being sent. Also the lines in the output file require different pieces of data pull from different HL7 fields in the messages and in the third field in the flat file I need to generate a unique line number.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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I've the below datacombo definition and when selecting an item from it and make this call:

var component=zen("Component").getProperty("value");

I would get the ID (first column) which is what I'm looking for

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I am using the %Net.HttpRequest class to download a file from the internet .using the following code. When a file is returned in the DOM I am able to read the file content and save it to the desired location but when my response is a download dialog nothing is returned in the HttpResponse. Am I doing something wrong here is where I have gotten to so far any help appreciated.

current code

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We start this new article refreshing what we did in the previous EMPI configuration articles:

  • Installation in Standalone mode the Patient Index on a HealthShare instance.
  • Configuration of basic parameters to start working with the EMPI.
  • Definition of indexes and weights for NICE process.

Very well, we are practically ready to start rolling our EMPI. We only have one detail left, to start the production created by the installation to be able to start working.

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· Apr 16, 2023 4m read
Tuples ahead


Cross-Skilling from IRIS objectScript to Python it becomes clear there are some fascinating differences in syntax.

One of these areas was how Python returns Tuples from a method with automatic unpacking.

Effectively this presents as a method that returns multiple values. What an awesome invention :)

out1, out2 = some_function(in1, in2)

ObjectScript has an alternative approach with ByRef and Output parameters.

Do ##class(some_class).SomeMethod(.inAndOut1, in2, .out2)


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Hi all,

I'm trying to use LOAD DATA to insert 11k (11,377) rows of data. LOAD BULK DATA is not available for the version of IRIS I am using.

After calling LOAD DATA it says only 5,500 rows has been inserted. The LOAD DATA docs says any error rows are skipped and a count of skipped rows can be found in %SQL_Diag.Result however there are no results here. There are no errors in the xDBC error log either.

Why have over half the rows been skipped?

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· Apr 14, 2023
Error with AutoML

Does anyone have any idea why there is such an error during model training? How can I change providers if my application does not have a management portal?

[S1000][400] [SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>] [Location: <ServerLoop>] [%msg: <ERROR #8104: Gateway Exception: <GATEWAY> java.lang.RuntimeException ai.h2o.automl.AutoML.inferDistribution( Number of domains is equal to 1.>]

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· Sep 13, 2022 8m read

In the vast and varied SQL database market, InterSystems IRIS stands out as a platform that goes way beyond just SQL, offering a seamless multimodel experience and supporting a rich set of development paradigms. Especially the advanced Object-Relational engine has helped organizations use the best-fit development approach for each facet of their data-intensive workloads, for example ingesting data through Objects and simultaneously querying it through SQL. Persistent Classes correspond to SQL tables, their properties to table columns and business logic is easily accessed using User-Defined Functions or Stored Procedures. In this article, we'll zoom in on a little bit of the magic just below the surface, and discuss how it may affect your development and deployment practices. This is an area of the product where we have plans to evolve and improve, so please don't hesitate to share your views and experiences using the comments section below.

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Hey Community!

There are occasions when you really need to get in touch with a member of our Community a.k.a. author of a post or developer of a particular project, to discuss something, catch up, or whatever. And exactly for this reason, we have Direct Messages where you can send a message directly to a specific person or even have a group chat!

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Hi all.

I have a process/operation within Ensemble that grabs a PDF from a webservice, and then saves it to an external location. All is well, except I am noticing that a lot of .Stream files are being stored on the Cache Server.

Does anyone know what causes these to be stored and what would trigger their removal? Would I be right to assume these would be removed if I ran Ens.Util.Tasks.PurgeMessageBank and the creation dates fell within the purge range?

Edit: I answered my own question on if the purge would clear them out. The answer is yes.

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I have Iris4Health community version (using for some development) running in a docker container and trying to enable TLS/SSL/HTTPS in the container. I have created the SSL cert chain (root ca/web site cert) via open SSL have the http.conf and http-local.conf file loaded on a durable volume. I have also loaded the root CA in the trusted root cert store on the device that is connecting.

After inspecting the logs it looks like apache has loaded the certs and is listening on the correct port, but I am unable to connect to the mgmt portal via SSL.

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· Feb 9, 2023
Tracking %RCOPY and %RI

Let's supposed somebody updates routines via %RCOPY or %RI, the really old-style hardcore way which still works. Does that leave any log traces in Journaling or system globals, as of when exactly did it happen or what was the IP address of the machine changes came from? I am aware only of the Date Modified changes as seen when opening the file.

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InterSystems is pleased to announce that the extended maintenance release of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1.3 is now available. This release provides a few selected features and bug fixes for the previous 2022.1.x releases.

You can find additional information about what has changed on these pages:

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Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

System Performance Review for InterSystems IRIS Applications @ Global Summit 2022
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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