Good afternoon!
I faced a problem with HealthShare complete transfer to another PC. I have on the old computer a lot of interesting developments and test projects, including widgets, developments on DeepSee and other stuff.
Would you please describe the details how one HealthShare installation can be correctly transferred to another PC. And that this should be done.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,566 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Nov 30, 2016
Accessing Deepsee plugin in MDX

Dear All,

From my web page, i am passing filter values to mdx query.

when mdx executes, i am getting Error #5001: Invalid member expression: empty name(2).

when i try the same in samples namespace (patient cube). I got the same error.

Below is my sample MDX from patients cube.

NON EMPTY %KPI("PluginDemo","HighScoreCount",,"%CONTEXT") 
ON 1 
%FILTER %OR([HOMED].[H1].[ZIP].&[32000])

Result: 0 This works fine.

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· Feb 12, 2016
Help with SQL error


[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]
[Cache Error: <<SUBSCRIPT>%0AmEdun+4^%sqlcq.HSREGISTRY.cls966.1 ^||%sql.temp(1,"")>]
[Location: <ServerLoop - Query Fetch>]
[%msg: <Unexpected error occurred: <SUBSCRIPT>%0AmEdun+4^%sqlcq.HSREGISTRY.cls966.1 ^||%sql.temp(1,"")>]

Here is an example of a query that gives the error:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Criteria) as Relevance FROM HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation

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I have a class which defines a property as array of %String. Is it possible to index values of this property and use this property in SQL?

I have tried 'Index idx On prop(ELEMENTS)' and then a select from the generated collection table, but this is still orders of magnitude slower than queries to the containing class.

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0 486

In writing some code on:

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2015.1 (Build 429U) Fri Feb 13 2015 14:37:23 EST

I noticed an unexpected "ROLLFAIL" error when a Unique Index fail was generated in a %Save() call.

The object SHOULD fail to save, since the Unique criteria is not met, but I didn't expect to see a ROLLFAIL error as the "Last Error".

When running the following class code:

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0 1K

Hi -

I know that when specifying Caché password rules (i.e. what constitutes a valid password definition) that the "Pattern Matching" logic is what is getting leveraged under the covers to enforce the "A Password Must conform to X" rule. I was hoping that people could share some more sophisticated pattern matching rules. (in particular, I was wondering what a rule that would require non-repeating mixture of letter, numbers, & punctuation of an overall minimal size)

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0 629

I have a Zen page, and I would like to have an onload handler to run a bit of javascript when the page is ready. Unfortunately, the page inherits from a template, and the template already has an onload handler that does all kinds of useful things. Is there any way to override the onload handler in my page, while still being able to call the onload handler that is inherited from the template? In ObjectScript, there is ##super, but in javascript, there is no equivalent of that.

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· Oct 21, 2016
Sql Error Message

I had a table which contained data and worked fine, without changes the code of the persistent classes I now get the following error:

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Hi all,
Basically i have 2 queries..

  1. Is there any simple way to fetch the data directly from the database (using the URL and credentials) from the csp file without creating a link table for that particular Table...??
    If there is, could you please share the syntax of using them ..?

  2. Can we have an object return type from the below mentioned method to a javascript function.. ???

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Just curious how many companies use in their work Docker containers, I mean not only with InterSystems products. And if such companies exist, which of them uses docker and doesn't use it for InterSystems products by some reasons. What are the reasons? For companies which already uses InterSystems in containers, how do you use it? Development environment, testing or even in production ?

And if you don't use but thought about it, what are the reasons which stop you.

As for me, I've been using InterSystems Caché inside a Docker container in some different cases:

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0 816

Does anyone know how to connect a Cache client to a GT.M database? I recently installed Osehra VistA on my PC and it uses GT.M, but we're supposed to use Cache Studio to develop. I tried adding a server to Cache (specifying 2222 as the port) and I get an "access denied" error. Port 2222 is the correct port which I use for for VirtuaBox and I have no problem connecting to VistA. I also tried going into the Management Portal to set up a local connection but this isn't working.

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· Nov 23, 2016
DeepSee: Filtering a filter

When creating a filter located on a dashboard that targets all, is there a way to narrow that filter down?

For example, in our data we have some dates that are well out of range due to data quality issues, but they still appear in the drop downs. Is there a way to say, only make available the below dates in the filter?

Another example, If we want to only look at Emergency data, it still provides all the wards for inpatient activity and activity in other hospitals, meaning, to get to just the Emergency wards you have to scroll through everything?

Hope that makes sense.

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· Nov 23, 2016
Cache up in emergency mode

Good Morning, All replies are appreciated.

We have a development instance of cache that was installed and the person that installed and set it up is no longer here. We have no id's that we have the passwords for. I have brought the database up in emergency mode and I can get access thru the terminal using my emergency id but I do not know how to add a user/password thru the terminal. Can someone enlighten me or point me to documentation that I haven't found yet.

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0 630

We tested REST Services as described for Caché DocServer example and for requests using http protocol it works without problems. However when we use the https protocol for the same REST Service it is not available. Our infrastructure is as follows: Apache with openssl, which works on the other hand well for CSP with https. If we switch on the web gateway http trace facility we could see the request of CSP pages by https://... but again a request of a REST Service by https:// will not result in a entry in the tracer. We hope that this description of the problem is understandable.

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· Nov 22, 2016
Cache Syntax - Directory Exists

I am trying to write some code to check to see if a directory exists before creating a new directory.

When I do the following I am not getting a response, but the directory exists..

do ##class(%File).DirectoryExists("/ensemble/")

am I missing something?

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is there a way to copy namespace mappings from another namespace to a new namespace programmatically with a command?

When using management portal there is an option to choose an existing namespace to copy the mappings from, I'm basically looking for the equivalent from command line / COS.



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