GlobalSummit too close now, so many people going to be there from so many companies. I'm sure that somebody already uses Docker or even Kubernetes in their work, I do. And would like to share my experience and thoughts about what could be better. And want to hear other people about their experience, how you use Docker, what issues have you faced and how did you solve it. I think InterSystems will help us to find time and place when we could do it, and hope @Luca Ravazzolo will join us.
We’re now less than a month away from our annual conference, the InterSystems Global Summit. This year, we’ll be descending on the beautiful outskirts of San Antonio, a city worth visiting for its wonderful river walkway and its 18th century Spanish Mission, even if it hadn’t been the location of this year’s InterSystems event. Leaving the tourist guidance to the tourist guides, let’s take a closer look at what the conference has in stock for you, including a dedicated post-summit symposium on AI and ML on Wednesday October 3!
Hi All,I'm getting the error when i tried to TEST LDAP Authentication .
"Connect error: 81 - Server Down",Actually Am a beginner for LDAP Connect with Intersystems Cache.
Please provide the Info to proceed further
We are proud to annouce our latest release of CachéQuality to help you to find and solve coding errors, refactoring, help to follow you coding guidelines, etc. You can check the latest release notes here.
I have Atelier client installed on a Mac and every now and then it just stops working. Currently I am getting this error when I try to synchronize my workspace with the server.
Synchronization failed: [server is broken] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Provider org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl could not be instantiated: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No generator was provided and there is no default generator registered
Is anyone else experiencing similar problems and if so, what is the work around?
The same piece of data never throws this error on other operations. I am getting this error on one always .
The same SDA container never throws error on other operation.
ERROR #6901: XSLT XML Transformer Error: SAXParseException: invalid character 0x1C (Occurred in an unknown entity)
Set xslt=##class(%Dictionary.XDataDefinition).%OpenId(..%ClassName(1)_"||Xmethod",-1,.tStatus) $$$ThrowOnError(tStatus) Set tStatus= ##class(%XML.XSLT.Transformer).TransformStream(myStream,xslt.Data,.OpStream) $$$ThrowOnError(tStatus)
For Global Summit 2016, I set out to showcase a Reference Architecture I had been working on for a National Provider Directory solution with State Level Instances and a National Instance all running HealthShare Provider Directory and all running on AWS Infrastructure.
In short, I wanted to highlight:
The implementation of Amazon Web Services to provision the infrastructure, including the auto-creation of the state level instances through Cloud Formation.
The use of the HSPD Broadcast functionality to Notify Upstream Systems Changes in Master Provider Data.
The implementation of a transformation of the standard Broadcast Object to HL7 MFN for interoperability.
The principals of Master Data Management applied to the Provider Directory.
This is the third article (see Part 1 and Part 2) where I continue to introduce you to the internal structure of Caché databases. This time, I will tell you a few interesting things and explain how my Caché Blocks Explorer project can help make your work more productive.
Currently, I'm working with a Java Gateway, and I have the following problem. When importing a class into IRIS, which uses methods from a generic class, I can not find the general methods I need. I'm talking about the test2 method from the class test. How can I import the java method that returns a generic?
trying to open this view from Atelier Explorere somethimes give me "java.lang.NullPointerException", sometimes "the resource is not on teh build path of a Script project"...
it's not reasonable why you have this menu-item within atelier explorer but not within project explorer...
At the global summit in Phoenix, we (Lite Solutions) will be presenting a tool performing static code analysis on ObjectScript source files. You can see it in action at this URL:
Does anyone have any experience with getting, unfortunately, an older version of Cache to authenticate via SMTP to send email? I have verified that the settings are set up properly on the mailbox as I have successfully sent an email from a LAMP server, which comes from the same IP address.
If you have any thoughts, I would greatly appreciate it.
This is the error I receive
ERROR #6034: SMTP server connection failed during MAIL FROM command: <READ>zSend+105^%Net.SMTP.1.
I have a healthshare web application with production, I try to make a field in basic setting of business service, and I would like to set a string to DISPLAYLIST and VALUELIST of that Property (string maked by query to sql table). I code the same here but it's syntax incorrect in DISPLAYLIST = GetTypeDisplay(), VALUELIST = GetTypeValue(). Someone know a best way to solved my problem? Thanks so much!