· Jun 15, 2023

Developer Meetup in Boston: Demos of Latest Predictive Analytics technology

Hi Community, 

We invite you to join our next Developer Meetup in Boston: What happens next? Demos of the Latest Predictive Analytics technology.

Date: Monday, June 26, 2023 at 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: Venture Café Cambridge

>> RSVP here <<



💬 InterSystems Overview and InterSystems Startup Program and Venture Fund - Dean Andrews, Head of Developer Relations, InterSystems

💬 ML Made Easy Using InterSystems IntegratedML: Discover the predictive capabilities of your data using SQL - Akshat Vora, Senior Systems Developer, InterSystems

💬 Predications on Data Over Time: a demo of InterSystems Time Series technology - Tom Dyar, Product Manager - Machine Learning, InterSystems

The event will include time for networking and connections between job seekers and hiring companies.

Free food, drink, beer, and wine provided.

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