Hi Everyone,

Our next online Developer Roundtable will take place on September 28 at 9 am ET. Our experts will cover the topic:

  1. "Running IRIS workloads in the cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure): VMs or Containers, networking setup, availability, mirrors, backups", presented by @Eduard Lebedyuk , Senior Cloud Engineer, InterSystems

We will have time for Q&A and open discussion.

>> Watch the recording

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· Sep 13, 2023
InterSystems at HackMIT 2023

InterSystems team is heading to MIT's largest hackathon this weekend where we will introduce a tech challenge for hackers.
We offer hackers to use IntegratedML or InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator in their projects in order to compete for some really cool prizes!

If you are in Boston and would be interested to be an InterSystems mentor at the event - drop me a line.

UPDATE: We have our amazing winners! Check out these projects:

First Place – Fluxus Description | GitHub
Second Place – Carta Description | GitHub
Third Place – Manifest Description | GitHub

Thanks to everyone who took part in InterSystems Challenge!
Don't forget to join our Discord Server to stay in touch and receive notifications on upcoming InterSystems programming contests!

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Hi Everyone,

Join us at the online Developer Roundtable to discuss Generative AI Use Cases in Healthcare on August 31, 10 am ET.
Learn Use Cases + Reference Architecture in Healthcare, and witness the demo of LLMs. We will have time for Q&A and open discussion as usual.

Speaker: @Nicholai Mitchko , Manager, Solution Partner Sales Engineer, InterSystems

Background: Nicholai runs a team of 10 solution engineers at InterSystems that help healthcare companies design, develop, and deliver solutions at enormous scale. In his free time, Nicholai works on large language models, including developing his own models which appear on the Huggingface OpenLLM leaderboard.

See the recording on our YouTube channel:

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Our next Developer Meetup will take place on July 26, 17:30 pm at the CIC Venture Café in Cambridge.

Join us to learn Generative AI Use Cases + Reference Architecture in Healthcare, witness the demo of LLMs in Healthcare and share your thoughts on the topic.

RSVP here

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Hi Everyone,

Join the next online Developer Roundtable on July 27 to discuss how to optimize your dev practices. We'll have 2 short demos from our experts, time for Q&A and open discussion.

Invited experts:
@Timothy Leavitt , Development Manager, InterSystems
@Alex Woodhead, Senior Systems Developer, InterSystems
@Evgeny Shvarov, Senior Manager of Developer and Startup Programs, InterSystems

UPDATE: see the recording below or watch on YouTube

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Hi Community,

We invite you to take part in the Health Data De-Identifier Early Access Program. Sign up, tell us your feedback and grab some nice points: 2000 to all participants, 5000 extra for completing the survey.

If you are interested:

1️⃣ Join EAP group via this challenge

2️⃣ Follow these instructions

3️⃣ Complete the survey (leave your email so we could award the points on Global Masters; please note: you must be EAP participant in order to proceed with survey completion)

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Join the latest InterSystems Developer Meetup to learn how to analyze healthcare data.

FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is a global data standard in healthcare and it's great for interoperability but not great for analysis of that data.💡 Learn from InterSystems product managers and engineers how make SQL projections of FHIR data and build out Python Panda applications leveraging those projections.


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Hi Everyone,
Do you know that April 22 was the Earth Day?
Join us in celebrating Earth Day on Global Masters - by learning about our efforts for sustainability and how you can drive change on a personal level.
There you will not only learn about ways to reduce your carbon footprint, but you will also have the opportunity to get some extra points for it. The campaign is live till April 30
It's also a good time to check the reward catalog - we added a couple of new prizes for several regions. Hope you will enjoy them!

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Save the date! March 16th, 9 am EST | 2 pm CET we will host the first Thursday Tea with Global Masters!

This is a 60-min fun & networking event, as well as a short update and Q&A about the Global Masters program.

>> Please prepare a short 1-2 min presentation about yourself for this event - even better with some pictures 📷 we will also make 5-min breakout rooms to discuss your favorite hobby.

RSVP in this challenge on Global Masters.

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Hi Developers,

Thank you for spending another great year with us on Global Masters. We hope you enjoy the program!

This is the moment you can share your thoughts about Global Masters. What do you like about it? What you'd like to change?

Time to make your wishes for 2023, because this program is FOR you💫

We will build a roadmap for 2023 based on your answers, and we will continue working hard to make it the best developer gamification program!

➡️ Global Masters Survey 2022 (5 min, 10 questions)

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· Feb 14, 2023
Community Roundtable: AI / ML

Hi Community,

We are gathering again for the next Community Roundtable. Many of you asked for a roundtable about AL / ML, and we are delighted to bring such a roundtable to you!

Our invited expert from InterSystems: @Thomas Dyar Product Specialist - Machine Learning.

Join our 60-min discussion, prepare your questions, and use cases! There will be a short demo as well.

UPDATE: the recording is available here.

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Hi Community,

We're excited to announce a new ↔ Developers Connections activity on Global Masters.

Do you have a tricky question/topic you wish to discuss with someone with hands-on experience? We want to make it easy for you to network, brainstorm ideas and discuss questions with your peers.

Now you can request a connection on a certain topic via Global Masters challenge, and also reply to others' requests! Check out the "Connections" channel

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Hi Developers!

InterSystems continues the Developer Meetup event series. The next one will happen on November 17th from 5:30 pm-8 pm ET in Boston, MA, USA.
At this meetup, you will learn more about Kubernetes, Mirantis Lens tool, and how to run Lens with InterSystems IRIS IKO (InterSystems Kubernetes Operator).

Food and drink will be provided.

> Register here <

InterSystems <> Mirantis Developer Meetup on Kubernetes


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