InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,033 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Using Variables in InterSystems ObjectScript
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InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 includes PEX (Production EXtension Framework) to facilitate the development of IRIS Interoperability productions with components written in Java or .NET.

Thanks to PEX, an integration developer with knowledge of Java or .NET can benefit from the power, scalability, and robustness of the InterSystems IRIS Interoperability framework and be productive in no time.

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I have a table, with autoincremented id

    name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

I can add a new item there with an explicit id

INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (2, 'fred')

And while my id is autoincremented, I can omit it

INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('ed')

So, this time, I don't know the id, and I want to somehow get it.

I could do it with LAST_IDENTITY() function, but it just uses %RowID, and have no relation to the primary id

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Cures Act USCDI/ C-CDAv21 certification. I am looking for SDA3 examples for Newman-Bates-Kid/registry settings/advices on how to learn / whatever is helpful. InterSystems xsl files are clean but I am not working very often with xsl. I am mainly looking at Provenance and Clinical Notes, the 2 last errors we have. InterSystems documentation, so far I know, is very poor: only classes and some pages. Support has a small knowledge about SDA3 -> C-CDAv21 even if they try very hard to help.

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IRISTEMP - IRIS.DAT took up all the available disk space of almost 2 TB that leads to Production instance down.

After RCA the suspected cause was some SQL query but not confirmed as query result was received within a minute.

Currently we are monitoring the IRIS.DAT and it is continuously increasing and currently we set the MAX size for this DB, but not sure what will happen once it hit the MAX SIZE ?

Any clue why the IRISTEMP DB is not flushing the data from IRIS.DAT as i believe it is being mostly used for system processes and is in increasing trend at ~ 1GB/day?

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Hi Developers,

This November, you posted 68 new questions on the Developer Community:


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· Oct 19, 2022 3m read
Ingestion and Querying Speed Test

The capacity of taking numerous records every second while also facilitating real-time queries simultaneously in real time is called Hybrid Transactional Analytical Processing (HTAP). It is also called Transactional analytics or Transanalytics or Translytics and is a very useful element in scenarios where there is constant flow of real time data coming from IIOT sensors or data on fluctuations in stock market, and supporting the need for querying these data sets in real-time or near real-time.

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0 784

Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL @ Global Summit 2022
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According to the IRIS documentation, once a user id is identified, at lease one license will remain (forever if I understand it correcly). The documentation says "even if the number of processes under the user ID drops back under the maximum, InterSystems IRIS continues to allocate one license unit per process for that user ID. Only when all connections by the user ID are closed and there are no more processes under the user ID does license allocation reset to one unit for that user ID."

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I have a module that sends EMAIL from a Cache INT routine (listed below).

In order to make sure the columns align in the body of the message that the recipient receives I want to force the setting of the FONT and SIZE in the body.

Does anyone know what I need to insert in this code in order to control font and size?

Alternatively is there a way to send mail from within Cache that will keep column data aligned?



s server=##class(%Net.SMTP).%New()

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· Nov 30, 2022
Clear SDA field

Perhaps this is an issue that has long been discussed somewhere. I have searched for it but still could not find the solution anywhere. In our environment, we send a container of SDA objects to UCR from HealthConnect. To populate the container we do a SQL query on a source system and then populate the appropriate SDA objects. Sometimes it happens that I want to do an update of a field and I want to empty the corresponding SDA field. In other words, send an empty string. The Alert.toTime field of the object in question is filled with the date '2022-11-29Z13:00:00'.

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Hi Community,

The day has arrived — InterSystems FHIR Healthtech Incubator Caelestinus Final Demo Day, November 30, 2022!

We started Caelestinus 8 months ago in March with 22 outstanding teams. Today 15 teams will pitch what they have achieved so far and their message to the market!

I’m pleased to invite everyone to InterSystems FHIR Health Tech incubator Caelestinus Demo Day, which will happen in a hybrid online/offline mode: you can watch pitches online via starting at 2 p.m. CET or go in-person in IKEM — Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, the largest Czech medical research and clinical hospital.
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Hello everyone,

I talked to a colleague and he said that at the other company he worked, they converted a routine into a line and used that in the terminal like a command. So, I want to know if we have this function native in Intersystems products, or maybe was a program they created, my colleague doesn't remember and this would be useful for me now.


Example of function:

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We have a UNIX VM with an InterSystems IRIS instance which we cloned for testing purposes, and we have found that $System (which is used for self-identification in email notifications) is still showing the hostname of the original VM, rather than the hostname of the cloned VM. This is coming from $System.INetInfo.LocalHostHame().

Does anyone know what you need to change on a UNIX clone in order for it to display the appropriate new host name in $System?

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For a Linux host, has anyone developed an Ansible module that will start a session to IRIS and send commands?

What I am after is something like this:

1. Supply



Commands <- list

Prompt <- from session command

2. Send back the output from the session

If so please advise where I can download the module?

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Hello Developers.

I have a question regarding X12 834 file for Payers.

We have a client thats sending X12 834 file with single ST SE block and has thousands of members in one single block and X12 process is throwing STORE error when processing this file.

Has anyone ran into this issue and has a way of splitting 834 file into single <ST> <SE> block?

Thank you in advance


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