· Apr 3, 2017

how to exclude weekend(Friday) in sql statement i trade use select datediff(WK,date1,date2) but not working even i chose (Dialect mssQL)

Thank You

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,573 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

We are planning to use Caché users on a SOAP web-service, so the WS-security tokens will be used.
It will be username and password only for now.
The passwords should expire on a regular basis and this will be configured in the system-wide security settings.
The consumer of the web-service should be able to change their password on-demand or when it has expired, via a web-service call.

For the on-demand change, I can create a service method which can be called by the consumer to change the password.

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Hello, we have a few hundreds of triggers to port from Oracle to Cachè for a migration project, and many of them have to change (for example, normalize a value, null it, etc) the value which is being inserted.

The documentation says "You cannot set {fieldname*N} in trigger code." , so we're unlucky.

Is there a good workaround for this ?

SqlComputeOnChange doesn't seem the best way, but I'm not totally sure: for example normalization and validation could have a better place somewhere else than a trigger.

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What are the differences between a process private global and a percent variable? Basically I have some code running in an Ensemble operation that processes requests, and it needs access to pieces of data that are scattered throughout XData blocks in various classes. Rather than opening the XData object and deserializing the XML on each request, I opted to cache this data in a percent variable, something like:

set %MyVar(sub1,sub2) = myValue

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I was wondering if anyone has combined ZEN Web Development with frameworks such as W3Schools W3.CSS Framework or the popular Bootstrap Framework?

We are currently using Caché 2013.1.6 so we do not have ZEN Mojo installed which ships in Caché 2014.2 or later.

What would be the recommended approach if looking to integrate one of these frameworks?

I look forward to hearing your suggestions!

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Hi, Community!

Is there an option to get an archived file of globals in one command. Say for:

Do $System.OBJ.Export("Class1*D.GBL,Class2*D.GBL","data_gbl.xml")

get something like:

Do $System.OBJ.Export("Data*D.GBL","data_gbl.gz","gzip")

And also to have the convenient one click way to import it to the namespace via terminal or Control Panel?

If anyone already has this module, share please?

It would be very convenient for import/export/continuous integration purposes cause globals can be really heavy.

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· Mar 31, 2017
Troubleshooting Disconnects

One of our Departments are claiming that we are loosing HL7 messages that are sent from their Vendor's system to Ensemble.

I know interfaces 101 if we have no record of the message then we never received it, however they are insisting they are sending it.

I asked them to provide the ACK's if they sent the messages but Ensemble had no corresponding Message Control ID (MSH.10) .

Currently I have the following settings...

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I have multiple namespaces in a Cache environment say NS1 & NS2. I want to add some restriction so that a routine running in the NS1 should not access any resource(global/routine) belongs to namespace NS2.

The above restriction need for few of the clients only, so we do not want to write any custom logic in code.

We are looking for some solution provided by Cache where we can restrict the namespace access.

Can somebody please help me on this.

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I am placing Cache instance in backup mode by using the command:

csession <INST> -U%SYS "##Class(Backup.General).ExternalFreeze()"

and I see in the console log a message similar to follows:

"Journaling switched to: /cache/mgr/journal/20170330.002"

Now, is there a way to programmatically find out this journal file name? In fact, I am interested to find out the journal file that is switched. For example, in the above case, that would be "20170330.001".



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· Mar 23, 2017
problem with Mirroring

Hello, Thanks in advance for all replies. I have been practicing setting up mirroring between two development servers in preparation for mirroring our production server in a few weeks. I started by setting the servers up with minimum security which worked easily, then I set it up in lock down mode again without any issues. Now I am setting it up in lockdown mode with encryption and this one is testing me. I have everything setup but my async dr member cannot connect to the primary.

from cconsole.log

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I have a problem with an Ensemble instance on Windows to access to a network shared directory. Ensemble service (services.msc) is executed with a user which has access to this network shared directory :

- When I try to copy or access files from a terminal ==> this is OK : the command w ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).%OpenId($Job).OSUserName returns the user defined in Ensemble service logon screen.

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· Mar 29, 2017
Dollar Ranges

How to setup dollar ranges to get the number of patient accounts. So, I want to capture the number of patient accounts based on the original balance of:
0 to 499
500 to 999
1000 to 2499
5000 to 9999
10000 to 24999
25000 to 49999
50000 to 74000
75000 to 99999


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· Mar 29, 2017
Count Number of Pages?


We are working on creating a metadata file to accompany PDF documents produced by one of our third party systems for ingestion into our DMS. One of the pieces of data that the metadata file must contain is the number of pages of the PDF document.

In Cache ObjectScript does anybody know if there is currently a way of counting the number of pages within a file (specifically a PDF) without invoking a non-Caché ObjectScript program/function from within Caché ObjectScript?

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In this post, I am going to detail how to set up a mirror using SSL, including generating the certificates and keys via the Public Key Infrastructure built in to Caché. The goal of this is to take you from new installations to a working mirror with SSL, including a primary, backup, and DR async member, along with a mirrored database. I will not go into security recommendations or restricting access to the files. This is meant to just simply get a mirror up and running.

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I am exploring a simple restore procedure for a Cache instance and would really appreciate any help.

Basically, I have a CentOS machine with a Cache instance and let us say I backed up all the mount points where Cache data is located (install dir, DAT files, journals, WIJ etc). On another identical machine (without Cache installed), I mounted all these file systems exactly using the same mount points so all the data is back with the same paths.

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