Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a practical project guide to help me gain hands-on experience with InterSystems Ensemble HL7. Ideally, this guide would walk through building a small project — something that covers key concepts like message routing, transformations, and interoperability.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,891 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Community!

It's time to celebrate our 25 fellow members who took part in the latest InterSystems Technical Article Contest and wrote


The competition was filled with outstanding articles, each showcasing innovation and expertise. With so many high-quality submissions, selecting the best was no easy task for the judges.

Let's meet the winners and look at their articles:

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Hi ,

I am creating a report on Trakcare with the help of Jreport. But the date parameter from trakcare is not reading on Jreport and the report is blank.

If I hardcode the date on Jreport,it is displaying on Trakcare but not taking report from Trakcare.

Parameter used on report manager on Trakcare is $g(%request.Data("DateFrom",1)).

Can anyone please tell me any change of settings on Trakcare or Jreport will help to work ?

Thanks for the help


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· Mar 4
Message Count

Looking for a SQL query or any other method to find the Unique/distinct message counts for all productions or at least per production namespace within a given time frame. For e.g TimeCreated = January 2025 (Whole month)

I have used the following, but its not restricting the numbers based on the TimeCreated filter. Every time a new message is processed by system, its added to the total. I am running the query in today's date

Select Sum(MsgCount)


(Select DISTINCT TargetConfigName, count(DISTINCT SessionID) as MsgCount

FROM ENS.MessageHeader

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Hi all,

I'm working on a requirement to loop through all encounter streamlets(SDA) to identify specific encounters based on an encounter extension property for a patient fetch request. However, this current process is time-consuming, and we need to create indexes for that property to quickly retrieve the expected results without going through all the encounter streamlets of a patient.

I would appreciate help on how to achieve this, as I couldn't find any documentation explaining how to create indexes on a SDA element.

Thanks in advance.

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Hello and welcome to the January 2025 Developer Community YouTube Recap.
InterSystems Global Summit
"Code to Care" videos
Open Source and Proprietary LLMs
By Don Woodlock, Head of Global Healthcare Solutions, InterSystems
AI model distillation
By Nicholai Mitchko, Manager of Solution Partner Sales Engineering, InterSystems
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We recently changed the 'UserID" property in a "User" class from type of %String to be %Library.Username. This is for better consistency across our codebase regarding MAXLEN limit.

%Library.Username is a system wrapper datatype which extends %String and has a MAXLEN of 160. This change should have minimal/no impact on code behavior. However, we found that some SQL query cannot return expected rows after the change. Query will return empty values even if the entry is in the table.

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When we create a FHIR repository in IRIS, we have an endpoint to access information, create new resources, etc. But there are some resources in FHIR that probably we wont have in our repository, for example, Binary resource (this resource returns a document, like PDF for example).

I have created an example that when a Binary resource is requested, FHIR endpoint returns a response, like it exists in the repository.

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· 22 hr ago 5m read
FHIR SQL Builder: step by step

The FHIR standard establishes a powerful but flexible data model that can smoothly adapt to the complexities of operational healthcare data management. This flexibility comes at the cost of a data model with many tables and relationships, even for simple data such as the patient's record of telephone numbers, addresses, and emails. It would easily require querying 4 different tables. However, FHIR SQL Builder eliminates this problem, allowing you to create visual projections (mappings) in web wizards.

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I would like to convert an html zen page to PDF using wkhtmltopdf so I've installed it in Ubuntu and the command wkhtmltopdf but because I've my IRIS installed in a container that command is not recognized and we can't install wkhtmltopdf in the container so is there a way to be able to run this command?


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Hi Community,

Enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Customizing the InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service @ Global Summit 2024

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Unlike the movie mentioned in the image (for those who don't know, Matrix, 1999), the choice between Dynamic SQL and Embedded SQL is not a choice between truth and fantasy, but it is still a decision to be made. Below, I will try to make your choice easier.

If your need is interactions between the client and the application (and consequently the database), Dynamic SQL may be more appropriate, as it "adapts" very easily to these query changes. However, this dynamism has a cost: with each new query, it is remodeled, which can have a higher cost to execute. Below is a simple example of a Python code snippet.

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As the health interoperability landscape expands to include data exchange across on-premise as well as hosted solutions, we are seeing an increased need to integrate with services such as cloud storage. One of the most prolifically used and well supported tools is the NoSQL database DynamoDB (Dynamo), provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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Hey Community,

It's time for the first programming contest of the year, and there's a surprise so read on! Please welcome:

🏆 InterSystems AI Programming Contest: Vector Search, GenAI, and AI Agents 🏆

Duration: March 17 - April 6, 2025

Prize pool: $12,000 + a chance to be invited to the Global Summit 2025!

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Hello, dear colleagues.

I need to connect to a remote JavaGateway from an Ensemble service.

I am trying to use the EnsLib.JavaGateway.Service with a remote host where the JVM is running.

I can successfully ping the remote Java Gateway from EnsLib.JavaGateway.Service, and Ensemble reports that the service status is OK.

There are no network issues, and all necessary ports are accessible.

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Hi Folks,

I am an architect working on a program involving Weblink. I am new to InterSystems and I am looking for information around basic capabilities of Weblink. I understand that the version we are dealing with (2014) is not supported no need to review that :).

Thank you,


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