· Sep 14, 2023

InterSystems Developer Community Roundtable - September 28 2023

Hi Everyone, 

Our next online Developer Roundtable will take place on September 28 at 9 am ET.  Our experts will cover the topic:

  1. "Running IRIS workloads in the cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure): VMs or Containers, networking setup, availability,  mirrors, backups", presented by @Eduard Lebedyuk , Senior Cloud Engineer, InterSystems 

We will have time for Q&A and open discussion.

>> Watch the recording
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Links mentioned in the call and chat: 

🔗 Slide Deck "Running IRIS workloads in the cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure) by @Eduard Lebedyuk , Senior Cloud Engineer, InterSystems 

🔗 Article: Highly available IRIS deployment on Kubernetes without mirroring

🔗 Keep your docker iris images in shape - article by Guillaume Rongier

🔗 intersystems-iris-dev-template - basic template available on Open Exchange for a development environment to work with ObjectScript in InterSystems IRIS. It helps you edit, compile, commit/push, debug and test your ObjectScript code. It also aids in packaging your application as a module installable with IPM. The template is embedded python compatible.

🔗 Reference to Docs on Metrics: iris_cpu_usage  Percent of CPU usage for all programs on the operating system


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