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Using SQL Gateway with Python, Vector Search, and Interoperability in InterSystems Iris

Part 3 – REST and Interoperability

Now that we have finished the configuration of the SQL Gateway and we have been able to access the data from the external database via python, and we have set up our vectorized base, we can perform some queries. For this in this part of the article we will use an application developed with CSP, HTML and Javascript that will access an integration in Iris, which then performs the search for data similarity, sends it to LLM and finally returns the generated SQL. The CSP page calls an API in Iris that receives the data to be used in the query, calling the integration. For more information about REST in the Iris see the documentation available at

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Using SQL Gateway with Python, Vector Search, and Interoperability in InterSystems Iris

Part 2 – Python and Vector Search

Since we have access to the data from our external table, we can use everything that Iris has to offer with this data. Let's, for example, read the data from our external table and generate a polynomial regression with it.

For more information on using python with Iris, see the documentation available at

Let's now consume the data from the external database to calculate a polynomial regression. To do this, we will use a python code to run a SQL that will read our MySQL table and turn it into a pandas dataframe:

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Using SQL Gateway with Python, Vector Search, and Interoperability in InterSystems Iris

Part 1 - SQL Gateway


In this article we will look at the use of SQL Gateway in Iris. SQL Gateway allows Iris to have access to tables from other (external) database via ODBC or JDBC. We can access Tables or Views from various databases, such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MySQL and others.

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Hi Community,

Enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Make Upgrades Easier - Introducing the Upgrade Impact Checklist @ Global Summit 2024
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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First, let me wish the developer community a Happy New Year! We hope to bring you many good things this year, and today I'd like to introduce the latest version of the Intersystems Language Server extension to VS Code. Most Language Server improvements are experienced via the ObjectScript extension UI, so you many not be aware of the many improvements in areas like Intellisense and hover overs that were released throughout 2024.

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I have an operation using $ZF this operation ran and did not error but the job has been active and it can not be stopped I have tried stopping it from the front end and through the terminal using ##class(ENSLIB.Job).%New() Stop method. Now my production will not update even if I add a new item to the production I cannot update the item is there a way to force stop this job.

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I have a scenario where I send a GET request to a broker and receive a FHIR response. When I attempted to use the built-in InterSystems functions to convert this FHIR response into SDA, the transformation failed—likely because it is not a standard FHIR request.

How should I handle this situation? Is there a recommended approach to processing FHIR responses in this context?

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While upgrading old Ensemble and Health Connect applications to V 2024.1 we are installing many webgateways since the private webserver is deprecated.

Configuring the "Default Parameters" we can determine the "Event Log Rotation Size" but not the count of preserved logfiles. So even if the webgateway cuts the logs in pieces they could fill up the disk space entirely for there seems to be no cleanup-job for old logfiles.

What is the recommended way to deal with this situation?

Do I have to create a schduled job on OS-level?

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Hello and welcome to the January 2025 Developer Community YouTube Recap.
InterSystems Global Summit
By Jon Sue-Ho, Senior Security Engineer, InterSystems
By Murray Oldfield, Mark Bolinsky
InterSystems Package Manager
By Timothy Leavitt, Bob Kuszewski
Containers & Kubernetes - Proper Use and Lessons Learned
By Mark Bolinsky, Ari Glikman, Bob Kuszewski, Kai Zou
Moving to InterSystems Reports
By Eric Hoelper, Michael Braam
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The task is to find all globals that are referenced in certain routines. I could search for ^ using class(%Studio.Project).FindInFiles but that would also find ^ in comments and function calls. I can distinguish between a global and a function call visually, but it would be lovely to be able to skip function calls programmatically. Is it possible?

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Hi Community,

Enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Driving Optimal Business Outcomes: InterSystems Supply Chain Solutions @ Global Summit 2024
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Hi Community,

We're excited to invite you to the webinar Configuring a Web Server for use with InterSystems IRIS.

Join this webinar for an engaging and insightful tech talk on the configuration of a web server to use with InterSystems IRIS.

Date & Time: Thursday, February 27, 10:30 AM GMT

👨‍🏫 Speaker: @Steve Mallam, HealthShare Team Lead, InterSystems UK&I

2025 Tech Talk Social Tile 27 Feb

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In the WRC, we frequently see customers contact us because their Web Gateway is unable to serve web pages. This article will explain a frequent reason why these errors can occur, and explain some tools which can be used to debug the problem. This explanation is focused on the Web Gateway serving InterSystems IRIS instances, but the same explanation should apply to the CSP Gateway serving Caché instances as well.

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The IKO allows for sidecars. The idea behind them is to have direct access to a specific instance of IRIS. If we have mirrored data nodes, the web gateway will (correctly) only give us access to the primary node. But perhaps we need access to a specific instance. The sidecar is the solution.

Building on the example from the previous article, we introduce the sidecar by using a mirrored data node and of course arbiter.

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Learning LLM Magic

The world of Generative AI has been pretty inescapable for a while, commercial models running on paid Cloud instances are everywhere. With your data stored securely on-prem in IRIS, it might seem daunting to start getting the benefit of experimentation with Large Language Models without having to navigate a minefield of Governance and rapidly evolving API documentation. If only there was a way to bring an LLM to IRIS, preferably in a very small code footprint....

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I set up all the credentials and IP, Port, Namespace, SSL/TLS Server Name and .ini file but I still cannot connect to db. and It says

Iris ODBC][State : 08S01][Native Code 459]
Connection via irisconnect failed:
Matching SSL server config not found in ssldefs.ini or registry

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In this article, exceptions are covered.

Working with Exceptions

Instead of returning a %Status response, you can raise and throw an Exception. You are then responsible for catching the exception and validating it. IRIS provides five main classes to handle exceptions effectively. Additionally, you can create custom exception class definition based on your needs.

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